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Articles on Folia in History of art or Philosophy
New on FOLIA
- Corpataux, Jean-François (2023), Inner affinity.
- Grigoryan, Gohar (2023), The ‘Just Judgement’ of King Lewon IV. Representational Strategies of Righteous Rulership in Cilician Armenia.
- Grigoryan, Gohar (2023), A Jacobean Shell for Šahuk, “Servant of God”.
- Corpataux, Jean-François (2023), Note sur la Léda de Léonard de Vinci.
- Bacci, Michele (2022), Beards and the Construction of Facial Appearance in the Middle Ages.
New on FOLIA
- Bader, Ralf (2024), Gene Editing vs. Genetic Selection.
- Kaeslin, Isabel (2023), Can philosophy be an academic discipline?
- Bahjat Fumani, Davood (2023), Intention, intentional action, and self-knowledge.
- Theler, Fabrice (2023), La révélation et l’ignorance.
- Cordonier, Valérie (2022), Nicole Oresme on the Movements of Javelin Throwers: a Peripatetic Reading of De Configurationibus II, 37.