
  • 2020-2024
    • 2020
    • 2021
      • Boscoboinik Andrea. 2021. "Gender and Ethnographic Fieldwork". In: Lustenberger Sibylle, Hovhannisyan Siran, Boscoboinik Andrea, Shahanzaryan Gohar (eds.), Gender in Research and Politics. Developments, Intersections and Perspectives, p. 31-51. Zürich: LIT.
      • Brives Charlotte, Matthäus Rest, Salla Sariola. 2021. With Microbes. Manchester: Mattering Press.
      • Cretton Viviane, Andrea Boscoboinik, Andrea Friedli. 2021. La montagne entre terrain de jeu et punition. Dans Le Musée de Bagnes (ed), Label Montagnard, Infolio Editions, pp. 44-49.
      • Heini Céline, Anne Lavanchy, Denisse Sepúlveda Sánchez. 2021. ‘“Feel-” and Fieldwork in Times of Crisis: Collective Reflections Drawing on the Case of the Chilean Revuelta Social’. Communication presented at the Société Suisse d’Ethnologie SSE, Re-viewing «the field»: Contemporary debates and approaches to fieldwork, online, April 23.

      • Hendy Jessica, Matthäus Rest, Christina Warinner. The Origins of Yoghurt Microbes: History of Yoghurt Part 1. An essay on Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to make yogurt. In: Dunn R, Vandegrift M, Dufresne K, Ciccone K (eds.) Fermentology. Raleigh: NC State University Libraries.
      • Hendy Jessica, Matthäus Rest, Christina Warinner. 2021. The Ancient History of Yoghurt: History of Yoghurt, Part 2. An exploration of our earliest relationships with yoghurt microbes. In: Dunn R, Vandegrift M, Dufresne K, Ciccone K (eds.) Fermentology. Raleigh: NC State University Libraries.
      • Hendy Jessica, Matthäus Rest, Christina Warinner. 2021. The Modern History of Yoghurt: History of Yoghurt, Part 3. In: Dunn R, Vandegrift M, Dufresne K & Ciccone K (eds.) Fermentology. Raleigh: NC State University Libraries.
      • Hendy Jessica, Matthäus Rest, Mark Aldenderfer, Christina Warinner. Cultures of Fermentation: Living with Microbes: an Introduction to Supplement 24, in Current Anthropology 62 (supp. 24), S197-S206.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka. 2021. “China’s Belt and Road Initiative: ein ‘siebenköpfiger Drache’,” Interview in the student magazine Spectrum, September 2021.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka. 2021. Commissioned review of “Care and Ageing in North-West China” (by Heila Sha, 2019). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 27: 737-38.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka (managing editor). 2021. Special issue “Senses.” Roadsides.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka (managing editor). 2021. Special issue “Archive.” Roadsides.
      • Jug Katja, Madlen Kobi. 2021. "Sensing the Cold. Biopolitics of Inexistent Heating Infrastructure in Chongqing (China)." Roadsides#6: 62-71. 
      • Lord Austin, Rest Matthäus. 2021. “Nepal’s Water, the People’s Investment?” Hydropolitical Volumes and the Promise of Speculative Refrains, in Loloum T, Abram S & Ortar N (eds.) Ethnographies of Power: Citizenship, Governmentality and Energy Security along the Grid. Oxford: Berghahn, 81-108.
      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2021. “Being Jewish and LGB”. In: Gerber Paula (ed.), Worldwide Perspectives on Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals: Culture, History and Law, Volume 1: Culture and History, 236-256New York: Praeger Publishers.
      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2021. "Introduction: Gender in Research and Politics” In: Lustenberger Sibylle, Hovhannisyan Siran, Boscoboinik Andrea, Shahanzaryan Gohar (eds.), Gender in Research and Politics. Developments, Intersections and Perspectives, p. 7-19. Zürich: LIT.
      • Lustenberger Sibylle, Hovhannisyan Siran, Boscoboinik Andrea, Shahanzaryan Gohar (eds.). 2021. Gender in Research and Politics. Developments, Intersections and Perspectives. Zürich: LIT.
      • Reichhardt Björn. 2021: “From anatomic analogies to arrhythmic timescapes: Roads and development in northern Mongolia” Central Asian Survey, 41(2), special issue “Technology, temporality and the study of Central Asia” edited by Julia Obertreis and Jonas van der Straeten: 277-296 

      • Reichhardt Björn. 2021: “Pastoral Dairying in Rural Mongolia: Microbes as Heritage” Archaeology of Food and Foodways (1): 85-102. 

      • Reichhardt Björn, Zoljargal Enkh-Amgalan, Christina Warinner, Matthäus Rest. 2021. Enduring Cycles: Documenting Dairying in Mongolia and the Alps, in Current Anthropology 62 (supp. 24), S343–S348.
      • Rest Matthäus. 2021. Preserving the microbial commons: Intersections of ancient DNA, cheesemaking, and bioprospecting, in Current Anthropology 62 (supp. 24), S349–S360.
      • Rest Matthäus. 2021. I is for Incubator, in Hey M (ed.) musings: food feminism fermentation. 2021 edition. Montreal: food feminism fermentation, 36.
      • Rest Matthäus. 2021. Oimroas: notes on a summer alpine journey, in Brives C, Rest M & Sariola S (eds.) With Microbes. Manchester: Mattering Press, 84-99.
      • Rest Matthäus (As part of the Kilpisjärvi Collective). 2021. Introducing with Microbes: From witnessing to withnessing, in Brives C, Rest M, Sariola S. (eds.) With Microbes. Manchester: Mattering Press, 17-40.
      • Rest Matthäus, Jessica Hendy, Mark Aldenderfer, Christina Warinner. 2021. Cultures of Fermentation. Current Anthropology.
      • Sepúlveda Sánchez Denisse, Anne Lavanchy, Céline Heini, and Aline Acevedo. 2021. ‘Chile, October and November 2019: “Feel” and Field‐work in Times of Crisis’. Anthropology Today. 37 (2): 23–25. 

      • White, Thomas. 2021. “Pastoralism and the State in China’s Inner Mongolia.” Current History 120 (827): 227–32. Link to special issue.
      • Vuilleumier Louis. 2021. “Lost in Transition to Adulthood? Illegalized Male Migrants Navigating Temporal Dispossession”. Social Sciences, 10(7): 250.
    • 2022
      • Besençon Sylvain. 2022. (Dé)coder la sécurité de l’information entre maintenance et innovation : le cas d’OpenPGP. RESET. Recherches en sciences sociales sur Internet, nᵒ11 (mars 2022).

      • Biczyk Gosia, Ulan Djaparov, Philipp Reichmuth, Aida Sulova and Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi. 2022. Asphalt Lines and Lives. Exhibition Catalogue. Fribourg: University of Fribourg.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka, Alessandro Rippa, Jessica Clendenning, Jessica DiCarlo, Matthew S. Erie, Max Hirsh, Hasan H. Karrar, Verena La Mela, Juliet Lu, Till Mostowlansky, Galen Murton, Huiying Ng, Roger Norum, Tim Oakes, Nadine Plachta, Björn Reichhardt, Jasnea Sarma, Emilia Sulek, Dorothy Tang, Zarina Urmanbetova, Thomas White. 2022. Demystifying the Belt and Road Initiative. Fribourg, Munich and Boulder.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka (managing editor). 2022. Special issue “Infrastructure and the Animal.” Roadsides.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka (managing editor). 2022. Special issue “Logistics.” Roadsides.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka, Alessandro Rippa. “China in Central Asia: Fact-checking and myth-busting,” Interview for, August 2022. In English:, in German:
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka, Zarina Urmanbetova. “The Politics of Infrastructure Maintenance and Decay,” The Belt and Road Podcast, episode 55, February 2022. Available on Spotify, Apple podcasts and 
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka, Verena La Mela, Emilia Róża Sułek, Thomas White, Zarina Urmanbetova, Ksenia Diodorova and Anastasia Voronetskaya. 2022. Fieldwork: Creating anthropological knowledge. A multimedia story.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka. 2022. “Social Anthropology and Art.” In: Asphalt: Lines and Lives. Exhibition Catalogue, edited by Gosia Biczyk, Ulan Djaparov, Philipp Reichmuth, Aida Sulova and Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi, 6-11. Fribourg: University of Fribourg.
      • Kobi Madlen. 2022. “Chongqing (People’s Republic of China). The Electrification of the Urban Fabric. On Governing the Built Environment’s Seasonality”. In: Roesler, Sascha, Madlen Kobi, Lorenzo Stieger (Hrsg.). Coping with Urban Climates. Comparative Perspectives on Architecture and Thermal Governance. Basel: Birkhäuser, 97-118.
      • Kobi Madlen. 2022. "The Biopolitics of Thermal Governance: Energy Infrastructure and State-Citizen Relationships in Chongqing." In: Urban Infrastructure. Historical and Social Dimensions of an Interconnected World. Edited by J. Heathcott, J. Soffer and R. Zimmermann, Pittburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 74-88.
      • La Mela Verena. 2022. “Khorgos: The Making of an Equal Twin on the Sino-Kazakh Border.” In: Twin Cities Across Five Continents: Interactions and Tensions on Urban Borders, edited by Ekaterina Mikhailova, 197–208. Milton: Taylor & Francis.
      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2022. Alpine “Prosumer”: Von Menschen, die Generatoren am Laufen halten. Syntopia Alpina.
      • Oakes Tim, Jessica Clendenning, Jessica DiCarlo, Matthew S. Erie, Max Hirsh, Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi, Hasan H. Karrar, Verena La Mela, Juliet Lu, Till Mostowlansky, Galen Murton, Huiying Ng, Roger Norum, Nadine Plachta, Björn Reichhardt, Alessandro Rippa, Jasnea Sarma, Emilia Sulek, Dorothy Tang, Zarina Urmanbetova, Thomas White. China’s Global Development Model: Looking Beyond the Belt and Road Initiative. Fribourg, Munich, and Boulder.
      • Reichhardt Björn, Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko. 2022: “Plastic Purity and Sacred Dairy: Microbes, Vitality and Standardisation in Mongolian Dairying” Copenhagen Journal for Asian Studies 40(1): 66-90.

