Prof. Dr. Berno Büchel
Universität Freiburg
Lehrstuhl für Mikroökonomie
Büro F420
Bd. de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
Donnerstag, 15:00-16:00 Uhr
(Anmeldung per E-mail)
Social Networks, Game Theory, Microeconomics
Kurze Biografie
Since 2017: Professor at Université de Fribourg (Switzerland)
2015-2017: Research Associate at University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) and Liechtenstein-Institute
02-03, 2015: Visiting Scholar at Stanford University (USA)
2011-2015: Habilitation at University of Hamburg (Germany)
2009-2011: Post-doc at Saarland University (Germany)
2009: Dr. rer. pol. Bielefeld University (Germany)
2006-2007: Visiting University Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne (France)
2005: Lic. rer. pol. University of Berne (Switzerland)
Published in, e.g., Journal of Economic Theory (JET), Games and Economic Behavior (GEB), Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (JEDC), Journal of Legal Studies (JLS), Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (JEBO), European Economic Rview (EER)
Refereed for, e.g., Econometrica, Management Science, The Economic Journal, Journal of Economic Theory (JET), Journal of the European Economic Association (JEEA), International Economic Review (IER)