H. Müller-Schärer publications

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By early January 2022, Heinz Müller-Schärer authored or co-authored 230 publications in internationally refereed journals with 9003 citations, h-index =50 (30 since 2017; i10-index 134) (google scholar).


Heinz Müller-Schärer's Google Scholar 

Publications list


Sun Y, Ren ZK, Müller-Schärer H, Callaway RM, van Kleunen M, Huang W. 2024. Increasing and fluctuating resource availability enhances invasional meltdown. Ecology, in press.

Rosche CH, Broennimann O, Novikov A, Mrázová V, Danihelka J, Gastner M, Guisan A, Kožić K, Müller-Schärer H, Nagy D, Remelgado R, Ronikier M, Selke J, Shiyan N, Suchan T, Thoma A, Zdvořák P, Mráz P. 2024. Herbarium specimens reveal a cryptic invasion of tetraploid Centaurea stoebe in Europe. Researchsquare.com, submitted.

Ruhollah N, Bijani F, Chauhan BS, Mueller-Schaerer H. 2024. Performance of ACCase-Resistant and ACCase-Susceptible Phenotypes of Sterile Oat Avena sterilis subsp. Ludoviciana (Durieu) Nyman under Drought Conditions in the Greenhouse. Agronomy, 14, 1268. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14061268, download.

Oveisi M, Alizadeh H, Lorestani SA, Esmaili A, Sadeghnejad N, Piri R, Gonzalez-Andujar JL, Müller-Schärer H. 2024. Triangle Area Model (TAM) for predicting germination: An Approach to Enhance Hydrothermal Time Model Applications.Current Plant Biology 39 (2024) 100356, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpb.2024.100356., download.


Müller-Schärer H, Sun Y, Schaffner U. 2023. When a plant invader meets its old enemy abroad: what can be learnt from accidental introductions of biological control agents. Pest Management Science, https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.7390; download

Klötzli J, Suter M, Schaffner U, Müller-Schärer H, Lüscher A. 2023. Synergistic effects of grass competition and insect herbivory on the weed Rumex obtusifolius in an inundative biocontrol approach. Scientific Reports, 13:18508; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-45609-y; download; download SI

Makra L, Matyasovszky I, Tusnády G, Ziska, LH, Jeremy J. Hess JJ, László G. Nyúl LG, Daniel S. Chapman DS, Coviello L, Gobbi A, Jurman G, Furlanello C, Brunato M, Damialis A, Charalampopoulos A, Müller-Schärer H, Norbert Schneider N, Szabó B, Sümeghy Z, Páldy A, Magyar D, Bergmann K-C, Deák AJ, Mikó E, Thibaudon M, Oliver G, Albertini R, Bonini M, Šikoparija B, Radišić P, Josipović MM, Gehrig R, Severova E, Shalaboda V, Stjepanović B, Ianovici N, Berger U, Seliger AK, Rybníček O, Myszkowska D, Dąbrowska-Zapart K, Majkowska-Wojciechowska B, Weryszko-Chmielewska E, Grewling L, Rapiejko P, Malkiewicz M, Šaulienė I, Prykhodo O, Maleeva A, Rodinkova V, Palamarchuk O, Ščevková J, Bulloc JM 2023. A temporally and spatially explicit, data-driven estimation of airborne ragweed pollen concentrationsacross Europe. Science of the Total Environment 905, 167095; doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167095; download

Šingliarová B, Hojsgaard D, Müller-Schärer Heinz, Mráz Patrik.2023. The novel expression of clonality following whole genome multiplication compensates for reduced fertility in natural autopolyploids. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290: 20230389. doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6700004. download


Moghaddam H, Oveisi M, Mehr MK, Bazrafshan J, Naeimi MH, Kaleibar BP, Müller-Schärer H. 2022. Earlier sowing combined with nitrogen fertilization to adapt to climate change effects on yield of winter wheat in arid environments: Results from a field and modeling study, European Journal of Agronomy, 146, 126825, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2023.126825, download

Klötzli J, Suter M, Lüscher A, Müller-Schärer H, Schaffner U. Competitive interactions affect larval survival of two root-boring weed biological control candidates of Rumex spp. BioControl (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10526-022-10157-3, download.

