

Writing retreat with individual writing coaching

Academic or specialist Other
23.06.2025 09:00 - 25.06.2025 17:00

A three-day writing retreat in the idyllic retreat location of Münchenwiler, to fully dedicate yourself to writing your thesis. The aim of these three days is to offer participants space and support to maximise their efficiency in scientific writing. Sufficient time for individual writing is combined with personal advice and individual coaching.
The retreat will thus cover both the theoretical and practical aspects of writing, and will provide participants with an atmosphere that offers them maximum support. There will be plenty of material for course work and personal coaching.
Some input lectures on the topic of scientific writing will be given in English, while individual coaching will be provided in the respective language of the doctoral thesis (German, French or English).
Participation, including board and lodging for three days and two nights at Schloss Münchenwyler, as well as the writing training, is free of charge for doctoral students at the University of Fribourg.
Prior attendance at the academic writing workshop at the University of Fribourg Language Centre is highly recommended, but not compulsory.
The workshop is aimed at advanced doctoral students who are already writing their doctoral theses.

When? 23.06.2025 09:00    -    25.06.2025 17:00
Where? Münchenwyler
Kühergasse 7, 1797 Münchenwyler 
speaker Marc Matter
Contact Graduate Campus UniFR
Mirjam Andexlinger