      • Roesler Sascha, Madlen Kobi, Lorenzo Stieger. “Architecture and Thermal Governance. Six Components”. In: Roesler, Sascha, Madlen Kobi und Lorenzo Stieger (Hrsg.). Coping with Urban Climates. Comparative Perspectives on Architecture and Thermal Governance. Basel: Birkhäuser, 147-160. 
      • Roesler Sascha, Madlen Kobi, Lorenzo Stieger (Hrsg.). Coping with Urban Climates. Comparative Perspectives on Architecture and Thermal Governance. Basel: Birkhäuser. 
      • Roesler Sascha, Madlen Kobi, Lorenzo Stieger, Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan, Adrian Ehrat, with the support of Lionel Epiney and Dalila Ghodbane. 2022. “New Urban Climate Protocols. Visualizing Socio-climatic Differences”. In: Roesler, Sascha, Madlen Kobi und Lorenzo Stieger (Hrsg.). Coping with Urban Climates. Comparative Perspectives on Architecture and Thermal Governance. Basel: Birkhäuser, 161-208.
      • Sischarenco Elena. 2022. “Book Review: Massimiliano Mollona, Cristina Papa, Veronica Redini, Valeria Siniscalchi, Antropologia delle imprese. Lavoro, reti, merci.Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, 1: 179-181.
      • Sułek Emilia. 2022. “Donkey Selfies: Chinese Roads in Kyrgyzstan.” Roadsides 8: 17–22.
      • Sułek Emilia. 2022. “Jaka gościnna ta prostytucja! Feministyczna krytyka antropo-nonsensu.» In: Fragmenty większej całości. Dla Jerzego S. Wasilewskiego, edited by Agnieszka Kościańska, Magdalena Radkowska-Walkowicz and Tomasz Rakowski, 319-29. Warszawa: Warsaw University Press.
      • Urmanbetova Zarina, Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi. “Welcome and Unwelcome Connections: Travelling Post-Soviet Roads in Kyrgyzstan.” Central Asian Survey. 41 (2): 260–76.
      • White Thomas. 2022. “Speaking of Mountain Deities Beyond the County Border: Postsocialist Cosmopolitics and State Territoriality in Inner Mongolia, China.” In: Cosmopolitical Ecologies Across Asia: Places and Practices of Power in Changing Environments, edited by Riamsara Kuyakanon, Hildegard Diemberger and David Sneath, 165–83. Abingdon, Oxon, New York, NY: Routledge.
      • White Thomas, Emilia Sułek. 2022. “Introduction: Infrastructure and the Animal.” Roadsides  8: 1–8.
    • 2023
      • Boscoboinik Andrea, Cretton Viviane, Offenhenden Maria. 2023. Presentación Número monográfico: Vivir en la montaña. Imaginarios, in/movilidades y sentido de pertenencia, Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 38(2), 151-164.
      • Boscoboinik Andrea, Cretton Viviane, Offenhenden Maria. 2023. Presentation Special Issue: Living in the Mountains. Reframing Imaginaries, Im/mobilities and Sense of Belonging. Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 38(2), 165-177.
      • Bozzini David. (2023). How Vulnerabilities Became Commodities. The Political Economy of Ethical Hacking (1990-2020).

      • Feri Vanessa. 2023. Von Pionieren der Kreislaufwirtschaft lernen. Ein ethnografischer Forschungsbericht zur Wiederverwendung von Bauteilen in der Schweiz. Forschungsbericht.
      • Friedli Andrea, Boscoboinik Andrea. 2023. Mobilities in the Swiss Alps: Circulation and Rootedness, Quaderns De l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 38(2), 249-263.
      • Haller Tobias, Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi, Christoph Oberlack, Lara M. Lundsgaard-Hansen, Kaspar Hurni, Samuel Weissmann. “The New Global Connect: Mega-Infrastructure Projects and Their Local Impacts.” Swiss Academies Factsheets. 18 (1). 
      • Heini Céline. 2023. ‘“I’m Somewhat White, but Not All the Time”. Whiteness Boundaries from the Perspective of Chilean (Descent) People in Switzerland’. Communication presented at the Intersectional, Postcolonial and Digital Approaches to Researching Racialised Minorities in Postmigration Contexts in Europe, CNRS – CRESSPA, Paris, France, May 15.

      • Heini Céline. 2023. ‘Las Fronteras de La Blancura Desde Las Trayectorias de Vida de Chilen@s En Suiza’. Communication presented at the XVI Congreso Antropología ASAEE, La Coruña, Espagne, September 7.

      • Heini Céline. 2023 ‘Researching on Race and Whiteness in Switzerland. Methodological and Epistemological Reflections on Discomfort’. Communication presented at the Anthropology Conference 2023, Relations and Beyond, Rovaniemi, Finlande, March 22.

      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka, Madlen Kobi. 2023. “80 Jahre Sozialanthropologie in Freiburg,” interview by Lovis Cassaris und Julian Steiner.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka. 2023. “Ethnicizing infrastructure: roads, railways and differential mobility in northwest China.” In The Central Asian World, edited by Jeanne Feaux de la Croix and Madeleine Reeves, 269-83. London and New York: Routledge.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka (managing editor). 2023. Special issue “Urban Bioinfrastructures.” Roadsides.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka (managing editor). 2023. Special issue “Gendering Infrastructure.” Roadsides.
      • Kobi Madlen. 2023. "Urban Energy Landscape in Practice. Architecture, Infrastructure and the Material Culture of Cooling in Post-Reform Chongqing (PR China)." Contribution to the Special Issue “Heat in Urban Asia.” Urban Studies. (online first).
      • Kobi Madlen. 2023. “Book Review: Andrew Grant, The Concrete Plateau: Urban Tibetans and the Chinese Civilizing Machine.” Inner Asia 25(1): 172–74.
      • Kobi Madlen, Elena Sischarenco, Vanessa Feri. 2023. “Human Energy. An Anthropological Perspective on Labour and Skills in  Circular Construction.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series
      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2023. Alpine “Prosumer” : Von Menschen, die Generatoren am Laufen halten. In:  Benutzen. Hegen. Pflegen. Die Alpen im Anthropozän, herausgegeben vom Urner Institut Kulturen der Alpen, 30-38. Hier und Jetzt.
      • Moderbacher Carolyn Rydynznski, Rest Matthäus. 2023. Die Barmstoa vor Augen: gehen, oder bleiben?. Audio-guide/Podcast about the life of Agnes Primocic, as part of the project Orte des Gedenkens: Unterwegs mit Agnes Primocic, curated by Kathi Hofer.
      • Reichhardt Björn. 2023. “Embracing Landscape: Living with Reindeer and Hunting among Spirits in South Siberia by Selcen Küçüküstel” Inner Asia 25(1). Book review: 178-181.
      • Reichhardt Björn, Rest Matthäus. 2023. Dairy Cultures Ethnographic Database.
      • Rest Matthäus. Wenn Kulturen versagen: Antibiotika, fragile Bakterien und geblähter Käse, in Figurationen 02/23, 78-86.
      • Sischarenco Elena. “Prepared to Face the Unexpected: Dynamic Enterprises in Italy as a Model of Resilience.” Journal of Business Anthropology, 12(2): 214-233.
      • Sischarenco Elena. 2023. “Le contraddizioni dell’interdisciplinarità: il caso di un progetto europeo nell’industria 3D.” In Pizza G. & Schirripa P. Una prospettiva di conoscenza fra l’antropologia e le altre discipline, Nuova Mnemosyne, Argo, Lecce. ISBN: 9788882342142
      • Sischarenco Elena. 2023. “Managing the caos. Un’indagine etnografica dell’impresa italiana” in Coda V. Il segreto italiano. Tutta la bellezza che c’è, 99-120, Treccani.
      • Sischarenco Elena, Toni Luomaranta. “Policy-driven Responsibility for Innovations and Organisational Learning: An Ethnographic Study in Additive Manufacturing Product Innovations”, The Learning Organization, 30 (6): 740-759.
      • Sulek Emilia. 2023. Zug um Zug: Die 25 Jahre lang geplante Eisenbahnlinie China-Kirgisistan-Usbekistan erhält durch den Krieg in der Ukraine neues Leben. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. Article in German:, article in English:
      • Tecle Samia, David Bozzini. (2023). Escaping Eritrea, Entering Sidet: Young Refugees Realizing Voice, Autonomy and Responsibility in Exile. In E. Chase, D. Chatty, & N. Sigona (Eds.), Becoming Adult on the Move. Migration Journeys, Encounters and Life Transitions (pp. 67-88). Palgrave Macmillan. 

