Globaler Süden: Sozialer Wandel

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Humanities
    Domain Social work, social policies and global development
    Code UE-L37.00127
    Type of lesson Lecture
    Level Master
    Semester SS-2025

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Friday 09:15 - 17:00, Cours bloc, STA 01, Room 0.106 (Spring semester)
    Saturday 09:15 - 17:00, Cours bloc, STA 01, Room 0.106 (Spring semester)


    • Torabian Juliette

    This course provides an overview of theories and concepts in the fields of international development and sociology to delineate the complexities of social change. Reflecting on case studies, this course examines the intersection of contextual (political, cultural, and socio-economic) factors and the international development agenda. It analyzes power struggles that occur at macro, meso, and micro levels and the consequent “positioning” and “position-taking” that define social change among different political and social actors in a given context.
    To better depict complexities of international development and social change, this course will examine national and international projects and statistics related to gender equality and women empowerment, education, health, migration, environment, food security, labor market, unemployment, and poverty.
    The first part of the course (4 sessions) provides the basic foundations and the historical and theoretical aspects of international development, i.e., a world order pursued by the Bretton Woods organizations as well as a discussion of some of the main discourses and mechanisms of international development including the UN charter and the declaration of Human Rights. It will also discuss relevant sociological theories that can explain social change.
    The second part of the course (4 sessions) will provide further insights into functioning, funding, rights and responsibilities, and priorities of international development in the recent two decades and its impact on social change in the Global South. It will examine, the shifting role of the Global South States as well as the capitalist economic system, political authoritarianism, the global value chains, and development particularly focusing on poverty, health, education, gender and human rights, migration, and environment.

    Softskills No
    Off field Yes
    BeNeFri No
    Mobility No
    UniPop No
  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    14.03.2025 09:15 - 17:00 Cours STA 01, Room 0.106
    15.03.2025 09:15 - 17:00 Cours STA 01, Room 0.106
    02.05.2025 09:15 - 17:00 Cours STA 01, Room 1.106
    03.05.2025 09:15 - 17:00 Cours STA 01, Room 1.106
  • Assessments methods

    Evaluation continue - SS-2025, Session d'été 2025

    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure

    Evaluation continue - SS-2025, Autumn Session 2025

    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure

    Evaluation continue - AS-2025, Session d'hiver 2026

    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure

    Evaluation continue - SS-2026, Session d'été 2026

    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure
  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    Environmental Sciences and Humanities [MA] 30
    Version: 2024_1/V_01
    Environmental Sciences and Humanities, minor Master > MSc-SE, Humanities and Theology Module, elective courses (from AS2024 on)

    European Studies 30 [MA]
    Version: SA14_MA_PS_bil_v01
    Enjeux économiques, politiques et sociaux en Europe > Sciences sociales > Option A; Module "Sciences sociales" (en allemand)

    MSc in Environmental Sciences and Humanities [MA] 120
    Version: 2024_1/V_01
    MSc in Environmental Sciences and Humanities, elective courses > MSc-SE, Humanities and Theology Module, elective courses (from AS2020 on)

    Sociology 30 [MA]
    Version: SA21_MA_SP_NP_de_v01
    Globaler Süden

    Sociology 90 [MA]
    Version: SA09_MA_VP_de_v01
    Wahlpflichtsmodule > (Semi-)Peripherien der Weltgesellschaft

    Sociology, Social Policy, Social Work 90 [MA]
    Version: SA21_MA_VP_de_v01
    Wahlpflichtmodule > Soziologie > MAsoz02 - WP1/2/3: Globaler Süden

    Sociology, Social Policy, Social Work 90 [MA]
    Version: SA17_MA_VP_de_v01
    Options > Sociology > Globaler Süden