Augustinus BA, Nussbaum N, Yair Y, Harari A, Yaacoby T, Müller-Schärer H, Schaffner U, Rubin B. 2023. Epiblema minutana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in Israel: Promise or Peril? Management of Biological Invasions 14 (in press); download

Rastgordani F, Oveisi M, Mashhadi HR, Naeimi MH, Hosseini NM, Asadian N, Bakhshian A, Müller-Schärer H. 2023. Climate change impact on herbicide efficacy: a model to predict herbicide dose in common bean under different moisture and temperature conditions Crop Protection, 163, 106097 download

 Wang YJ, Liu YY, Chen D, Du D, Müller-Schärer H, Yu FH. 2022. Clonal functional traits favor the invasive success of alien plants into native communities. Ecological Applications, e2756; doi:10.1002/eap.2756, download

Naderi R, Bijani F, Weyl P, and Mueller-Schaerer H. 2022. Intercropping sweet corn with summer savory to increase weed suppression and yield. Weed Technology, 36(4): 544-547. doi:10.1017/wet.2022.54, download

Bieker VC, Battlay P, Petersen B, Sun X, Wilson J, Brealey JC, Bretagnolle F, Nurkowski K, Lee V, Owens GL, Lee JY, Kellner FL, Boheeman L, Gopalakrishnan S, Gaudeul M, Mueller-Schaerer H, Karrer G, Chauvel B, Sun Y, Dalen L, Poczai P, Rieseberg LH, Gilbert MTP, Hodgins KA, Martin MD. 2022. Uncovering the hologenomic basis of an extraordinary plant invasion. Science Advances, 8, eabo5115; download

Sun Y, Müller-Schärer H, Schaffner U. 2022. Fighting neobiota with neobiota: consider it more often and do it more rigorously. Biological Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109506, download.

Sun Y, Züst T, Silvestro D. Erb M, Bossdorf O, Mateo P, Robert C, Mueller-Schaerer H. 2022. Climate warming can reduce biocontrol efficacy and promote plant invasion due to both genetic and transient metabolomic changes. Ecology Letters 25, 1387-1400; download

Schaffner U, Müller-Schärer H, Lüscher A. 2022. Integrated weed management in grasslands. In: Advances in integrated weed management. Burleigh Dodds. ISBN 978-1-78676-745-5; Kudsk, Per (Ed); download

Augustinus BA, Blum M, Citterio S, Gentili R, Helman D, Nestel D, Schaffner U, Müller-Schärer H, Lensky IM. 2022. Ground-truthing predictions of a demographic model driven by land surface temperatures with a weed biocontrol cage experiment. Ecological Modelling 466 1098; download.

Gentili R, Ambrosini R, Augustinus B, Caronni S, Cardarelli E, Montagnani C, Müller-Schärer H, Schaffner U, Citterio S. 2021. High phenotypic plasticity in a prominent plant invader along altitudinal and temperature gradients. Plants, 10, 2144. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10102144; download

Litto M, Bouchemousse S, Schaffner U, and Müller-Schärer H. 2021. Population differentiation in response to temperature in Ophraella communa: implication for the biological control of Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Biological Control, 104777. DOI:org/10.1016/j.biocontrol. Download

Benchaa S, Bouchemousse S, Abdelkrim H and Müller-Schärer H. 2021. Absence of genetic differentiation in performance traits of Sinapis arvensis populations from crop and non-crop habitats across Northern Algeria: implications for management. Weed Research, 61, 243–252. DOI: 10.1111/wre.12481. Download

Savi? A, Oveisi M, Boži? D, Pavlovi? D, Sauli? M, Müller Schärer H, Sava Vrbni?anin S. 2021. Competition between Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Ambrosia trifida: is there a threat of a stronger competitor? Weed Research, 61, 298–306. DOI: 10.1111/wre.12479. Download

Kaleibar BP, Oveisi, M, Alizadeh H, Mueller-Schaerer H. 2021. A thermal time model for deciding herbicide dose in maize. Weed Research, DOI: 10.1111/wre.12503; download.

