Rural-Urban Migration in China, Social Anthropology Unit
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Fribourg
(29.4.2025) | Conférence
The Anthropology of Digital Infrastructures: China's Digital Silk Road to Europe and the Case of Switzerland
Lena Kaufmann,
Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and University of Fribourg
(14.4.2025) | Conférence
Chinese Digital Infrastructures in Switzerland
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Basel, Institute for European Global Studies
(11.4.2025) | Conférence
The Anthropology of China
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Zurich, ISEK - Anthropology
(3.4.2025) | Conférence
Smart Cities: Chinese ICT Companies in Switzerland
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Zurich, Department of Communication and Media Research
(18.3.2025) | Conférence
Diffracting Drone Assemblages in Agriculture: Chinese Farm Drones in China and Switzerland
Ruishi Zhen, Lena Kaufmann,
STS Hub 2025 Berlin:
(11.3.2025) | Conférence
Farming Technologies, Migration and Left‐Behind Women in China: A Socio‐Technical Perspective
Han Tao, Lena Kaufmann, Population, Space and Place (2025) | Article
Polymorphous Engagement as Method: Navigating Geopolitical Boundaries Around Contested Chinese Companies in Western Europe
Researching Global China: Innovation and Challenges Conference, Milton Keynes, UK:
(25.2.2025) | Conférence
Navigating Public Concerns, Promising High-Tech Futures: Chinese Digital Infrastructures in Switzerland
Lena Kaufmann,
Workshop Multiplicity and Temporalities: Ethnographic Explorations with Global China, University of Utrecht:
(18.2.2025) | Conférence
Chinas neuer Imperialismus: Neokolonialismus oder "Win-Win- Kooperation"?
Lena Kaufmann, Andrea Schweizer
(2025) | Autre
Prefiguring China’s Digital Silk Road to Europe: Connecting Switzerland
, dans Seeing China's Belt and Road
Lena Kaufmann (2025)
| Chapitre de livre
‘Forms of Mixing’: Contemporary History and Sociocultural Anthropology – A Conversation with Debjani Bhattacharyya and Brian Larkin
Nils Güttler, Debjani Bhattacharyya, Brian Larkin, Lena Kaufmann
(2025) | Autre
Sozial-/Kulturanthropologie und Zeitgeschichte | Social/Cultural Anthropology and Contemporary History
Monika Dommann, Lena Kaufmann, Zeithistorische Forschungen | Studies in Contemporary History (2025) | Article
Einleitung: Sozial-/Kulturanthropologie und Zeitgeschichte | Introduction: Social/Cultural Anthropology and Contemporary History
Monika Dommann, Lena Kaufmann, Zeithistorische Forschungen | Studies in Contemporary History (2025) | Article
Swiss-Chinese Entanglements: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on Transnational Economic Collaborations
Niklaus Remund, Lena Kaufmann, Zeithistorische Forschungen | Studies in Contemporary History (2025) | Article
“‘Today There are Ploughing Machines, That’s Quicker!’: The Transformation of Agricultural Working Knowledge in Post-Reform China
Lena Kaufmann, Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte / Annuaire Suisse d’histoire économique et sociale (2024) | Article
Chinese Digital Infrastructures: Materialities, Actors and Narratives in a Contested Geopolitical Setting
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Fribourg
(29.10.2024) | Conférence
Academic Iterations of Global Chinas in Estudios Americanos and Southeast Asian Studies
Lena Kaufmann, Pablo Ampuero-Ruiz, Simon Rowedder, Susanne Brandtstädter,
Scientific Network Anthropology and China(s): Co-Constructions of Ethnographic and Academic Regions, 5th Conference:
(4.10.2024) | Conférence
Zwischen Landflucht und Digitalisierung: Wie das ländliche China denkt (Between the Rural Exodus and Digitalisation: How Rural China Thinks)
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Zurich
(14.9.2024) | Conférence
The Political Economy of Science, Technology, and Innovation in China: Policymaking, Funding, Talent, and Organization Yutao Sun and Cong Cao. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 244 pp. £95.00 (hbk). ISBN 9781108490580
Lena Kaufmann (2024) | Recension
Rural Revitalisation and Digitalisation: Competing Perspectives and Practices in Chinese Digital Agriculture
Lena Kaufmann,
European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) 25th Biennial Conference:
(27.8.2024) | Conférence
Navigating Public Concerns, Promising High-Tech Futures: Chinese Digital Infrastructures in Switzerland
Lena Kaufmann,
18th EASA Biennial Conference:
(23.7.2024) | Conférence
Negotiating Digital Capital: Unraveling Contested Terrains of Chinese Fibre Optic Networks in Switzerland
Lena Kaufmann,
EASST-4S 2024 Conference:
(19.7.2024) | Conférence
