

Careers in Switzerland for Foreign Graduates (E)

Ouvert au grand public Autre
13.11.2024 12:15 - 13:15
En ligne

You are a foreigner and you are about to obtain a degree from a Swiss higher education
institution ?

What are the possibilities for you to work in Switzerland ? How to mention your permit or resident status on your CV ? Which companies are more open to hire non-EU/EFTA graduates ? This online workshop will inform you about the administrative and legal aspects.

Open to students, graduates and doctoral candidates from all faculties. The participation is free of charge.

Quand? 13.11.2024 12:15 - 13:15
En ligne The MS Teams Code will be sent 1-2 days in advance.

 Lien événement en ligne

Intervenants Philippe Ory, Responsable d'Unité, Centre de compétences transverses et de carrière EPFL
Contact Career Services
Léa Ruppen
Avenue de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg



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