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Offres d'emploi supports advancement in higher education and research helping universities, academies, colleges, faculties, schools, academic departments, institutes and research centers to recruit domestic and international talents.

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L’Organizzazione Cristiano-Sociale Ticinese (OCST) è la più grande organizzazione sindacale del Cantone Ticino. Essa è un’associazione senza scopo di lucro che rappresenta gli interessi e difende i diritti delle lavoratrici e dei lavoratori di tutte le professioni, ne sostiene la formazione e incoraggia la partecipazione alla vita delle aziende. L’OCST ha ottenuto il riconoscimento di azienda “amica delle famiglie”. L’OCST è presente in tre regioni con sei sedi. OCST con i suoi quasi 40’000 membri, aderisce a Travail.Suisse, organizzazione nazionale mantello delle lavoratrici e dei lavoratori. Per completare il team dell’Assistenza giuridica del Segretariato regionale del Mendrisiotto cerchiamo una / un Sindacalista - Consulente giuridico

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Internship with the UNHCR Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein in Bern - PROTECTION. The UNHCR Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein offers attractive internships with the legal/protection unit as well as the external relations unit. The internships are available throughout the year and usually last six months. The Office acts as a country office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. We work closely with the Swiss authorities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other relevant actors in Switzerland and Liechtenstein for the protection of asylum seekers, refugees and stateless people. We also seek to support governments to find durable solutions for refugees.

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Internship with the UNHCR Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein in Berne - EXTERNAL RELATIONS. The UNHCR Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein offers attractive internships with the legal/protection unit and the external relations unit. The internships are available throughout the year and last six months.
The Office acts as a country office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. We work closely with the Swiss authorities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), refugees and other relevant actors in Switzerland and Liechtenstein for the protection of forcibly displaced and stateless persons. We also seek to support governments to find durable solutions for refugees

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Département fédéral des affaires étrangères DFAE. Des Séances d’information sur les Concours 2025. Une carrière dans les domaines de la « Coopération internationale », « Diplomatie » et des « Affaires consulaires, gestion et finances » vous intéresse ? Le DFAE recherche des profils variés pour des postes en Suisse et à l’étranger.

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For Swiss professionals aged 32 and under: New opportunities with OHCHR, UNDP, DPPA and UNOAU

We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a passion for human rights for the following positions (JPO, P-2 level):

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