B. Egger publications

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Prieto D, Egger B, Cantera  R (2024). Atypical soluble guanylyl cyclases control brain size in Drosophila. microPublication Biology.  (web )


Gonzalez AC, Abreu C, Pantano S, Comini M, Malacrida L, Egger B, Cantera R & Prieto D (2023) A FRET-based cGMP biosensor in Drosophila. microPublication Biology.  (web )


Egger B (2022) Neurogenetics: Current Topics in Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology, Springer (web  )


Chippalkatti R, Egger B & Suter B (2020) Mms19 promotes spindle microtubule assembly in Drosophila neural stem cells. PLoS Genetics 16(11): e1008913 (web )

Baccino-Calace M, Prieto D, Cantera R & Egger B (2020) Compartment and cell-type specific hypoxia responses in the developing Drosophila brain. Biology Open 9, bio053629 (web )

Miszczak K, & Egger B (2020) Live cell imaging of neural stem cells in the larval Drosophila brain. In Brain Development. Springer (web )


Vaquié A, Sauvain A, Duman M, Nocera G, Egger B, Meyenhofer F, Falquet L, Bartesaghi L, Chrast R, Lamy CM, Bang S, Lee SR,  Jeon NL, Ruff S &  Jacob C (2019). Injured axons instruct schwann cells to build constricting actin spheres to accelerate axonal disintegration. Cell Reports 27: 3152-3166.e7 (web )

Egger B & Sprecher SG (2019). Super-Resolution STED and STORM/PALM microscopy for brain imaging. in Advanced Optical Imaging for Brain Imaging. Springer (web )


Contreras EG, Egger B, Gold KS & Brand AH (2018). Dynamic Notch signalling regulates neural stem cell state progression in the Drosophila optic lobe. Neural Development 13:25 (web  )

Widmer YF, Fritsch C, Jungo MM, Almeida S, Egger B & Sprecher SG (2018). Multiple neurons endcode CrebB dependent appetitive long-term memory in the mushroom body circuit. eLife (web  )

Mishra AK, F. Bernardo-Garcia J, Fritsch C, Homberg TH, Egger B & Sprecher SG (2018). Patterning mechanisms diversify neuroepithelial domains in the Drosophila optic placode. PLoS Genetics (web  ) 


Misra T, Baccino-Calace M, Meyenhofer F, Rodriguez-Crespo D, Akarsu H, Armenta-Calderón R, Gorr TA, Frei C, Cantera R, Egger B & Luschnig S (2016). A genetically encoded biosensor for visualizing hypoxia responses in vivo. Biology Open 6: 296-304 (online https://doi.org/10.1242/bio.018226).

Ramdas Nair A, Singh P, Salvador Garcia D, Rodriguez-Crespo D, Egger B & Cabernard C (2016). The microcephaly-associated proteinWdr62/CG7337 is required to maintain centrosome asymmetry in Drosophila neuroblasts. Cell Reports 14: 1100-1113. (link)


Brügger V, Engler S, Pereira JA, Ruff S, Horn M, Welzl H, Münger E, Vaquié A, Sidiropoulos PNM, Egger B, Yotovski P, Filgueira L, Somandin C, Lühmann TC, D’Antonio M, Yamaguchi T, Matthias P, Suter U & Jacob C. HDAC1/2-dependent P0 expression maintains paranodal and nodal integrity independently of myelin stability through interactions with neurofascins. PLoS Biology 13(9): e1002258. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002258.

Guillermin O, Perruchoud B, Sprecher SG & Egger B (2015).Characterization of tailless functions during Drosophila optic lobe formation. Developmental Biology (doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2015.06.011. Epub 2015 Jun 23).


Lowe N, Rees JS, Roote J, Ryder E, Armean IM, Johnson G, Drummond E, Spriggs H, Drummond J, Magbanua3 JF, Naylor H, Sanson B, Bastock R, Huelsmann S, Trovisco V, Landgraf M, Knowles-Barley S, Armstrong JD, White-Cooper H, Hansen C, Phillips RG, The UK Drosophila Protein Trap Screening Consortium, Lilley KS, Russell S & St Johnston D (2014). Analysis of the expression patterns, subcellular localisations and interaction partners of Drosophila proteins using a pigP protein trap library. Development 141: 4006-4017. 

