Reserved Collections
See below for lists of the materials on our reserved shelves, sorted in alphabetical order by teacher name.
Explanatory document for teachers (FR)
Search the reserved shelves of the current semester
The materials in the collections on our reserved shelves have been selected by teachers and may be studied by all students in the library, but may not be borrowed.
Medieval art
- Michele Bacci
PROS The light of the dark ages - Michele Bacci; Vesna Scepanovic
SEM Vor den Kunstwerken, die MA Künsten im MAHF - Michele Bacci
THEM VORL Der Körper im Mittelalter
Renaissance and early modern art
- Jérémie Koering
COURS Peinture et récit - Jérémie Koering
PROS Formes et fonctions du portrait - Jérémie Koering
SEM Vies de l'image - David Zagoury
COURS INTROD Penser l'art à la Renaissance
Modern and contemporary art
- Julia Gelshorn
PROS L'exposition comme médium - Julia Gelshorn
THEM VORL Material matters
Systematic Philosophy
- Emmanuel Alloa
BA/MA COURS La fin de l'art - Emmanuel Alloa
BA SEM Art, image, humanité - Sharon Casu
PROS BA Philosophie de l'action - Alessandro De Cesaris
PROS BA Kreativität - Béatrice Lienemann
BA-SEM Epiket: Philosoph der Freiheit - Kristell Trego
Le néant
History of Philosophy
- Sharon Casu
PROS BA Philosophie de l'action - Béatrice Lienemann
BA-SEM Epiket: Philosoph der Freiheit - Kristell Trego
Le néant
- Giovanni Sommaruga
PROS Logique