Flatt lab publications
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Publication list in pdf format
2025, forthcoming
Durmaz Mitchell E, Kerdaffrec E, Schmidt P, Flatt T* & Kittelmann S* (2025). A balanced inversion polymorphism exhibits dominance reversals at the gene expression level that depend on developmental context. In review [*co-corresponding authors; co-senior authors].
Durmaz Mitchell E*, Kerdaffrec E, Harney E, Paulo T, Savic Veselinovic M Tanaskovic M Tyukmaeva V, Abaurrea Fernandez de Arcaya T, Aksoy C, Argyridou E, Bailly TPM, Can D, Cobanoglu E, Cook N, Coşkun S, Davidovic S, Demir E, Dias T, Rasouli-Dogaheh S, Duque P, Eric K, Eric P, Erickson P, Filipovski F, Fishman B, Glaser-Schmitt A, Goldfischer A, Green L, Jaillon S, Jelic M, Kostic H, Kreiman LE, Kremer N, Lyrakis M, Maistrenko OM, Marti S-L, McGunnigle M, Merenciano M, Mira M, Montbel V , Mouton L, Mukha DV, Murali S, Patenkovic A, Protsenko O, Putero FA, Reis M, Roshina NV, Rybina OY, Schou MF, Schowing T, Senkal SS, Serga S, Trieu V, Symonenko AV, Trostnikov MV, Tsybul’ko EA, van den Heuvel J, van Waarde D, Veselkina ER, Vieira CP, Wang X, Zandveld J, Abbott J, Billeter J-C, Colinet H, Ebrahimi M, Gibert P, Hrcek J, Kankare M, Kozeretska I, Loeschcke V, Mensch J, Onder BS, Parsch J, Pasyukova EG, Stamenkovic-Radak M, Tauber E, Vieira C, Wegener C, Hoedjes KM, Zwaan BJ, Betancourt AJ, Fricke C, Grath S, Posnien N, Vieira J, Kapun M, Schlötterer C, Schmidt P, Sucena E, González J, Bergland AO, Ritchie MG & Flatt T* (2025). Continent-wide differentiation of fitness traits and patterns of climate adaptation among European populations of Drosophila melanogaster. In revision [*co-corresponding authors].
Nunez JCB, Coronado-Zamora M, Gautier M, Kapun M, Steindl S, Ometto L, Hoedjes KM, Beets J, Wiberg RAW, Mazzeo GR, Bass DJ, Radionov D, Kozeretska I, Zinchenko M, Protsenko O, Serga S, Amor-Jimenez C, Casillas S, Sanchez-Gracia A, Patenkovic A, Glaser-Schmitt A, Barbadilla A, Buendia-Ruiz AJ, Bertelli AC, Kiss B, Önder BS, Matrín BR, Wertheim B, Deschamps C, Arboleda-Bustos CE, Tinedo C, Feller C, Schlötterer C, Lawler C, Fricke C, Vieira CP, Vieira C, Obbard DJ, Orengo D, Vela D, Amat E, Loreto E, Kerdaffrec E, Durmaz Mitchell E, Puerma E, Staubach F, Camus F, Colinet H, Hrcek J, Sørensen JG, Abbott J, Torro J, Parsch J, Vieira J, Olmo JL, Khfif K, Wojciechowski K, Madi-Ravazzi L, Kankare M, Schou MF, Ladoukakis M, Gomez-Julian MJ, Espinosa-Jimenez ML, Garcia-Guerreiro MP, Parakatselaki M-E, Veselinovic MS, Tanaskovic M, Stamenkovic-Radak M, Paris M, Pascual M, Ritchie MG, Rera M, Jelić M, Ansari MH, Rakic M, Merenciano M, Hernandes N, Gora N, Rode N, Rota-Stabelli O, Sepulveda P, Gibert P, Carazo P, Kohlmeier P, Erickson PA, Vitalis R, Torres R, Guirao-Rico S, Ramos-Onsins SE, Castillo S, Paulo TF, Tyukmaeva V, Alonso Z, Alatortsev V, Pasyukova E, Mukha D, Petrov D Schmidt P, Flatt T *, Bergland AO * & González J* (2025). Footprints of worldwide adaptation in structured populations of D. melanogaster through the expanded DEST 2.0 genomic resource. In revision. Preprint: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.11.10.622744 [*co-senior authors, equal contribution]. pdf