      • Vuilleumier Louis. (2023). The Fine Art of Camouflage: Migrant-Drug Distributors Negotiating Police Interactions in Switzerland. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 709(1), 165-183. 

      • Warinner Christina, Björn Reichhardt, Matthäus Rest, et al. 2023. Dairy Cultures: The Science of Mongolian Heritage. Group Exhibition at the Mongolian Natural History Museum, Ulaanbaatar.
    • 2024
      • Angst Marc, Vanessa Feri, Andreas Oefner, Cynthia Ott, Oliver Streiff, Annette Zoller-Eckenstein. 2024. Merkblatt Wiederverwendung von Bauteilen.
      • Bozzini David, Marion Fresia, Olivia illias, Anne Lavanchy. (Eds.). 2024. Engagements. Penser la responsabilité de l’anthropologue avec Ellen Hertz. Alphil PUS.

      • Cañada Jose, Sariola Salla, Rest Matthäus. In press. "Introduction: Situated Microbes: Beyond the Pathogenic Towards the Environmental". In: Engaging Science, Technology, and Society.
      • Heini Céline. 2024. ‘Colonial Privilege? Contested Whiteness in Migranticising Switzerland from the Perspective of Chileans of European Descent’. Communication presented at the EASA, Doing and Undoing with Anthropology, Barcelona, Espagne, July 25.

      • Heini Céline. 2024. ‘Colonial Privilege? Whiteness and Migrantisation: Chileans with European Ancestry in Switzerland’. Communication presented at the LASA, Reacción y Resistencia: Imaginar Futuros Posibles en las Américas, Bogotá, Colombie, June 12.

      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka. 2024. Commissioned review of “Highways to the End of the World: Roads, Roadmen and Power in South Asia” (by Edward Simpson, 2022). Bloomsbury Pakistan

      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka (as editor-in chief). 2024. Special issue “Infrastructural Anxieties.” Roadsides 012.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka (as editor-in chief). 2024. Special issue “Concrete.” Roadsides 011
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka and Madlen Kobi. 2024. "Bilde Guanxi oder geh unter! Autorität und Seniorität beim Aufbau von sozialem Forschungskapital in Nordwestchina." In: Tausch. Beziehungen. Sozialanthropologische Perspektiven, edited by Corinne Schwaller, Madlen Kobi, Rahel Jud and Christoph Imhof, 89-101. Zürich: LIT.
      • Kobi Madlen. 2024. "Building Shanghai in the Borderlands. A Visual Approach to the Restructuring of the Uyghur City in Xinjiang." Visual Studies. 39(1–2): 100–111.
      • Lavanchy Anne, Olivia Killias, Marion Fresia, David Bozzini. 2024. "L’art de l’engagement". In: D. Bozzini, M. Fresia, O. Killias, & A. Lavanchy (Eds.), Engagements. Penser la responsabilité de l’anthropologue avec Ellen Hertz. Alphil PUS.
      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2024. Judentum in Bewegung. Die Entstehung gleichgeschlechtlicher Elternschaft in Israel. 
      • Lustenberger Sibylle, DePretto Sebastian, Boogen Annina. 2024. Rasche Mitigation. In: Die Alpen für eine Klimapositive Schweiz, herausgegeben von Ivo Schillig und Boris Previšić, 20-24. Urner Institut Kulturen der Alpen.
      • Rest Matthäus. In press. "From Yam to Sponge: Recent Controversies around Nepal’s Sovereignty, Territory and Hydropower". In: Cameron M, Campbell B & Subba T (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Himalayas: Environments, Developments and Wellbeings, London: Routledge.
      • Schreiber Markus, Lustenberger Sibylle, DePretto Sebastian. 2024. "Rechtliche Regulierungen". In: Die Alpen für eine Klimapositive Schweiz, herausgegeben von Ivo Schillig und Boris Previšić. 112-114. Urner Institut Kulturen der Alpen.
      • Vuilleumier Louis. 2024. "Post-Camp Condition: Sub-Saharan Male Migrants Maintaining a Constellation of Refuge-Zones". Ethnos