Interviewed on the EURAXESS Smart Talks Podcast, "Exploring EURAXESS China and the China-Europe Research Exchange"
Lena Kaufmann
(2024) | Autre
Rural-Urban Migration and Agro-Technological Change in Post-Reform China
Lena Kaufmann,
(1.4.2024) | Conférence
Sino-Swiss Entanglements in Digital Agriculture: Exploring Business and Research Collaborations in Farming with Drones
Lena Kaufmann,
"Chinese Work" in European Agriculture: Money, People and Materials:
(15.3.2024) | Conférence
The End of Smallholding? Chinese Smallholder Agriculture at the Nexus of Agricultural Modernization and Rural-Urban Migration
Lena Kaufmann,
Modernizing Rural China Workshop:
(23.2.2024) | Conférence
Political and Economic Dynamics of Infrastructure: The Belt and Road Initiative across Eurasia (with Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi)
Lena Kaufmann,
Virtual Conference on Africa-China Relationship and its Global Impact :
(10.11.2023) | Conférence
China Between the Rural Exodus and Digitalisation
Lena Kaufmann,
(3.11.2023) | Conférence
Farming Knowledge in Transition: Chinese Farmers Between Migration, Deskilling and Extended Knowledge Repertoires
Lena Kaufmann,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(31.10.2023) | Conférence
Switzerland: The People's Map of Global China Country Profile
Lena Kaufmann
, The People's Map of Global China
(2023) | Autre
Rice Knowledge in Transition in Contemporary China
Lena Kaufmann,
Rice Knowledge and Practices Between Pacific Asia and West Africa: International Development Meets Local Farming (1960–1991):
(29.8.2023) | Conférence
The Anthropology of Technology and Skill in China
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Fribourg
(5.2023) | Conférence
Interviewed on the Sinica Podcast, Session Sinica at the Association for Asian Studies Conference, Boston 2023: Capsule interviews
Lena Kaufmann
(2023) | Autre
Fields and families: A socio-technical perspective on the agriculture-migration nexus in China
Lena Kaufmann,
2023 AAS Annual Conference (American Association of Asian Studies), Boston:
(3.2023) | Conférence
Swiss-Chinese Entanglements in Digital Infrastructures
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Basel
(29.11.2022) | Conférence
Researching Contested Companies: Methodological and Ethical Questions
Lena Kaufmann,
2022 Swiss Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, University of Neuchâtel:
(11.11.2022) | Conférence
Chinese industry-science collaborations in Switzerland: Entanglements of economic, political and scientific interests
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Konstanz
(6.11.2022) | Conférence
The Digitalization of Agriculture in China: Continuities, Changes and Research Methods
Lena Kaufmann,
Modernizing Rural China Workshop, Ebeltoft, University of Aarhus:
(23.9.2022) | Conférence
The Agriculture-Migration Nexus in China: A Socio-Technical Perspective on Land Use (Keynote Lecture)
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Copenhagen
(22.9.2022) | Conférence
Re-Inventing China(s) in Regional Studies: An Anthropological Approach
Lena Kaufmann,
DFG Scientific Network Anthropology and China(s): Co-Constructions of Ethnographic and Academic Regions, 2nd Conference, University of Heidelberg:
(3.8.2022) | Conférence
Chinese Digital Infrastructures in Switzerland: Entanglements of Economic, Political and Scientific Interests
Lena Kaufmann,
Global Interference? Science and Foreign Policy Interactions in China Workshop, Max Planck Insitute for the History of Science:
(20.5.2022) | Conférence
Rural Chinese Cycle Between Mechanization and Migration
Lena Kaufmann
, Sixth Tone
(2022) | Autre
China's Digital Silk Road to Switzerland: Materiality, Actors and Narratives
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Lucerne
(26.4.2022) | Conférence
Agriculture and Rural-Urban Migration in China: A Socio-Technical Perspective on Land Use
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Stockholm
(11.4.2022) | Conférence
Land-Use Strategies in a Migration Context
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Zurich
(16.3.2022) | Conférence
Erfahrungsberichte aus der Praxis (Reports from the Field)
Lena Kaufmann,
Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-University of Berlin
(18.2.2022) | Conférence
Behind the Scenes (Exhibition section of Planet Digital, with NowHere Media)
Lena Kaufmann
(2022) | Autre
Unterseekabel – Lebensadern der Informationsgesellschaft (radio interview on transnational submarine cables)
Lena Kaufmann
, Radio Bayern 2
(2021) | Autre
China’s Digital Silk Road to Europe: Connecting Switzerland
Lena Kaufmann,
Palacký University Olomouc
(15.11.2021) | Conférence
Prefiguring China’s Digital Silk Road to Europe: Connecting Switzerland
Lena Kaufmann
, University of Toronto