Hoedjes KM, Grath S, Posnien N, Ritchie MG, Schlötterer C, Abbott JK, Almudi I, Coronado-Zamora M, Durmaz Mitchell E, Flatt T, Fricke C, Glaser-Schmitt A, González J, Holman L, Kankare M, Lenhart B, Orengo DJ, Snook RS, Yılmaz VM, & Yusuf L. (2024). From whole bodies to single cells: a guide to transcriptomic approaches for ecology and evolutionary biology. Molecular Ecology, 00, e17382. pdf
Rodrigues MA, Dauphin-Villemant C, Paris M, Kapun M, Durmaz Mitchell E, Kerdaffrec E, & Flatt T. (2024). Germline proliferation trades off with lipid metabolism in Drosophila. Evolution Letters 8: 295-310. pdf
Berdan EL*, Barton NH, Butlin R, Charlesworth B, Faria R, Fragata I, Gilbert KJ, Jay P, Kapun M, Lotterhos KE, Mérot C, Durmaz Mitchell E, Pascual M, Peichel CL, Rafajlović M, Westram AM, Schaeffer SW*, Johannesson K*, & Flatt T.* (2023). How chromosomal inversions reorient the evolutionary process. [*co-corresponding authors]. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 36:1761-1782. pdf
Santos J, Matos M, Flatt T, & Chelo IM. (2023). Microbes are potential key players in the evolution of life histories and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans. Ecology and Evolution 13(9):e10537. pdf
Kapun M*, Durmaz Mitchell E, Kawecki TJ, Schmidt P, & Flatt T.* (2023). An Ancestral Balanced Inversion Polymorphism Confers Global Adaptation. [*co-corresponding authors]. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40(6):msad118. pdf
Rau V, Flatt T, & Korb J. (2023). Remoulding of dietary effects on the fecundity / longevity trade-off in a social insect. BMC Genomics 24:244. pdf
Hoedjes KM*, Kostic H, Flatt T*, & Keller L*. (2023). A single nucleotide variant in the PPARg-homolog Eip75B affects fecundity in Drosophila. [*co-corresponding authors]. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40(2):msad018. pdf
Hoedjes KM*, Kostic H, Keller L*, & Flatt T*. (2022). Natural alleles at the Doa locus underpin evolutionary changes in Drosophila lifespan and fecundity. [*co-corresponding authors]. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 289: 20221989. pdf
Berdan EL, Flatt T, Kozak GM, Lotterhos KE, & Wielstra B. (2022). Genomic architecture of supergenes: Connecting form and function. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 377: 20210192. pdf
Berdan EL, Blanckaert A, Butlin R, Flatt T, Slotte T, & Wielstra B. (2022). Mutation accumulation opposes polymorphism: Supergenes and the curious case of balanced lethals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 377:20210199. pdf
Hoffmann AA*, & Flatt T*. (2022). The Rapid Tempo of Adaptation. [*equal contribution]. Science 375: 1226-1227. pdf
Promislow DEL*, Flatt T*, & Bonduriansky R* (2022). The Biology of Aging in Insects: From Drosophila to Non-Model Species. [*equal contribution; co-corresponding authors]. Annual Review of Entomology 67:83–103. pdf
Rodrigues MA, Merckelbach A, Durmaz E, Kerdaffrec E, & Flatt T (2021). Transcriptomic Evidence for a Trade-off between Germline Proliferation and Immunity in Drosophila. Evolution Letters 5:644-656. pdf