      • Zuev Dennis, Madlen Kobi. 2024. “The Spectacle of the Chinese City: Urban Atmospheres, the Built Environment and Everyday Practices.” Visual Studies. 39 (1-2): 8–23. 
  • 2015-2019
    • 2015
      • Anders Gerhard, Olaf Zenker. 2015. "Transition and justice: an introduction", in: Anders Gerhard, Zenker Olaf (eds.), Transition and justice: negotiating the terms of new beginnings in Africa, p. 1-19. Malden Wiley-Blackwell.
      • Anders Gerhard, Olaf Zenker (eds.). 2015. Transition and justice: negotiating the terms of new beginnings in Africa. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.
      • Bozzini David. 2015. "The Fines and the Spies: Fears of State Surveillance in Eritrea and in the Diaspora". Social Analysis 59(4): 32-49.
      • Friedli Andrea. 2015. "L’ethnicité dans la ville : la culture urbaine des jeunes Tatars à Kazan". Diogène 251-252(3): 118-129.
      • Giordano Christian. 2015. "The Importance of Personalized Relationship in Post-Socialist Rural Bulgaria: Informality of New Capitalist Entrepreneurs", in: Morris Jeremy, Polese Abel (eds.), Informal Economies in Post-Socialist Spaces: Practices, Institutions and Networks, p. 175-192. Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
      • Giordano Christian. 2015. "L’organisation sociale d’une diaspora urbaine. Corporations, factions et réseaux chez les sino-malaisiens de Penang". Diogène. 251-252(3): 147-159.
      • Giordano Christian (ed.). 2015. Power, Legitimacy, Historical Legacies. A Disenchanted Political Anthropology. Wien: LIT Verlag (Freiburger sozialanthropologische Studien 43).
      • Giordano Christian. 2015. "Transition/Transformation and Crisis: Investigating Southeast European Societies through Conceptual Expedients". Ethnologia Balkanica: Journal for Southeast European Anthropology. 18: 27-45.
      • Jensen Steffen, Olaf Zenker. 2015. «Homelands as frontiers: apartheid's loose ends - an introduction». Journal of Southern African Studies 41(5): 937-952.
      • Jensen Steffen, Olaf Zenker. 2015. Homelands as frontiers: apartheid's loose ends - an introduction. In: Homelands as frontiers: apartheid's loose ends - an introduction. 41(5). [Special Issue].
      • Rüegg François (ed.). 2015. Des collections sortent de l'oubli : un trésor, une histoire. Ethnologie - Anthropologie sociale. Fribourg: Pro Ethnographica.
      • Rüegg François. 2015. "Les nouveaux riches en leurs "palais" : un aspect de la transformation urbaine dans les pays anciennement socialistes". Diogène. 251-252(3): 130-146.
      • Rüegg François. 2015. "Reflections on an abused concept: (Ethnic) Minority. Postface", in: Schüler Sonja (ed.) Exchange, Dialogue, New Divisions? Ethnic Groups and Political Cultures in Eastern Europe, p. 87-109. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2015. "De-judicialization, outsourced review and all-too-flexible bureaucracies in South African land restitution". The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology. 33(1): 81–96.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2015. "Failure by the numbers? Settlement statistics as indicators of state performance in South African land restitution", in: Rottenburg Richard, Merry Sally Engle, Park Sung-Joon, Mugler Johanna (eds.), A world of indicators: the making of governmental knowledge through quantification,102-126. Cambridge Cambridge University Press.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2015. "New law against an old state: land restitution as a transition to justice in post-apartheid South Africa?", in: Anders Gerhard, Zenker Olaf (eds.), Transition and justice: negotiating the terms of new beginnings in Africa,113-134. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2015. "South African land restitution, white claimants and the fateful frontier of former KwaNdebele". Journal of Southern African Studies. 41(5): 1019-1034.
    • 2016
      • Boscoboinik Andrea. 2016. "¿Por qué estudiar los miedos desde la antropología?". Arxiu d’Etnografia de Catalunya. (16): 119–136
      • Bozzini David. 2016. "Cryptographie et surveillance digitale", in: Gonseth Marc-Olivier, Knodel Bernard, Laville Yann, Mayor Grégoire, Schinz Olivier (eds.), Secrets. Opacités du patrimoine culturel immatériel, 276-287. Neuchâtel: Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel. 
      • Bozzini David. 2016. "Les réfugiés discrédités dans la crise de l'asile en Europe ?". Asyl 1(16): 2.
      • François Rüegg. 2016. "L'imaginé, l'imaginaire, et le symbolique [The imagined, the imaginary, and the symbolic] by Maurice Godelier. Paris: CRNS Editions, 2015. 286 pp". American Anthropologist. 118(4): 876-877.
      • Giordano Christian. 2016. "Mediterrane Insularitäten zwischen Zentrum und Peripherie. Selbstrepräsentationen und Handlungsstrategien", in: Bendemann Reinhard von, Gerstenberg Annette, Jaspert Nikolas, Kolditz Sebastian (eds.), Konstruktionen mediterraner Insularitäten, 137-159. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink und Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag.
      • Jensen Steffen, Olaf Zenker (eds.). 2016. South African homelands as frontiers: apartheid’s loose ends in the postcolonial era. London: Routledge.
      • Jensen Steffen, Olaf Zenker. 2016. "South African homelands as frontiers: apartheid’s loose ends in the postcolonial era – an introduction", in: Jensen Steffen, Zenker Olaf (eds.), South African homelands as frontiers: apartheid’s loose ends in the postcolonial era, 1-16. London: Routledge.
      • Loher David, Luisa Piart, Pascale Schild, Sabine Strasser, Tobias Haller. 2016. "On the New Politics of Distribution: A Conversation with James Ferguson".Tsantsa. 21: 168-171.
      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2016. "Ein Blick nach Israel. Gleichgeschlechtliche Elternschaft und gesellschaftlicher Wandel". Neue Wege. Beiträge zu Religion und Sozialismus .12: 10-14.
      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2016. "From Mumbai to Tel Aviv: Distance and Intimacy in International Surrogacy Arrangements". Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies.12(2): 203-224.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2016. "Anthropology on trial: exploring the laws of anthropological expertise". International Journal of Law in Context. 12(3): 293-311.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2016. "South African land restitution, white claimants and the fateful frontier of former KwaNdebele", in: Jensen Steffen, Zenker Olaf (eds.), South African homelands as frontiers: apartheid’s loose ends in the postcolonial era, 83-98. London: Routledge.
    • 2017
      • Bens Jonas, Olaf Zenker. 2017. "Gerechtigkeitsgefühle: Eine Einführung", in: Bens Jonas, Zenker Olaf (eds.), Gerechtigkeitsgefühle: zur affektiven und emotionalen Legitimität von Normen, 11-35. Bielefeld: Transcript.
      • Bens Jonas, Olaf Zenker (eds.). 2017. Gerechtigkeitsgefühle: zur affektiven und emotionalen Legitimität von Normen. Bielefeld: Transcript.
      • Boscoboinik Andrea. 2017. "Anthropologie et peurs: la dimension sociale des émotions", in: Elchinova Magdalena, Garnizov Vassil (eds.), Anthropology East of Eden, 241-258. Sofia: NBU.
      • Boscoboinik Andrea, Cretton Viviane. 2017. "“Find Your Nature” in the Swiss Alps. In Search of a Better Life in the Mountains". Český lid: etnologický časopis (Český lid: Ethnological journal). 104(2): 199-212.
      • Bozzini David. 2017. "The Fines and the Spies: Fears of State Surveillance in Eritrea and in the Diaspora", in: Laszczkowski Mateusz, Reeves Madeleine (eds.), Affective States. Entanglements, Suspensions, Suspicions, 32-49. New York: Berghahn.
      • Bozzini David. 2017. "Penser les questions de sécurité". Schweizer Volkskunde. 107(2): 40-44.
      • Bozzini David. 2017. "Review of 'Nation as network. Diaspora, Cyberspace and Citizenship'". PoLAR.
      • Eidson John, Dereje Feyissa, Veronika Fuest, Markus V. Hoehne,  Boris Nieswand, Günther Schlee, Olaf Zenker. 2017. "From identification to framing and alignment: a new approach to the comparative analysis of collective identities". Current Anthropology. 58(3): 340–359.
      • Friedli Andrea, Aline Gohard-Radenkovic, François Ruegg. 2017. "Introduction: Social Sciences Research on Nation-Building and Identity Issues in Post-Soviet Societies", in: Friedli Andrea, Gohard-Radenkovic Aline, Ruegg François (eds.), Nation-building and identities in post-Soviet societies : new challenges for social sciences, 7-22. Wien: LIT Verlag.
      • Friedli Andrea, Aline Gohard-Radenkovic, François Rüegg (eds.). 2017. Nation-building and Identities in Post-Soviet Societies: New Challenges for Social Sciences. Berlin: LIT Verlag (Freiburger Sozialanthropologische Studien 47).
      • Giordano Christian. 2017. "Multiculturalisme".
      • Giordano Christian. 2017. "Nation".
      • Giordano Christian. 2017. "Offene und verschleierte Widerstandsformen in Agrargesellschaften: Banditentum, Rebellion und informelle Widerstandsformen". Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie. 65(2): 21-36.
      • Giordano Christian, Andrea Boscoboinik. 2017. "Society: A Key Concept in Anthropology", in: Barbaro Paolo (ed.) Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS): Ethnology, Ethnography and Cultural Anthropology. Oxford: UNESCO, Eolss Publishers.
      • Jödicke Ansgar, Andrea Friedli, Ketevan Khutsishvili. 2017. "Das Lomisoba-Fest: Volksreligiosität und Kirche in Georgien". RGOW - Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West. (3): 22-25.
      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2017. "We are Citizens – Vulnerability and Privilege in the Experiences of Israeli Gay Men with Surrogacy in India". Journal of Comperative Family Studies. 48(3): 393-403.

      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2017. "Between Civil and Religious Law. The Formation of Same-Sex Parenthood in Israel". Ethnologie Française 3: 447-458.