(2021) | Autre
China in My Memory: Everyday Life Strategies between Rural and Urban Areas in China
Lena Kaufmann,
(25.9.2021) | Conférence
Research Highlight: Rural-Urban Migration and Agro-Technological Change in Post-Reform China
Lena Kaufmann
, NRCEM, Network for Research into Chinese Education Mobilities
(2021) | Autre
TechnoViews Podcast on Rural-Urban Migration and Agro-Technological Change in Post-Reform China
Lena Kaufmann
, Sci-Tech Asia Network
(2021) | Autre
Interview with Lena Kaufmann about rural-urban migration and agro-technological change in China
Lena Kaufmann
, Regional Group China(s) of the German Anthropological Association
(2021) | Autre
Linking Farm Chemicals and Migration: A Socio-Technical Perspective on the Practical Hurdles to an ‘Ecological Civilization’ in China
Lena Kaufmann,
European Association of Chinese Studies EACS 2021 Conference, University of Leipzig:
(24.8.2021) | Conférence
Rural-Urban Migration and Agro-Technological Transformation in Post-Reform China
Lena Kaufmann,
Technical University Berlin
(5.7.2021) | Conférence
China’s Digital Silk Road to Europe: Connecting Switzerland
Lena Kaufmann,
Conceptualizing the “Belt and Road Initiative” and its Effects, University of Toronto:
(14.6.2021) | Conférence
Oral Knowledge in Contemporary Rural China: Transmitting and Negotiating Farming Knowledge through Proverbs
Lena Kaufmann,
Swiss Anthropological Association Annual Meeting 2021, Ascona:
(24.4.2021) | Conférence
Rural China in Transition: Chinese Thinking in Practice
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Zurich
(23.4.2021) | Conférence
Prototype Nation: China and the Contested Promise of Innovation Silvia M. Lindtner Princeton, NJ, and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2020 288 pp. £20.00; $24.95 ISBN 978-0-691-20767-4
Lena Kaufmann (2021) | Recension
The Agriculture-Migration Nexus in China: A View from the Field
Lena Kaufmann,
Politecnico di Torino
(25.3.2021) | Conférence
Methodological Reflections on Swiss-Chinese Entanglements in Digital Infrastructures
Lena Kaufmann,
University of Zurich
(21.3.2021) | Conférence
Rethinking Mobility and Immobility through Sino-Swiss Entanglements in Digital Infrastructures
Lena Kaufmann,
Entangled Im/Mobilities Conference 2021, University of Vienna:
(18.3.2021) | Conférence
China’s Digital Silk Road to Switzerland From an On-the-ground Perspective
Lena Kaufmann,
China in Europe Research Network (CHERN), University of Amsterdam
(12.3.2021) | Conférence
Today There Are Ploughing Machines, That’s Quicker!’: The transformation of rice farming knowledge in China, 1960s to 2010s
Lena Kaufmann,
Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for Economic and Social History 2021, University of Bern:
(29.1.2021) | Conférence
Rural-Urban Migration and Agro-Technological Change in Post-Reform China
Lena Kaufmann (Amsterdam University Press, 2021)
| Livre
中国农村与城市之间的日常生活策略 Everyday Life Strategies between Rural and Urban Areas in China
, dans 我们记忆中的中国第三辑 China in Our Memories III
Lena Kaufmann (2021)
| Chapitre de livre
Competent Actors Between Rice and Road: Everyday Strategies of Chinese Farmers in the Context of Migration
Lena Kaufmann,
8th Swiss Meeting of Young Asianists and Orientalists, Puidoux:
(29.4.2016) | Conférence
Review of Rice: Global Networks and New Histories, Bray, Francesca / Coclanis, Peter A. / Fields-Black, Edda L. / Schäfer, Dagmar, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015
Lena Kaufmann (2016) | Recension
Everyday Strategies of Rural Migrants: Assembling Skills in Mala tang Production
Lena Kaufmann, Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture (2016) | Article
Nudelsuppe und Betriebsgeheimnis: Alltagsstrategien ländlicher Migranten in Shanghai
Lena Kaufmann,
Ethnological Club Zurich
(7.10.2012) | Conférence
Gender and Income Generation: Inventory of International Best Practices (commissioned background study)
Lena Kaufmann (German Society for International Cooperation: 2010)
| Chapitre de livre
Gender and Work in Rural China (commissioned background study)
Lena Kaufmann (German Society for International Cooperation: 2010)
| Chapitre de livre
Haibao und die alte chinesische Scheiderin: Alltag in Zeiten der Expo [Haibao and the Old Chinese Seamstress: Everyday Life in Times of the Expo]
, dans Das neue China
Lena Kaufmann
(2009) | Article de presse
Die vorübergehende Heimat der ‘Nummer Sechs’: Leben in einem Shanghaier Massagesalon [The Temporary Home of ‘Number Six’: Living in a Shanghai Massage Parlour]
, dans Das neue China
Lena Kaufmann
(2007) | Article de presse
Familie Wu und das Malatang-Metier [The Wu Family and the Malatang Métier]
, dans Das neue China
Lena Kaufmann
(2007) | Article de presse