Kapun M*, Nunez JCB, Bogaerts-Márquez M, Murga-Moreno J, Paris M, Outten J, Coronado-Zamora M, Tern C, Rota-Stabelli O, García Guerreiro MP, Casillas S, Orengo DJ, Puerma E, Kankare M, Ometto L, Loeschcke V, Onder BS, Abbott JK, Schaeffer SW, Rajpurohit S, Behrman EL, Schou MF, Merritt TJS, Lazzaro BP, Glaser-Schmitt A, Argyridou E, Staubach F, Wang Y, Tauber E, Serga SV, Fabian DK, Dyer KA, Wheat CW, Parsch J, Grath S, Savic Veselinovic M, Stamenkovic-Radak M, Jelic M, Buendía-Ruíz AJ, Gómez-Julián J, Espinosa-Jimenez L, Gallardo-Jiménez FD, Patenkovic A, Eric K, Tanaskovic M, Ullastres A, Guio L, Merenciano M, Guirao-Rico S, Horváth V, Obbard DJ, Pasyukova E, Alatortsev VE, Vieira CP, Vieira J, Torres JR, Kozeretska I, Maistrenko OM, Montchamp-Moreau C, Mukha DV, Barbadilla A, Petrov D*, Schmidt P*, Gonzalez J*, Flatt T* & Bergland AO* (2021). Drosophila Evolution over Space and Time (DEST) — A New Population Genomics Resource. [*co-corresponding authors]. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38:5782–5805. pdf
Machado HE, Bergland AO, Taylor R, Tilk S, Behrman E, Dyer K, Fabian DK, Flatt T, Gonzàlez J, Karasov TL, Kim B, Kozeretska I, Lazzaro BP, Merritt TJS, Pool JE, O'Brien KO, Rajpurohit S, Roy PR, Schaeffer SW, Serga S, Schmidt P, & Petrov DA. (2021). Broad geographic sampling reveals the shared basis and environmental correlates of seasonal adaptation in Drosophila. eLife 2021;10:e67577. pdf
Harrison MC, Jaimes LM, Rodrigues MA, Flatt T, Oettler J, & Bornberg-Bauer, E (2021). Gene co-expression network reveals highly conserved, well-regulated anti-ageing mechanisms in old ant queens. Genome Biology and Evolution 13(6). pdf
Charlesworth B, & Flatt T (2021). On the Fixation or Non-Fixation of Inversions Under Epistatic Selection. Molecular Ecology 30:3896-3897. pdf
Betancourt N, Rajpurohit S, Durmaz E, Fabian DK, Kapun M, Flatt T*, & Schmidt P* (2021). Allelic polymorphism at foxo contributes to local adaptation in Drosophila melanogaster [*co-corresponding authors]. Molecular Ecology 30:2817-2830. pdf
Wallace M, Coffman KA, Gilbert C, Ravindran S, Albery GF, Argyridou E, Bellosta P, Betancourt A, Colinet H, Eric K, Glaser-Schmitt A, Grath S, Jelic M, Kankare M, Kozeretska I, Loeschcke V, Montchamp-Moreau C, Ometto L, Onder BS, Orengo DJ, Parsch J, Pascual M, Patenkovic A, Puerma E, Ritchie MG, Rota-Stabelli O, Schou MF, Serga SV, Stamenkovic-Radak M, Tanaskovic M, Veselinovic MS, Vieira J, Vieira CP, Kapun M, Flatt T, González J, Staubach F, & Obbard DJ (2021). The discovery, distribution and diversity of DNA viruses associated with Drosophila melanogaster in Europe. Virus Evolution 7(1):veab031. pdf
Korb J, Meusemann K, Aumer D, Bernadou A, Elsner D, Feldmeyer B, Foitzik S, Heinze J, Libbrecht R, Lin S, Majoe M, Monroy Kuhn JM, Nehring V, Negroni M, Paxton R, Séguret A, Stoldt M, & Flatt T (2021). Comparative Transcriptomic Analysis of the Mechanisms Underpinning Ageing and Fecundity in Social Insects. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 376 (1823):20190728. pdf [Also see coverage in Science, 25 March, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.371.6536.1302].
Pen I, & Flatt T (2021). Asymmetry, Division of Labour and the Evolution of Ageing in Multicellular Organisms. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B 376 (1823):20190729. pdf [Also see coverage in Science, 25 March, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.371.6536.1302].