    • 2018
      • Boscoboinik Andrea. 2018. "Afterword: Imaginaries in Action", in: Horáková Hana, Boscoboinik Andrea, Smith Robin (eds.), Utopia and Neoliberalism. Ethnographies of rural spaces., 241-254. Münster: LIT Verlag.
      • Boscoboinik Andrea. 2018. "Becoming Cities, Losing Paradise? Gentrification in the Swiss Alps", in: Pardo Italo, Prato Giuliana B. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Urban Ethnography, 519-536. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
      • Friedli Andrea. 2018. "Ethnicity in the City: Tatar Urban Youth Culture in Kazan, Tatarstan". Diogenes 0(0).
      • Friedli Andrea. 2018. Ethnizität als Kapital : Identitätsmanagement tatarischer Jugendlicher in Kazan, Tatarstan. Wien: LIT Verlag (Freiburger sozialanthropologische Studien 48).
      • Giordano Christian. 2018. "Amici, amigos (Mediterranean and Latin America)", in: Ledeneva Alena (ed.) The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality: Understanding Social and Cultural Complexity, 102-106. London: UCL Press.
      • Giordano Christian. 2018. "Duit kopi (coffee money), Malaysia", in: Ledeneva Alena (ed.) The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality: Understanding Social and Cultural Complexity. London: UCL Press.
      • Giordano Christian. 2018. "Imagined Multiculturalism in a Malaysian Town: Ideological Constructions and Empirical Evidences", in: Pardo Italo, Prato Giuliana B. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Urban Anthropology, 479-495. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
      • Giordano Christian. 2018. "Klientelismus und Patronage als Sozial- und Kulturphänomen. Theoretische Reflexionen zu informellen Beziehungsstrukturen", in: Roth Klaus, Zelepos Ioannis (eds.), Klientelismus in Südosteuropa (54. Internationale Hochschulwoche der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft in Tutzing, 5.- 9. Oktober 2015),10-28. Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag.
      • Giordano Christian. 2018. "Organic Solidarity and Informality: Two Irreconcilable Concepts?", in: Ledeneva Alena (ed.) The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality: Understanding Social and Cultural Complexity, 314-318. London: UCL Press.
      • Horáková Hana, Andrea Boscoboinik, Robin Smith (eds.). 2018. Utopia and Neoliberalism. Ethnographies of Rural Spaces. Münster: LIT Verlag (Fribourg Studies in Social Anthropology 46).
      • Salzbrunn Monika, Barbara Dellwo, Sylvain Besençon. 2018. "Analyzing participatory cultural practices in a medium-scale Swiss town: How multiple belongings are constructed and consolidated through an interactive filmmaking process". Conjunctions: Transdisciplinary Journal Of Cultural Participation. 5(1).
      • Zenker Olaf. 2018. "Bush-level bureaucrats in South African land restitution: implementing state law under chiefly rule", in: Zenker Olaf, Hoehne Markus V. (eds.), The state and the paradox of customary law in Africa, 41-63. London: Routledge.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2018. "Why the individual must be defended ~ seemingly against all anthropological odds", in: Foblets Marie-Claire, Graziadei Michele, Renteln Alison Dundes (eds.), Personal autonomy in plural societies: a principle and its paradoxes, 98-111. London: Routledge.
      • Zenker Olaf, Markus V. Hoehne. 2018. "Processing the paradox: when the state has to deal with customary law", in: Hoehne Markus V., Zenker Olaf (eds.), The state and the paradox of customary law in Africa, 1-40. London: Routledge.
      • Zenker Olaf, Markus V. Hoehne. (eds.). 2018. The state and the paradox of customary law in Africa. London: Routledge.
    • 2019
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka. (ed.) 2019. Infrastructural Times. Inaugural edited collection. Roadsides 001.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka. 2019. "Introduction: Infrastructure as an Asynchronic Timescape." Roadsides 1: 3-10.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka (managing editor). "Labor". Roadsides, Special Issue 002.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka. 2019. "Maintaining whose road?" In: Martinez Francisco, Laviolette Patrick (eds.), Repair, Brokenness, Breakthrough: Ethnographic Responses (‘Material Mediations’ series), 261-267. New York and Oxford: Berghahn.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka. 2019. "Orbital." Society and Space. Collection on "Volumetric Sovereignty" edited by Franck Billé. Access via:
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka. 2019. Commissioned review essay on three edited volumes: H. Appel, N. Anand and A. Gupta (eds.), "The Promise of Infrastructure"; I. Strebel, A. Bovet and P. Sormani (eds.), "Repair Work Ethnographies: Revisiting Breakdown, Relocating Materiality"; K. Hetherington (ed.), "Infrastructure, Environment, and Life in the Anthropocene." The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology. 37 (2): 110-116.
      • Joniak-Lüthi Agnieszka. 2019. Commissioned review of "What is China? Territory, Ethnicity, Culture, and History" by Ge Zhaoguang 2018. China Review International 24 (1): 21-24.
      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2019. "Gleichgeschlechtliche Elternschaft in Israel. Eine Empirische Annäherung an die Beziehung zwischen Verschiebung und Kontinuität in gesellschaftlichen Ordnungen." in: Groth Stefan, Mülli Linda (eds.), Ordnungen in Alltag und Gesellschaft: Empirisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, 59-75. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.
  • 2010-2014
    • 2010
      • Bozzini David, Roberta Deambrosi. 2010. "Asmara ou les logiques de la contrainte". Pount. Cahiers d’études Corne de l’Afrique – Arabie du Sud. 4: 53-69. 
      • Friedli Andrea. 2010. "Interkulturelles Vertrauen in postsozialistischen Gesellschaften: Jugendliche Diskurse ethno-kultureller Zugehörigkeit in Tatarstan", in: Ruegg François, Giordano Christian (eds.), From Palermo to Penang : a journey into political anthropology, 243-256. Wien: LIT Verlag.
      • Friedli Andrea. 2010. "Tatarstans Polykonfessionalismus nach Mintimer Schajmiev". RGOW - Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West. 7-8: 30-31.
      • Piart Luisa. 2010. "Des mondes marchands mobiles: les commerçantes à la valise ouzbèkes", in: Laruelle Marlène (ed.) Dynamiques migratoires et changements sociétaux en Asie centrale, 247-271. Paris: Petra.
      • Rüegg François. 2010. "La culture en état de siège en Europe : Avec la fin du communisme, l’avènement annoncé d’une pensée européenne unique et rentable". Caietele Echinox 19(X): 86-100.
      • Rüegg François. 2010. "Paysage idéal et aménagement du territoire : Le Banat impérial au 18e siècle, modèle pour les futurs paysages nationaux ?", in: Radu Florinel, Versteegh Pieter (eds.), Jmag, 75-96. Gollion: InFolio.
      • Rüegg François. 2010. "Pour une anthropologie du conformisme intellectuel : Le bonisme ou l’anthropologically correct", in: Rüegg François, Boscoboinik Andrea (eds.), From Palermo to Penang : a journey into political anthropology / De Palerme à Penang : un itinéraire en anthropologie politique, 383-398. Vienna, Berlin: LIT Verlag.
      • Rüegg François, Andrea Boscoboinik (eds.). 2010. From Palermo to Penang: A Journey into Political Anthropology / De Palerme à Penang: Un itinéraire en anthropologie politique Wien: LIT Verlag (Freiburger sozialanthropologische Studien 30).
      • Zenker Olaf. 2010. "Between the lines: Republicanism, dissenters and the politics of meta-trauma in the Northern Irish conflict". Social Science & Medicine. 71(2): 236-243.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2010. "Language matters: reflexive notes on representing the Irish language revival in Catholic West Belfast", in: Zenker Olaf, Kumoll Karsten (eds.), Beyond Writing Culture: current intersections of epistemologies and representational practices, 121-138. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books.
      • Zenker Olaf, Karsten Kumoll (eds.). 2010. Beyond Writing Culture: current intersections of epistemologies and representational practices. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books. Zenker Olaf, Kumoll Karsten. 2010. "Prologue: opening doors beyond Writing Culture", in: Zenker Olaf, Kumoll Karsten (eds.), Beyond Writing Culture: current intersections of epistemologies and representational practices, 1-38. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books.
    • 2011
      • Bozzini David. 2011. En état de siège. Ethnographie de la mobilisation nationale et de la surveillance en Érythrée, Thèse de doctorat en anthropologie, Institut d'ethnologie, Université de Neuchâtel.
      • Bozzini David. 2011. "Low-Tech State Surveillance: The Production of Uncertainty among Conscripts in Eritrea". Surveillance and Society 9(1/2): 93-113.
      • Bozzini David, Anon. 2011. Some comments on the Country of Origin Information Eritrea (June 2010). Independent Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency & Independent Advisory Group on Country Information. London:
      • Mirescu Gabriela, Andrea Boscoboinik. 2011. Social inclusion and cultural identity of Roma communities in South-Eastern Europe. 1/2011, Swisspeace. Bern:
      • Piart Luisa. 2011. "Made in Istanbul (sous-traitance et empowerment dans le secteur de la confection)". Economia. 12: 34-35.
      • Rüegg François. 2011. "High Heels and Blue jeans. What are the visible signs of democracy? A short ethnography of post-communism in Central and Eastern Europe", in: Hayoz Nicolas, Jesien Leszek, Koleva Daniela (eds.), 20 Years after the Collapse of Communism, Expectations, achievements and disillusions of 1989, 521-536. Bern: Peter Lang.