Perruchoud B & Egger B (2014) Immunofluorescent labeling of neural stem cells in the Drosophila optic lobe in "Brain Development" Vol 1082, 71-78, ed Sprecher SG, Springer. 


Southall TD, Gold KS, Egger B, Davidson CM, Caygill EE, Marshall OJ & Brand AM (2013).Cell-type-specific profiling of gene expression and chromatin binding without cell isolation: assaying RNA Pol II occupancy in neural stem cells. Developmental Cell 26: 101-112.

Egger B, Van Giesen L, Moraru M & Sprecher SG (2013). In vitro imaging of primary neural cell culture from Drosophila. Nature Protocols 8: 958-965. 


Moraru M, Egger B, Bao DB and Sprecher SG (2012). Analysis of cell identity, morphology, apoptosis and mitotic activity in a primary neural cell culture system in DrosophilaNeural Development 7:14 (online). 


Egger B, Gold KS & Brand AH (2011). Regulating the balance between symmetric and asymmetric stem cell division in the developing brain. Fly 5:237-241.


Egger B, Gold KS & Brand AH (2010). Notch regulates the switch from symmetric to asymmetric neural stem cell division in the Drosophila optic lobe. Development 137:2981-2987.


von Trotha JW, Egger B & Brand AH (2009). Cell proliferation in the Drosophila adult brain revealed by clonal analysis and bromodeoxyuridine labelling. Neural Development 4:9 doi:10.1186/1749-8104-4-9 (on line).

Southall TD, Egger B, Gold KS & Brand AH (2009). Regulation of self-renewal and differentiation in the Drosophila nervous system. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 73:523-528. 


Wu PS, Egger B & Brand AH (2008). Asymmetric stem cell division: lessons from Drosophila. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 19:283-293.

Egger B, Chell JM & Brand AH (2008). Insights into neural stem cell biology from flies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, 363(1489):39-56. 


Egger B, Boone JQ, Stevens NR, Brand AH & Doe CQ (2007). Regulation of spindle orientation and neural stem cell fate in the Drosophila optic lobe. Neural Development 2:1 doi:10.1186/1749-8104-2-1 (on line).


Fan Y, Soller M , Flister S, Hollmann M, Müller M, Bello B, Egger B, White K, Schäfer MA & Reichert H (2005). The egghead gene is required for compartmentalization in Drosophila optic lobe development. Developmental Biology 287:61-73. 


Loop T, Leemans R, Stiefel U, Hermida L, Egger B, Xie F, Primig M, Certa U, Fischbach KF, Reichert H & Hirth F (2004). Transcriptional signature of an adult brain tumor in Drosophila. BMC Genomics 5:24 doi 10.1186/1471-2164-5-24 (on line). 


Egger B, Leemans R, Loop T, Kammermeier L, FanY, Radimerski T, Strahm MC, Certa U & Reichert H (2002). Gliogenesis in Drosophila: genome-wide analysis of downstream genes of glial cells missing in the embryonic nervous system. Development 129:3295-3309.  


Hirth F, Loop T, Egger B, Miller DFB, Kaufman TC & Reichert H (2001). Functional equivalence of Hox gene products in the specification of the tritocerebrum during embryonic brain development of DrosophilaDevelopment 128: 4781-4788. 

Leemans R, Loop T, Egger B, He H, Kammermeier L, Hartmann B, Certa U, Reichert H & Hirth F (2001). Identification of candidate downstream genes for the homeodomain transcription factor Labial in Drosophila through oligonucleotide-array transcript imaging. Genome Biology 2:research0015.1-9


Leemans R, Egger B, Loop T, Kammermeier L, He H, Hartmann B, Certa U, Reichert H & Hirth F (2000). Quantitative transcript imaging in normal and heat-shocked Drosophila embryos by using high-density oligonucleotide arrays. Proceedings National Academy of Science (USA) 97:12138-12143.