Durmaz E, Kerdaffrec E, Katsianis G, Kapun M*, & Flatt T* (2020). How Selection Acts on Chromosomal Inversions. [*co-corresponding]. eLS (Encyclopedia of Life Sciences) 1:307-315, 2020. pdf
Kapun M*, Barrón MG, Staubach F, Vieira J, Obbard DJ, Wiberg RAW, Goubert C, Rota-Stabelli O, Kankare M, Haudry A, Waidele L, Kozeretska I, Pasyukova EG, Loeschcke V, Pascual M, Vieira CP, Serga S, Montchamp-Moreau C, Abbott J, Gibert P, Porcelli D, Posnien N, Grath S, Sucena E, Bergland AO, Garcia Guerreiro MP, Onder BS, Argyridou E, Guio L, Schou MF, Deplancke B, Vieira C, Ritchie MG, Zwaan BJ, Tauber E, Orengo DJ, Puerma E, Aguadé M, Schmidt PS, Parsch J, Betancourt AJ, Flatt T*, & González J* (2020). Genomic analysis of European Drosophila melanogaster populations reveals longitudinal structure, continent-wide selection, and unknown DNA viruses. [*co-corresponding authors]. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37:2661-2678. pdf
Waldvogel A-M, Feldmeyer B, Exposito-Alonso M, Rellstab C, Kofler R, Mock T, Schmid K, Schmitt I, Bataillon T, Savolainen O, Bergland AO, Flatt T, Guillaume F, & Pfenninger M (2020). Evolutionary genomics can improve prediction of species’ responses to climate change. Evolution Letters 4:4-18. pdf
Flatt T (2020). Life-History Evolution and the Genetics of Fitness Components in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 214:3-48. pdf
Flatt T (2019). How flies turn food into progeny. eLife 2019; e51289. pdf
Hoedjes K, van den Heuvel J, Kapun M, Keller L, Flatt T*, & Zwaan BJ* (2019). Distinct Genomic Signals of Lifespan and Life History Evolution in Response to Postponed Reproduction and Larval Diet in Drosophila. (*co-corresponding authors). Evolution Letters 3:598-609. pdf
Ramaekers A, Weinberger S, Claeys A, Kapun M, Yan J, Wolf R, Flatt T, Buchner E, & Hassan BA (2019). Altering the temporal regulation of one transcription factor drives evolutionary trade-offs between head sensory organs. Developmental Cell 50:780-792. pdf [also see commentary by I Almudi & AP McGregor (2019). Sensory Organ Size Evolution: A View from Drosophila. Developmental Cell 50:673-674.]
Durmaz E, Rajpurohit S, Betancourt N, Fabian DK, Kapun M, Schmidt P*, & Flatt T* (2019). A clinal polymorphism in the insulin signaling transcription factor foxo contributes to life-history adaptation in Drosophila (*co-corresponding authors). Evolution 73:1774-1792. pdf [also see commentary by O El-Deeb. 2019. Digest: A clinal polymorphism and life-history adaptations in Drosophila. Evolution 73:2026-2027].
