

Exhibition "700 scarabs"

General public Exhibition

The exhibition aims to open up the fascinating world of images on 700 scarabs to everyone in a visually appealing, partly informative, partly playful way, thus providing a unique window into the cultural and religious world of Canaan.

The scientifically published Keel Collection is being shown to the public for the first time. Its collector, Othmar Keel, was Professor of the Old Testament at the University of Freiburg from 1967-2002. His iconographic research revolutionized the view of Canaanite culture.

The exhibition is divided into different thematic areas: History, symbolism and playful aspect, as small games are offered around the motifs of the scarabs.

When? 20.02.2025 18:30    -    30.09.2025
Where? MIS 02 Miséricorde - Musée Bible+Orient
Avenue de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
Contact Thomas Staubli
Elodie Bauer
Ruelle Laure-Dupraz 1
1700 Fribourg
+41 26 300 73 87 1
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