      • Rüegg François. 2011. "La maison paysanne, icône nationale. L’architecture populaire au service de la Nation". Colloquium Politicum II 2(4): 85-99.
      • Rüegg François. 2011. La maison paysanne. Histoire d'un mythe. Gollion: Infolio.
      • Rüegg François. 2011. "Roms/Tsiganes: des perceptions à géométrie variable". Universitas Fribourg (Juin 2011): 25-26.
      • Rüegg François. 2011. "Tsiganes musulmans de la Dobroudja. Entre ethnicité et religion : le mythe des origines écorné", in: Volokhine Youri, Prescendi Morresi Francesca (eds.), Dans le laboratoire de l’historien des religions, Mélanges offerts à Philippe Borgeaud,175-192. Genève: Labor et Fides.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2011. "Autochthony, ethnicity, indigeneity and nationalism: time-honouring and state-oriented modes of rooting individual-territory-group-triads in a globalising world". Critique of Anthropology. 31(1): 63-81.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2011. Land restitution and transitional justice in post-Apartheid South Africa. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Paper No. 134. Halle.
    • 2012
      • Boscoboinik Andrea. 2012. "Espoirs millénaristes, catastrophes et fins du monde: quelques éclairages sur la réalité de 2012", in: Bornet Philippe et al. (ed.) La fin du monde. Analyses plurielles d'un motif religieux, scientifique et culturel. , 81-94. Genève: Labor et Fides.
      • Boscoboinik Andrea, Eric Bourquard. 2012. "Glamping and Rural Imaginary", in: Horáková Hana, Boscoboinik Andrea (eds.), From Production to Consumption. Transformation of Rural Communities,149-164. Vienna, Berlin: LIT Verlag.
      • Boscoboinik Andrea, Hana Horáková (eds.). 2012. From Production to Consumption: Transformation of Rural Communities. Zürich: LIT Verlag (Freiburg studies in social anthropology 35).
      • Bozzini David. 2012. "Fuir l'apocalypse", in: Gonseth Marc-Olivier, Knodel Bernard, Laville Yann, Mayor Grégoire (eds.), What are you doing after the apocalypse?, 88-93. Neuchâtel: MEN.
      • Bozzini David. 2012. National Service and State Institutions in Eritrea Agreed Minutes. 16th Februrary. FOM. Bern:
      • Bozzini David. 2012. "Review of Tricia Redeker Hepner's "Soldiers, Martyrs, Traitors, and Exiles. Politcal Conflict in Eritrea and the Diaspora." 2009 University of Pennsylvannia Press.". Northeast African Studies. 12(2): 141-147.
      • Friedli Andrea. 2012. "Tatarization of the City: Ethnocultural Youth Identity Management in Kazan, Tatarstan". Urbanities. 2(1): 4-17.
      • Piart Luisa. 2012. "Le lien entre le commerce à la valise et l’industrie de la confection à Istanbul". Anatoli. 3: 23-39.
      • Rüegg François. 2012. "Immortalité, nostalgies et identité ethnique", in: Daphinoff Dimiter, Hallensleben Barbara (eds.), Unsterblichkeit, vom Mut zum Ende, 47-64. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2012. The indicatorisation of South African land restitution. Basler Afrika Bibliographien BAB Working Paper 2012:01. Basel:
      • Zenker Olaf. 2012. "The juridification of political protest and the politicisation of legalism in South African land restitution", in: Eckert Julia, Donahoe Brian, Strümpell Christian, Biner Zerrin Özlem (eds.), Law against the state: ethnographic forays into law's transformations, 118-146. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2012. "On prophets, godfathers, rebels, and prostitutes: distributed agency in the Irish language revival of Northern Ireland". Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. 137(1): 23-45.
    • 2013
      • Bozzini David. 2013. "The Catch-22 of Resistance: Jokes and the Political Imagination of Eritrean Conscripts". Africa Today 60(2): 38-64. 
      • David Bozzini, Marion Fresia, Alice Sala. 2013. "Ethnographier la fabrique de l'asile en Suisse Romande: introduction", in: David Bozzini, Marion Fresia, Alice Sala (eds.), Les rouages de l'asile en Suisse. Regards ethnographiques sur une procédure administrative, 3-29. Neuchâtel: Forum Suisse des Migrations.
      • Friedli Andrea. 2013. "Informality as a "Weapon of the Weak"? Public Representation of Tatar Youth Movements in Kazan, Russia", in: Giordano Christian, Hayoz Nicolas (eds.), Informality in Eastern Europe: Structures, Political Cultures and Social Practices, p. 397-414. Bern: Peter Lang.
      • Giordano Christian, Nicolas Hayoz (eds.). 2013. Informality in Eastern Europe: Structures, Political Cultures and Social Practices. Bern: Peter Lang.
      • Kokot Waltraud, Christian Giordano, Mijal Gandelsman-Trier. 2013. Diaspora as a Resource: Comparative Studies in Strategies, Networks and Urban Space. Zürich: LIT Verlag (Freiburger sozialanthropologische Studien 36).
      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2013. "Conceiving Judaism: The Challenges of Same-Sex Parenthood". Israel Studies Review. 28(2): 140-156.
      • Piart Luisa. 2013. "Transition, Migration, Capitalism: Female Uzbek Shuttle Traders in Istanbul", in: Laruelle Marlène (ed.) Migration and Social Upheaval as the Face of Globalization in Central Asia, 332-352. Leiden-New York: Brill.
      • Rüegg François. 2013. "Gypsy Palaces: a new Visibility for Roma in Romania?". Urbanities, the Journal of the IUAES Commission on Urban Anthropology. 3(1): 3-21.
      • Rüegg François. 2013. "Interpretation as Possible Answer", in: Giordano Christian, Patry Jean-Luc (eds.), Fragen! Antworten? Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, 87-109. Wien: LIT Verlag.
      • Rüegg François. 2013. "Shamanism among the Gypsies of South-eastern Europe", in: Zarcone Thierry, Hobart Angela (eds.), Shamanism and Islam. Sufism, Healing Rituals and Spirits in the Contemporary Muslim World, 259-280. London, New York: I.B. Tauris.
      • Rüegg François. 2013. "Social Representations of Informality. The Roma Case", in: Giordano Christian, Hayoz Nicolas (eds.), Informality in Eastern Europe: Structures, Political Cultures and Social Practices, 297-315. Bern: Peter Lang.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2013. Irish/ness is all around us: language revivalism and the culture of ethnic identity in Northern Ireland. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2013. "Landreform in Südafrika: Die Neuauflage der Landrückerstattung setzt falsche Akzente". Afrika-Bulletin (Sonderheft "Landkonflikte im südlichen Afrika") 151(August/September): 6-7.
    • 2014
      • Anders Gerhard, Olaf Zenker. 2014. "Transition and justice: an introduction". Development and Change. 45(3): 395-414.
      • Anders Gerhard, Olaf Zenker (eds.). 2014. Transition and justice: negotiating the terms of new beginnings in Africa. In: Development and Change 45(3) [Special Issue].
      • Boscoboinik Andrea. 2014. "And the Farmer Became a Gardener Methodological Challenges of Anthropological Research in The Swiss Alps". AUC GEOGRAPHICA. 49(2): 29-37.
      • Boscoboinik Andrea, Hana Horáková (eds.). 2014. The Anthropology of Fear: Cultures beyond Emotions. Zürich: LIT Verlag (Fribourg studies in social anthropology 41).
      • Bozzini David. 2014. "Surveillance, répression et construction collective de l’insécurité en Érythrée". Politique africaine 135: 137-157.
      • Bozzini David, Laurence Ossipow. 2014. "Etude ethnographique d’un espace de quartier: Relations sociales et engagements au sein du "99" à Genève". Les cahiers de la cohésion sociale. 1: 59.
      • Friedli Andrea. 2014. "Children of Genghis Khan, Lenin and MacDonald's. Cultural Belongings of the Post-Soviet Generation in Tatarstan", in: Giordano Christian, Ruegg François, Boscoboinik Andrea (eds.), Does East Go West? Anthropological Pathways Through Postsocialism, p. 167-182. Wien: LIT Verlag.
      • Friedli Andrea. 2014. "Fear as a Boundary-Making Strategy: Fixing Ethnocultural Identities by Tatar Youth in Postsocialist Tatarstan, Russia", in: Boscoboinik Andrea, Horáková Hana (eds.), The Anthropology of Fear: Cultures beyond Emotions, p. 51-68. Zurich: LIT Verlag.
      • Giordano Christian, Jean-Luc Patry (eds.). 2014. Fragen! Antworten? Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Wien: LIT Verlag (Freiburger sozialanthropologische Studien 39).
      • Giordano Christian, François Rüegg, Andrea Boscoboinik (eds.). 2014. Does East Go West? Anthropological Pathways Through Postsocialism. Wien: LIT Verlag (Freiburger sozialanthropologische Studien 38).
      • Lustenberger Sibylle. 2014. "Questions of Belonging: Same-Sex Parenthood and Judaism in Transformation". Sexualities 17(5-6): 529-545.
      • Rüegg François. 2014. "Postsocialism and the Confinement of Anthropology", in: Giordano Christian, Rüegg François, Boscoboinik Andrea (eds.), Does East go West? Anhtropological Pathways Through Postsocialism, 81-93. Wien: LIT Verlag.
      • Rüegg François. 2014. "Western Europe and the rest of it: the Swiss perspective", in: Kavaliauskas Tomas (ed.) Conversations about transcultural European Memory, p. 149-166. Vilnius: Publishing House of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2014. "Linguistic relativity and dialectical idiomatization: language ideologies and second language acquisition in the Irish language revival of Northern Ireland". Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 24(1): 63-83.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2014. "New law against an old state: land restitution as a transition to justice in post-apartheid South Africa?". Development and Change. 45(3): 502-523.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2014. "Review: Melancholia of freedom. Social life in an Indian township in South Africa, by Thomas Blom Hansen". American Ethnologist. 41(2): 384-385.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2014. White claimants and the moral community of South African land restitution. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Paper No. 151. Halle