May T, van den Heuvel J, Doroszuk A, Hoedjes K, Flatt T, & Zwaan BJ (2019). Adaptation to developmental diet influences the response to selection on age at reproduction in the fruit fly. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32:425-437. pdf
Kapun M & Flatt T (2019). The adaptive significance of chromosomal inversion polymorphisms in Drosophila melanogaster. Molecular Ecology 28:1263-1282. pdf
Colchero F, Jones OR, Conde DA, Hodgson D, Zajitschek F, Schmidt BR, Malo AF, Alberts SC, Becker PH, Bouwhuis S, Bronikowski AM, De Vleeschouwer KM, Delahey RJ, Dummermuth S, Fernández-Duque E, Frisenvænge J, Hesselsøe M, Larson S, Lemaître JF, McDonald J, Miller DAW, O’Donnell C, Packer C, Raboy BE, Reading CJ, Wapstra E, Weimerskirch H, While GM, Baudisch A, Flatt T, Coulson T, & Gaillard JM. (2019). The diversity of population responses to environmental change. Ecology Letters 22:342-353. pdf
Fabian DK, Garschall K, Klepsatel P, Santos-Matos G, Sucena E, Kapun M, Lemaitre B, Schlötterer C, Arking R, & Flatt T (2018). Evolution of longevity improves immunity in Drosophila. Evolution Letters 2(6):567-579. pdf
Flatt T & Partridge L (2018). Horizons in the Evolution of Aging. BMC Biology 16(1):93. pdf
Durmaz E, Benson C, Kapun M, Schmidt P & Flatt T (2018). An Inversion Supergene in Drosophila Underpins Latitudinal Clines in Survival Traits. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31: 1354-1364. pdf
Flatt T & Wagner GP (2018). Canalization and Robustness. Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology. pdf
Garschall K & Flatt T (2018). The interplay between immunity and aging in Drosophila. F1000Research, 7(F1000 Faculty Rev):160. pdf
Andreatta G, Kyriacou CP, Flatt T* & Costa R* (2018). Aminergic signaling controls ovarian dormancy in Drosophila. Scientific Reports 8:2030, 1-14. (*co-corresponding authors) pdf
Hoedjes KM, Rodrigues MA & Flatt T (2017). Amino acid modulation of lifespan and reproduction in Drosophila. Current Opinion in Insect Science 23: 118-122. pdf
Kubrak OI, Nylin S, Flatt T, Nässel DR, & Leimar O (2017). Adaptation to fluctuating environments in a selection experiment with Drosophila melanogaster. Ecology & Evolution 7: 3796–3807. pdf
Garschall K, Dellago H, Gáliková M, Schosserer M, Flatt T*, & Grillari J* (2017). Ubiquitous overexpression of the DNA repair factor dPrp19 reduces DNA damage and extends Drosophila life span. npj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease 3(5). (*co-corresponding authors). pdf
Rodrigues MA & Flatt T (2016). Endocrine uncoupling of the trade-off between reproduction and somatic maintenance in eusocial insects. Current Opinion in Insect Science 16:1-8. pdf
Kapun M, Schmidt C, Durmaz E, Schmidt PS & Flatt T (2016). Parallel effects of the inversion In(3R)Payne on body size across the North American and Australian clines in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:1059-1072. pdf
Kapun M, Fabian DK, Goudet J & Flatt T (2016). Genomic evidence for adaptive inversion clines in Drosophila melanogaster. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33:1317-1336. pdf
Flatt T (2016). Genomics of clinal variation in Drosophila: disentangling the interactions of selection and demography. Molecular Ecology 25:1023-1026. pdf
Fuellen G, Schofield PN, Flatt T, Schulz R-J, Boege F, Kraft K, Rimbach G, Ibrahim S, Tietz A, Schmidt C, Köhling R & Simm A (2016). Living long and well: prospects for a personalized approach to the medicine of ageing. Gerontology 62: 409-416. pdf
Flatt T (2015). Paying the costs of reproduction. eLife 2015;4:e09556. pdf
Fabian D K, Lack JB, Mathur V, Schlötterer C, Schmidt PS, Pool JE & Flatt T (2015). Spatially varying selection shapes life history clines among populations of Drosophila melanogaster from sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28:826-840. pdf
Flatt T (2014). Plasticity of lifespan – A reaction norm perspective. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 73:532-542. pdf
