Oksana Ovsiiuk
I am a sociocultural anthropologist and historian from Kyiv, Ukraine. In 2022-2024 I was a visiting scholar at the Social Anthropology Unit of the University of Fribourg (postdoc). In June 2024 I joined the NCCR-research project “Dealing with Crises and Liminal Situations: The Agency of Ukrainian and Syrian Forced Migrants in Three National Contexts” as a researcher (University of Neuchâtel).
In Ukraine, I have worked in different institutions: from 2014 to 2020, I was part of the team of the Sociocultural Anthropology Department of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies in Kyiv where I held various positions. Since 2017, I have been a co-founder and deputy head of the NGO "Center for Applied Anthropology". I have held the position of Scientific Projects Coordinator at the National Centre of Folk Culture "Ivan Honchar Museum" and the position of editor-in-chief of the "Ukraina Moderna" on-line journal since 2020.
My research interests include the historical anthropology and anthropology of modernity, migration studies, urban anthropology, urban history, history of everyday life.
Author of one individual monograph:
- O. Ovsiiuk, Life after the occupation: life of Kyiv in 1943 – 1945 (K.: Duliby, 2017. - 176 p.) [Ukr.]
Co-author of two collective monographs:
- Bordering the metropolis: Kyiv’s suburbs in anthropological optics (Irpin case study), scientific editor Oksana Ovsiiuk. (K.: Duliby, 2019. - 160 p.) [Ukr.]
- Anthropology of transformations: Ukrainian society in the context of globalization and intercultural interaction, scientific editor Maryna Hrymych (K.: Duliby, 2018. - 184 р.) [Ukr.]
Author of publications:
- Activity of Kyivpromtorg to satisfy the needs of Kyiv residents in consumer goods (1943 – 1945) // Struggle for Ukraine over 1943 – 1944: power, armed forces, society. Collection of scientific works / responsible editor O.Ye. Lysenko. – Kyiv: The Institute of the History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2014. – P. 537 - 542. [Ukr.]
- Kyiv dwellings: condition, use, housekeeping (1943 – 1945) // Ukrainian Culture of ХХ – ХХІ: social and anthropologic aspect. – Kyiv: 2015. – P. 162 – 205. [Ukr.]
- Daily life of population of Kyiv during 1943 – 1945 in Soviet and Domestic scientific literature // Ukrainoznavstvo. – Kyiv, 2015. – No. 3 (56).– P. 109 – 118. [Ukr.]
- Cinemas as a form of urban leisure and a means of informational influence on the population of Kyiv (1941–1945) // Pages of military history of Ukraine: Collection of scientific works / responsible editor O.Ye. Lysenko. – Kyiv: The Institute of the History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2016. – No. 19 – P. 168 - 174. [Ukr.]
- Content analysis of publications in the “Ukrainian Historical Journal”: the current state of research into the history of Ukraine in the Second World War // Ukrainoznavstvo. – Kyiv: 2017. – No. 1-2. – P. 119 – 128. [Ukr.]
- Between city and country, or life in the metropolitan suburbs // Cultural landscape of Kyiv and its neighborhoods: Collection of scientific works / responsible editor M. Hrymych. – Kyiv: Duliby, 2017. – P. 287 – 293. [Ukr.]
- Anthropological research of the local urban community of Irpin (In co-authorship with Soboleva O., Polek T.) // Ukrainoznavstvo. – Kyiv, 2017. – No. 64. – P. 214–231. [Ukr.]
- Atypical childhood: everyday life of the military town of Ukraine 1990 - early 2000s according to the memories of children of servicemen // Field: Collection of scientific works on the history, theory and methodology of field research. Vol. 2: Subcultures, everyday life, ethnography of science. – Kyiv: Duliby, 2017. – P. 265–287. [Ukr.]
- Conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the events of the Second World War in the era of postmodernism // Anthropology of transformations: Ukrainian society in the context of globalization and intercultural interaction. – Kyiv: Duliby, 2017. – P. 52-67. [Ukr.]
- Research of the Kyiv suburbs in the border paradigm (on the example of Irpin) // Ukrainoznavstvo. – Kyiv: 2018. – No. 4. – P. 136–147. [Ukr.]
- In search of suburban comfort: informal practices of newcomers to the Kiev suburbs (In co-authorship with Soboleva O.) // Commons. – No. 12. Space and Inequality, 2019. – P. 76–81. [Ukr.]
- and other publications.