      • Zenker Olaf. 2014. "Writing Culture", in: Jackson John (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies Online: Anthropology. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. 
  • 2005-2009
    • 2005
      • Giordano Christian, Jean-Luc Patry (eds.). 2005. Wertkonflikte und Wertewandel: Eine pluridisziplinäre Begegnung. Münster: LIT Verlag (Freiburger sozialanthropologische Studien 6). 
      • Kostova Dobrinka, Christian Giordano (eds.). 2005. Interethnic relations and politics of multiculturalism : between southeast Europe and southeast Asia. Sofia: Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House.
      • Memedova Azbija, Shayna Plaut, Andrea Boscoboinik, Christian Giordano. 2005. Roma's Identities in Southeast Europe: Macedonia. Rome: Ethnobarometer.
      • Rüegg François. 2005. "Construction des bonnes et mauvaises mœurs dans les provinces orientales de la Monarchie autrichienne de la fin du 18e siècle", in: Baluta Ionela, Vintila-Ghitulescu Constanta (eds.), Bonnes et mauvaises mœurs dans la société roumaine d’hier et d’aujourd’hui,155-171. Bucarest: New Europe College.
      • Rüegg François. 2005. "From Multiculturalism to Interculturalism, using local experience in Romania", in: Giordano Christian, Kostova Dobrinka (eds.), Interethnic relations and politics of multiculturalism : between southeast Europe and southeast Asia, 65-89. Sofia: Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2005. "Irische Identität und irische Sprache im Spannungsfeld von Diskurs und Praxis im katholischen West-Belfast, Nord-Irland", in: Anthropology Max Planck Institute for Social (ed.) Bericht: Sonderausgabe 2005, 109-118. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2005. "Irish identity and the Irish language in discourse and practice in Catholic West Belfast", in: Anthropology Max Planck Institute for Social (ed.) Report 2004-2005, 132-133. Hally/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
    • 2006
      • Boscoboinik Andrea. 2006. "Becoming Rom : ethnic development among Roma communities in Bulgaria and Macedonia", in: Lola Romanucci-Ross George A. de Vos, and Takeyuki Tsuda (ed.) Ethnic Identity. Problems and Prospects for the Twenty-First Century. 4th edition, p. 295-310. Lanham, New York, Toronto, Oxford: Altamira Press.
      • Giordano Christian, Jean-Luc Patry (eds.). 2006. Theorie und Praxis - Brüche und Brücken. Berlin: LIT Verlag (Freiburger sozialanthropologische Studien 10).
      • Rüegg François. 2006. "Les rites changent de dieux". Universitas Fribourg (Décembre 2006): 5-7.
      • Rüegg François, Poledna Rudolf, Rus Calin (eds.). 2006. Interculturalism and Discrimination in Romania: Policies, Practices, Identities and Representations. Berlin: LIT Verlag (Freiburger sozialanthropologische Studien 8).
      • Zenker Olaf. 2006. "De facto exclusion through discursive inclusion: autochthony in discourses on Irishness and politics in Catholic West Belfast". Paideuma 52: 183-195.
    • 2007
      • Rüegg François. 2007. "Sur les traces des ‘nouveaux Tsiganes’". Unireflets Fribourg (Novembre 2007).
      • Rüegg François. 2007. "Theory and Practice: intercultural and interreligious dialogue, from cosmopolitism to fundamentalism", in: Giordano Christian, Patry Jean-Luc (eds.), Theorie und Praxis - Brüche und Brücken,147-166. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
    • 2008
      • Friedli Andrea. 2008. Russland in der Grauzone zwischen Demokratie und Autoritarismus : zur Rolle informeller Institutionen bei der Regimeklassifizierung. Saarbrücken: VDM-Verlag Dr. Müller. 
      • Giordano Christian, Andrea Boscoboinik, Mihai Curelaru, Sorin Gog, Adrian Neculau, Teodor Nitu, François Rüegg, Daniela Tarnovschi, Daniela Zaharia. 2008. Roma's Identities in Southeast Europe: Romania. Rome: Ethnobarometer.
      • Rüegg François. 2008. "Echanges inégaux avec l’Est : accommodements, modes et modèles. L’exemple roumain", in: Gohard-Radenkovic Aline, Akkari Abdeljalil (eds.), Coopération internationale, entre accommodements interculturels et utopies du changement, 23-38. Paris: L'Harmattan.
      • Rüegg François. 2008. "Introduction à l’étude Nomades et Parlementaires". Psihologia sociala XV(21): 123-126.
      • Rüegg François. 2008. "Postface", in: Christian Giordano, Andrea Boscoboinik, Mihai Curelaru, Sorin Gog, Adrian Neculau, Teodor Nitu, François Rüegg, Daniela Tarnovschi, Daniela Zaharia (eds.), Roma’s Identities in Southeast Europe: Romania, p. 87-96. Rome: Ethnobarometer.
      • Rüegg François. 2008. "Recherche, méthode et terrain chez les Tsiganes en Europe centrale orientale". Psihologia sociala XV(21): 107-120.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2008. Irish/ness is all around us: the Irish language and Irish identity in Catholic West Belfast, PhD thesis, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology / Institute for Social Anthropology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2008. "Review: Flag, Nation and Symbolism in Europe and America, edited by Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Richard Jenkins". Anthropological Notebooks. 14(1): 123-124.
    • 2009
      • Boscoboinik Andrea. 2009. Le processus catastrophe : vulnérabilités, discours, réponses, Thèse lettres, Université de Fribourg. 
      • Boscoboinik Andrea, François Rüegg (eds.). 2009. Nouvelles identités rom en Europe centrale & orientale. Transitions. 48(2).
      • Donahoe Brian, John Eidson, Dereje Feyissa, Veronika Fuest, Markus V. Hoehne, Boris Nieswand, Günther Schlee, Olaf Zenker. 2009. The formation and mobilization of collective identities in situations of conflict and integration. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Paper No. 116. Halle:
      • Friedli Andrea. 2009. "Identität muslimischer Jugendlicher in Tatarstan". RGOW - Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West. (12): 12-15.
      • Friedli Andrea. 2009. "Rol’ Islama v zhizni tatarskoy molodezhi: individual’naya religioznost’ ili formirovanie kollektivnoy identichnosti?", in: Yagudin B.N. (ed.) Islamovedchenskie issledovaniya v sovremennoy Rossii i SNG : dostizheniya, problemy, perspektivy, 205-219. Kazan: Intel Press +.
      • Giordano Christian, Jean-Luc Patry, François Rüegg (eds.). 2009. Trugschlüsse und Umdeutungen: Multidisziplinäre Betrachtungen unbehaglicher Praktiken. Berlin: LIT Verlag (Freiburger sozialanthropologische Studien 26).
      • Piart Luisa. 2009. "Les commerçantes ouzbèkes à la valise en partance pour Istanbul: Initiative et changements sociaux", in: Cheikh Mériam, Péraldi Michel (eds.), Des femmes sur les routes. Voyages au féminin entre Afrique et Méditerranée, 63-87. Casablanca: Le Fennec-Karthala.
      • Rüegg François. 2009. "Ethnicisation of poverty, poverty of ethnicisation", in: Giordano Christian, Patry Jean-Luc, Rüegg François (eds.), Trugschlüsse und Umdeutungen: Multidisziplinäre Betrachtungen unbehaglicher Praktiken, 111-129. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
      • Rüegg François. 2009. "L’interculturel at home", in: Yanaprasart Patchareerat (ed.) Paroles d’acteurs de la mobilité. De la mobilité géographique à la mobilité intellectuelle,121-128. Paris: L'Harmattan.
      • Rüegg François. 2009. "La conversion des Tsiganes/Rom à la postmodernité en république de Moldova. De la mendicité à la reconnaissance sociale, de la misère à l’abondance, de la marginalisation au primordialisme : portraits", in: Pascuta, Buzarnescu (eds.), Promovarea valorilor cultural-stiitifice locale în circuitul nationa, regional si international, 100-109. Timisoara: Eurostsampa.
      • Rüegg François. 2009. "Tsiganes en Europe centrale-orientale. La fin du voyage?". Transitions. 48(2): 5-17.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2009. "Autochthony and activism among contemporary Irish Nationalists in Northern Ireland, or: if "civic" nationalists are "ethno"-cultural revivalists, what remains of the civic/ethnic divide?". Nations and Nationalism. 15(4): 696-715.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2009. Between the lines of socio-cultures of trauma: Republicanism, dissenters and the politics of meta-trauma in the Northern Irish conflict. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Paper No. 115. Halle:
      • Zenker Olaf. 2009. "Diskussionsbeitrag zu Meyers und Schareikas „Neoklassische Feldforschung“". Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. 134(1): 107-109.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2009. "Response to Joep Leerssen". Nations and Nationalism. 15(4): 720-722.
  • 2000-2004
    • 2000
      • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Regina Römhild (eds.). 2000. Britain Today: New Anthropological Perspectives. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. 9(1).
      • Giordano Christian, Dobrinka Kostova, Minka II Evelyne Lohmann (eds.). 2000. Bulgaria: social and cultural landscapes. Fribourg: Editions universitaires (Studia ethnographica Friburgensia 24).
    • 2001
      • Giordano Christian (ed.). 2001. Borderline : le scienze sociali tra confini e sconfinamenti / Borderline : die Sozialwissenschaften zwischen Grenzziehung und Grenzüberschreitung. Annali di sociologia / Soziologisches Jahrbuch (14).
      • Rüegg François. 2001. "Inter-cultural research in Romania, and Europe: between submission to the EU and exaltation of national specificity". Ethnologia Balkanica. 5: 51-58.