Klepsatel P, Galikova M, Huber CD & Flatt T (2014). Similarities and differences in altitudinal versus latitudinal variation for morphological traits in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 68:1385- 1398. pdf
Kapun M, van Schalwyk H, McAllister B, Flatt T & Schlötterer C (2014). Inference of chromosomal inversion dynamics from Pool-Seq data in natural and laboratory populations of D. melanogaster. Molecular Ecology 23:1813-1827 [also see commentary by A Navarro & R Faria (2014). Pool and conquer: new tricks for (c)old problems. Molecular Ecology 23:1653-1655]. pdf
Klepsatel P, Galikova M, De Maio N, Huber C, Schlötterer C & Flatt T (2013). Variation in thermal performance and reaction norms among populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 67:3573-3587. pdf
Flatt T, Amdam GV, Kirkwood TBL & Omholt SW (2013). Life-history evolution and the polyphenic regulation of somatic maintenance and survival. Quarterly Review of Biology 88:185- 218. pdf
Alcedo J, Flatt T & Pasyukova E (2013). The role of the nervous system in aging and longevity. Frontiers in Genetics 4:124 (doi: 10.3389/fgene.2013.00124). pdf
Rus F, Flatt T, Tong M, Kleino A, Aggarwal K, Okuda K, Yates E, Tatar M & Silverman N (2013). Ecdysone triggered PGRP-LC expression controls Drosophila innate immunity. EMBO Journal 32:1626-1638. pdf
Klepsatel P, Galikova M, De Maio N, Ricci S, Schlötterer C & Flatt T (2013). Reproductive and post-reproductive life history of wild-caught Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26:1508-1520. pdf
Alcedo J*, Flatt T* & Pasyukova E* (2013). Neuronal inputs and outputs of aging and longevity. Frontiers in Genetics 4:71 (doi: 10.3389/fgene.2013.00071). (*co-corresponding authors) pdf
Hansen M*, Flatt T* & Aguilaniu H* (2013). Reproduction, fat metabolism, and life span: what is the connection? Cell Metabolism 17:10-19. (*co-corresponding authors) pdf
Fabian DK, Kapun M, Nolte V, Kofler R, Schmidt PS, Schlötterer C & Flatt T (2012). Genome-wide patterns of latitudinal differentiation among populations of Drosophila melanogaster from North America. Molecular Ecology 21:4748–4769. pdf
Flatt T (2012). A new definition of aging? Frontiers in Genetics 3:148. doi:10.3389/fgene.2012.00148. [Commentary on Rose et al. 2012, see below]. pdf
Rose MR, Flatt T, Graves JL, Greer L, Martinez DE, Matos MM, Mueller LD, Shmookler Reis RJ & Shahrestani P (2012). What is aging? Frontiers in Genetics 3:134.doi: 10.3389/ fgene.2012.00134. pdf
Orozco-terWengel P, Kapun M, Nolte V, Kofler R, Flatt T & Schlötterer C (2012). Adaptation of Drosophila to a novel laboratory environment reveals temporally heterogeneous trajectories of selected alleles. Molecular Ecology 21:4931-4941 [featured on Cover; also see commentary by MK Burke & AD Long (2012). What paths do advantageous alleles take during short-term evolutionary change? Molecular Ecology 21:4913-4916]. pdf
Fabian DK & Flatt T (2012). Life history evolution. Nature Education Knowledge 3(10):24. pdf
Fabian DK & Flatt T (2011). The evolution of aging. Nature Education Knowledge 3(10):9. pdf
Flatt T, Heyland, A & Stearns SC. 2011. What Mechanistic Insights Can or Cannot Contribute to Life History Evolution - An Exchange Between Stearns, Heyland, and Flatt. Chapter 28, pp. 375- 379, in Flatt T Heyland A (Eds.): Mechanisms of Life History Evolution. The Genetics and Physiology of Life History Traits and Trade-Offs. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. pdf
Flatt T & Heyland A (2011). Life History Integration and Trade-Offs. Part 6, pp. 267-269, n Flatt T Heyland A (Eds.): Mechanisms of Life History Evolution. The Genetics and Physiology of Life History Traits and Trade-Offs. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Flatt T & Heyland A (2011). Life History Plasticity. Part 5, pp. 219-220, in Flatt T Heyland A (Eds.): Mechanisms of Life History Evolution. The Genetics and Physiology of Life History Traits and Trade-Offs. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Flatt T & Heyland A (2011). Lifespan, Aging and Somatic Maintenance. Part 4, pp. 169-170, in Flatt T Heyland A (Eds.): Mechanisms of Life History Evolution. The Genetics and Physiology of Life History Traits and Trade-Offs. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Flatt T & Heyland A (2011). Reproduction. Part 3, pp. 99-100, in Flatt T Heyland A (Eds.): Mechanisms of Life History Evolution. The Genetics and Physiology of Life History Traits and Trade-Offs. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Flatt T & Heyland A (2011). Growth, Development, and Maturation. Part 2, pp. 27-28, in Flatt T Heyland A (Eds.): Mechanisms of Life History Evolution. The Genetics and Physiology of Life History Traits and Trade-Offs. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Braendle C, Heyland A & Flatt T (2011). Integrating Mechanistic and Evolutionary Analysis of Life History Variation. Chapter 1, pp. 3-10, in Flatt T Heyland A (Eds.): Mechanisms of Life History Evolution. The Genetics and Physiology of Life History Traits and Trade-Offs. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. pdf
Flatt T & Heyland A (2011). Integrating Mechanisms into Life History Evolution. Part 1, pp. 1-2, in Flatt T Heyland A (Eds.): Mechanisms of Life History Evolution. The Genetics and Physiology of Life History Traits and Trade-Offs. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Flatt T & Heyland A (2011), editors. Mechanisms of Life History Evolution. The Genetics and Physiology of Life History Traits and Trade-Offs. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 478 pages, 75 illustrations. ISBN 978-0-19-956877-2. (Book reviews in: Times Higher Education, The Quarterly Review of Biology, American Journal of Human Biology, Journal of Genetics - see book reviews).
Klepsatel P & Flatt T (2011). The genomic and physiological basis of life history variation in a butterfly metapopulation. Molecular Ecology 20:1795-1798. pdf
Flatt T (2011). Survival costs of reproduction in Drosophila. Experimental Gerontology 46:369-375. pdf
Galikova M, Klepsatel P, Senti G & Flatt T (2011). Steroid hormone regulation of C. elegans and Drosophila aging and life history. Experimental Gerontology 46:141-147. pdf
Bronikowski AM & Flatt T (2010). Aging and its demographic measurement. Nature Education Knowledge 3(10):3 pdf
Kapun M, Nolte V, Flatt T & Schlötterer C (2010). Natural host range and host specificity of the Drosophila C virus. PLoS One 5(8):e12421. pdf
Galikova M & Flatt T (2010). Dietary restriction and other lifespan extending pathways converge at the activation of the downstream effector takeout. Aging 2:387-390. pdf
Vogl C, Flatt T, Fuhrmann B, Hofmann E, Wallner B, Kovarik P, Strobl B & Müller M (2010). Transcriptome analysis reveals a major impact of tyrosine kinase 2 (Tyk2) on the expression of interferon responsive and metabolic genes. BMC Genomics 25;11(1):199. pdf
Flatt T (2009). Ageing: diet and longevity in the balance. Nature 462:989-990. pdf
Flatt T & Schmidt PS (2009). Integrating evolutionary and molecular genetics of aging. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1790:951-962. pdf
Bauer JH, Morris SNS, Chang C, Flatt T, Wood JG & Helfand SL (2009). dSir2 and Dmp53 interact to mediate aspects of CR-dependent life span extension in D. melanogaster. Aging 1:38-48. [Commentary by L.A. Donehower. 2009. Longevity regulation in flies: A role for p53. Aging 1:6-8.]. pdf
Flatt T, Heyland A, Rus F, Porpiglia E, Sherlock C, Yamamoto R, Garbuzov A, Palli SR, Tatar M & Silverman N (2008). Hormonal regulation of the humoral innate immune response in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 2712-2724. [Image Featured in JEB Calendar 2009]. pdf
Flatt T, Min K-J, D’Alterio C, Villa-Cuesta E, Cumbers J, Lehmann R, Jones DL & Tatar M (2008). Drosophila germ-line modulation of insulin signaling and lifespan. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105:6368-6373. pdf
Crook TC. Flatt T & Smiseth PT (2008). Hormonal modulation of larval begging and growth in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. Animal Behaviour 75:71-77. pdf