      • Zenker Olaf. 2001. Ethnizität und politischer Aktivismus: Eine Fallstudie über drei jugenliche Aussiedler in Hamburg. München: Grin Verlag.
    • 2002
      • Boscoboinik Andrea, Christian Giordano  (eds.). 2002. Constructing risk, threat, catastrophe : anthropological perspectives. Fribourg: University Press (Studia ethnographica Friburgensia 27). 
      • Bozzini David. 2002 (Institut d'ethnologie). "Nous la sainte on la tutoie". Rite et esthétique d'une demande d'intercession dans la maison de sainte Maria Francesca à Naples. Neuchâtel: Mémoire de licence, Institut d'ethnologie.
      • Bozzini David. 2002. "Saluer ou le jeu de la tradition". Créole (7): 4-5.
      • Conte Edouard, Christian Giordano, Ellen  Hertz (eds.). 2002. Terre, territoire, appartenances. Etudes rurales (163-164).
      • Giordano Christian, Andrea Boscoboinik (eds.). 2002. Constructing risk, threat, catastrophe: anthropological perspectives. Fribourg: Editions universitaires (Studia ethnographica Friburgensia 27).
      • Giordano Christian, Jean-Luc Patry (eds.). 2002. Multikulturalismus und Multilinguismus: ein Symposium. Fribourg: Editions universitaires (Studia ethnographica Friburgensia 26).
      • Poledna Rudolf, François Rüegg, Călin Rus (eds.). 2002. Interculturalitate: cercetări și perspective românești. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană.
      • Rüegg François. 2002. "Communication interculturelle: franchir les obstacles". AGEFI/PME: 67-72.
    • 2003
      • Bozzini David. 2003. "La médiation des objets. Pratiques rituelles dans l'appartement d'une Sainte à Naples". 4. 
      • Bozzini David. 2003. "Le charme inquiétant des objets". Tsantsa 8: 169-172.
      • Bozzini David. 2003. "Marie-José Mondzain: Image, icône, économie.". 4.
      • Giordano Christian, Boscoboinik Andrea, Kostova Dobrinka, Benovska-Sabkova Milena, Chanteraud Annabel. 2003. Roma's Identities in Southeast Europe: Bulgaria. Rome: Ethnobarometer.
      • Giordano Christian, Alina Zvinkliene, Daniel Henseler (eds.). 2003. Baltic States: looking at small societies on Europe's margin. Fribourg: Editions universitaires (Studia ethnographica Friburgensia 28).
      • Rüegg François. 2003. "Chances et risques du multiculturalisme en Europe centrale-orientale", in: Gohard-Radenkovic Aline, Mujawamariya Donatille, Perez Soledad (eds.), Intégration des « minorités » et nouveaux espaces interculturels, 11-15. Bern: Peter Lang.
      • Rüegg François. 2003. "La citoyenneté au sein de l’Union européenne : un accès à la civilisation ?". Ethnologia Balkanica 7: 107-122.
      • Rüegg François. 2003. "The usefulness of the useless: beyond reason and efficiency. The revenge of the imaginary". Iichiko, Journal for transdisciplinary studies of pratiques 77(Winter): 17-26.
    • 2004
      • Rüegg François. 2004. "Des Tréteaux libres à Artamis, naissance d’un projet", in: Rüegg François (ed.) La fabrique des cultures : Genève 1968-2000, 9-16. Genève: Georg. 
      • Rüegg François. 2004. "L’altérité apprivoisée : De la sauvagerie au caractère national. Transformations dans la perception des nomades et des paysans d’Europe centrale et orientale à travers les récits de voyage", in: Gohard Aline (ed.) Le français dans le monde, 42-54. Paris.
      • Rüegg François (ed.). 2004. La fabrique des cultures: Genève 1968-2000. Genève: Georg (Revue Equinoxe 24).
      • Zenker Olaf. 2004. Techniken zur kommunikativen Herstellung von Gruppenzugehörigkeit: eine Gesprächsanalyse über Imagearbeit bei Obdachlosen. Berlin: - Verlag im Internet.
  • 1990-1999
    • Berthoud Gerald, Pierre Centlivres, Christian Giordano, Mondher Kilani (eds.). 1993. Universalisme et relativisme: contributions à un débat d'actualité. Fribourg: Editions universitaires (Studia ethnographica Friburgensia 19).
    • Giordano Christian. 1992. Die Betrogenen der Geschichte: Überlagerungsmentalität und Überlagerungsrationalität in mediterranen Gesellschaften. Frankfurt am Main-New York: Campus.
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Franz-Josef Stummann (eds.). 1990. Anthropologizing Europe. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures 1(1).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Regina Römhild (eds.). 1992. Anthropologizing Europe (Continued). Anthropological Journal on European Cultures 1(2).
    • Berthoud Gerald, Pierre Centlivres, Christian Giordano, Mondher Kilani (eds.). 1993. Universalisme et relativisme: contributions à un débat d'actualité. Fribourg: Editions universitaires (Studia ethnographica Friburgensia 19).
    • Conte Edouard, Christian Giordano  (eds.). 1997. Paysans au-delà du mur. Etudes rurales (138-140).
    • Conte Edouard, Christian Giordano  (eds.). 1999. Es war einmal die Wende... Sozialer Umbruch der ländlichen Gesellschaften Mittel- und Südosteuropas. Berlin: Centre Marc Bloch.
    • Giordano Christian. 1998. Socjologia wsi w szwajcarii. Toruń: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika.
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus (eds.). 1996. Culture on the Make. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures 5(1).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus (eds.). 1996. Mare Balticum: Societies in Transition I. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures 5(2).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus (eds.). 1997. Mare Balticum: Societies in Transition II. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures 6(1).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Klaus-Peter Köpping (eds.). 1994. Anthropology and Ethics. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures 3(2).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Dobrinka Kostova (eds.). 1995. Ethnicity Nationalism Geopolitics in the Balkans I. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures. 4(1).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Dobrinka Kostova (eds.). 1995. Ethnicity Nationalism Geopolitics in the Balkans II. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. 4(2).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Birgit Müller (eds.). 1993. World View, Political Behaviour and Economy in the Post-Communist Transition I. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. 2(1).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria  Greverus, Birgit Müller (eds.). 1994. World View, Political Behaviour and Economy in the Post-Communist Transition II. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. 3(1).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Regina Römhild, Cornelia Rohe (eds.). 1997. Reflecting Cutlural Practice: The Challenge of Field Work I. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. 6(2).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Heinz Schilling (eds.). 1993. Urban Europe: Ideas and Experiences. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. 2(2).
    • Giordano Christian, Roberta Colombo Dougoud, Elke-Nicole Kappus (eds.). 1998. Interkulturelle Kommunikation im Nationalstaat. Fribourg: Editions universitaires (Studia ethnographica Friburgensia 20).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Regina Römhild, Cornelia Rohe (eds.). 1998. Reflecting Cultural Practice: The Challenge of Field Work II. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. 7(1).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Regina Römhild, Arnd Schneider (eds.). 1998. Europe & Latin America. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. 7(2).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Regina Römhild (eds.). 1999. The Politics of Anthropology at Home I. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. 8(1).
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus, Regina Römhild (eds.). 1999. The Politics of Anthropology at Home II. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures. 8(2).
    • Giordano Christian, Johanna Rolshoven (eds.). 1999. Europäische Ethnologie, Ethnologie Europas. Ethnologie européenne, ethnologie de l'Europe. Fribourg: Editions universitaires (Studia ethnographica Friburgensia 22).
    • Rüegg François. 1991. A l'Est, rien de nouveau: de la barbarie à la civilisation? Les marches impériales et l'Europe. Genève: Georg.
  • 1980-1989
    • Gianinazzi Claudio, Christian Giordano (eds.). 1989. Culture extra-europee: collezione Serge e Graziella Brignoni. Extra-European cultures: the Serge and Graziella Brignoni Collection. Lugano: Edizioni Città di Lugano.
    • Giordano Christian, Ina-Maria Greverus (eds.). 1986. Sizilien: die Menschen, das Land und der Staat. Frankfurt am Main: Goethe Universität (Kulturanthropologie Notizen 24).
    • Giordano Christian, Robert Hettlage (eds.). 1989. Bauerngesellschaften im Industriezeitalter: Zur Rekonstruktion ländlicher Lebensformen. Berlin: Reimer.
    • Giordano Christian, Werner Schiffauer, Heinz Schilling, Gisela Welz, Marita Zimmermann (eds.). 1989. Kultur anthropologisch. Eine Festschrift für Ina-Maria Greverus. Frankfurt am Main: Goethe Universität (Kulturanthropologie Notizen 30).
  • 1970-1979
    • Giordano Christian. 1975. Handwerker- und Bauernverbände in der sizilianischen Gesellschaft: Zünfte, Handwerkerkonfraternitäten und Arbeiterhilfsvereine zwischen 1750 und 1890. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Heidelberger Sociologica).
    • Giordano Christian, Robert Hettlage. 1975. Mobilisierung oder Scheinmobilisierung? Genossenschaften und traditionelle Sozialstruktur am Beispiel Siziliens. Basel: Social Strategies Publishers Co-operative Society.
    • Giordano Christian, Robert Hettlage. 1979. Persistenz im Wandel. Das Mobilisierungspotential sizilianischer Genossenschaften: eine Fallstudie zur Entwicklungsproblematik. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Heidelberger Sociologica).