Flatt T & Promislow DEL (2007). Physiology: still pondering an age-old question. Science 318:1255-1256. pdf
Flatt T & Kawecki TJ (2007). Juvenile hormone as a regulator of the trade-off between reproduction and life span in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 61:1980-1991. pdf
Shingleton A, Frankino WA, Flatt T, Nijhout HF & Emlen D (2007). Size and shape: the developmental regulation of static allometry in insects. BioEssays 29:536-548. pdf
Min K-J, Flatt T, Kulaots I & Tatar M (2007). Counting calories in Drosophila dietary restriction. Experimental Gerontology 42:247-251. pdf
Flatt T, Moroz LL, Tatar M & Heyland A (2006). Comparing thyroid and insect hormone signaling. Integrative & Comparative Biology 46:777-794. pdf
Bishop C, Erezyilmaz DF, Flatt T, Georgiou CD, Hadfield M, Heyland A, Hodin J, Jacobs M, Maslakova SA, Pires A, Reitzel A, Santagata S, Tanaka K & Youson JH (2006). What is metamorphosis? Integrative & Comparative Biology 46:655-661. pdf
Braendle C & Flatt T (2006). A role for genetic accommodation in evolution? BioEssays 28:868- 873. pdf
Killingback T, Bieri J & Flatt T (2006). Evolution in group-structured populations can resolve the tragedy of the commons. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 273:1477-1481. pdf
Tu MP, Flatt T & Tatar M (2006). Juvenile and steroid hormones in Drosophila melanogaster longevity. Chapter 16 (pp. 415-448) in Masoro E J & Austad SN (Eds.), Handbook of the Biology of Aging, 6th Edition, Academic Press (Elsevier), San Diego. pdf
Flatt T, Tu M-P & Tatar M (2005). Hormonal pleiotropy and the juvenile hormone regulation of Drosophila development and life history. BioEssays 27:999-1010. [Featured on Cover Image]. pdf
Flatt T (2005). The evolutionary genetics of canalization. Quarterly Review of Biology 80:287-316. pdf
Altweg, R, Dummermuth S, Anholt BR & Flatt T (2005). Winter weather affects asp viper (Vipera aspis aspis) population dynamics through susceptible juveniles. Oikos 110:55-66. pdf
Flatt T & Kawecki TJ (2004). Pleiotropic effects of Methoprene-tolerant (Met), a gene involved in juvenile hormone metabolism, on life history traits in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetica 122:141-160. pdf
Flatt T & Scheuring I (2004). Stabilizing factors interact in promoting host-parasite coexistence. Journal of Theoretical Biology 228:241-249. pdf
Flatt T (2004). Assessing natural variation in genes affecting Drosophila lifespan. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 125:155-159. pdf
Rauch G, Simon J-C, Chaubet B, Haack L, Flatt T & Weisser WW (2002). The influence of ant attendance on aphid feeding behaviour investigated with the electrical penetration graph technique. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 102:13-20. pdf
Flatt T, Shine R, Borges-Landaez PA & Downes SJ (2001). Phenotypic variation in an oviparous montane lizard: effects of thermal and hydric incubation environments. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 74:339-350. pdf
Flatt T, Maire N & Doebeli M. 2001. A bit of sex stabilizes host-parasite dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 212:345-354. pdf
2000 and before
Flatt T & Weisser WW (2000). The effects of mutualistic ants on aphid life-history traits. Ecology 81:3522-3529. pdf
Flatt T, Dummermuth S & Anholt BR (1997). Mark-recapture estimates of survival in populations of the asp viper, Vipera aspis aspis. Journal of Herpetology 31:558-564. pdf
Flatt T & Dummermuth S (1993). Zur Kenntnis der Aspis- oder Juraviper Vipera a. aspis (L.,1758) im Kanton Solothurn. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft des Kantons Solothurn 36:75-102. [This natural history paper, written in German and published in the Proceedings of the Natural History Society of the Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland, was an invited contribution and editorially reviewed by the editor-in-chief but not by external reviewers. Translation of the title: "On the Asp or Jura Viper in the Canton of Solothurn".] pdf