Sun Y, Kaleibar BP, Oveisi M and Müller-Schärer H. 2021. Addressing climate change: what can plant invasion science and weed science learn from each other? Frontiers in Agronomy. 2:626005. Doi.org/10.3389/fagro.2020.626005. Download

Oveisi M, Ojaghi A, Mashhadi HR, Müller Schärer H, Yazdi KR, Kaleibar BP and Soltani E. 2021. Potential for endozoochorous seed dispersal by sheep and goats: Risk of weed seed transport via animal faeces. Weed Research;61:1–12 (EDITOR'S CHOICE). Download


Sun Y, Beuchat C and Müller-Schärer H. 2020. Is biocontrol efficacy rather driven by the plant or the antagonist genotypes? a conceptual bioassay approach. Neobiota, 63:81-100. Download

Oveisi M, Kaleibar BP, Mashhadi HR, Mueller Schaerer H, Bagheri A, Amani M, Elahinejad M, Masoumi D. 2020. Bean cultivar mixture allows reduced herbicide dose while maintaining high yield: A step towards more eco-friendly weed management. European Journal of Agronomy 122: 126173; doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2020.126173. Download

Sun Y, Bossdorf O, Diaz Grados R, Liao ZY and Müller-Schärer H. 2020. Rapid genomic and phenotypic change in response to climate warming in a widespread plant invader. Global Change Biology,26,6511-6522; DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15291. Download

Augustinus BA, Gentili R,Horvath D, Naderi R, Sun Y, Tournet AMTE, Schaffner U and Müller-Schärer H. 2020. Assessing the risks of non-target feeding by the accidentally introduced ragweed leaf beetle, Ophraella communa, to native European plant species. Biological Control 150, 104356; doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2020.104356. Download

Bouchemousse S, Falquet L, Müller-Schärer H. 2020. Genome assembly of the ragweed leaf beetle: a step forward to better predict rapid evolution of a weed biocontrol agent to environmental novelties. Genome Biology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evaa102.

Augustinus BA, Lommen STE, Fogliatto S, Vidotto F, Smith T, Horvath D, Bonini M, Gentili RF, Citterio S, Müller-Schärer H and Schaffner U. 2020. In-season leaf damage by a biocontrol agent explains reproductive output of an invasive plant species. Neobiota, 55: 117-146. Download

Schaffner U, Steinbach, Sun Y, Skjøth C, de Weger LA, Lommen ST, Augustinus BA, Bonini M, Karrer G, Šikoparija B 8, Thibaudon M and Müller-Schärer H. 2020. Biological control to relieve millions from Ambrosia allergies in Europe. Nature Comms, 11, 1745. Download. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15586-1

Novoa A, Richardson DM, Pysek P, Meyerson LA, Bacher S, Canavan S, Catford JA, Cuda J, Essl F, Foxcroft LC, Genovesi P, Hirsch H, Hui C, Jackson MC, Kueffer C, Le Roux JJ, Measey J, Mohanty NP, Moodley D, Müller-Schäer H, Packer JG, Pergl J, Robinson TB, Saul W-C, Shackleton RT, Visser V, Weyl OLF, Yannelli FA and Wilson JRU. 2020. Invasion syndromes: a systematic approach for predicting biological invasions and facilitating effective management. Biol Invasions, 22, 1801–1820. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-020-02220-w. Download

Qin TJ, Zhou J, Sun Y, Müller-Schärer H, Luo FL, 1, Dong BC, Li HL and Fei-Hai Yu FH. 2020. Phylogenetic diversity is a better predictor of wetland community resistance to Alternanthera philoxeroides invasion than species richness. Plant Biology, 22, 591-599, Download. doi:10.1111/plb.1310

Müller-Schärer H, Bouchemousse S., Litto M, McEvoy PB, Roderick GK and Sun Y. 2020. How to better predict long-term benefits and risks in weed biocontrol: an evolutionary perspective. Curr. Opin. Insect Sci., 38: 84-91. Downloadhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.cois.2020.02.006.

Müller-Schärer H, Schaffner U. 2020. Biological control of plant invaders: a continued stimulus and yet untapped potential to link and advance applied and basic research. Curr. Opin. Insect Sci., 38:v–viii; Download.

Augustinus B & Sun Y, Beuchat C, Schaffner U, Müller-Schärer H. 2020. Predicting impact of a biocontrol agent: integrating distribution modelling with climate-dependent vital rates. Ecological Applications, 30(1):e02003. 10.1002/eap.2003 Download




Skjøth CA, Sun Y, Karrer G, Sikoparija B, Smith M, Schaffner U, Müller-Schärer H. 2019. Predicting abundances of invasive ragweed across Europe using a “top-down” approach. Science of the Total Environment, 686: 212-222. Download

Bordeyne F, Müller-Schärer H, Bouchemousse S. 2019. Isolation of 12 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers of the leaf beetle Ophraella communa, a promising Ambrosia biocontrol agent also in Europe. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 0:2, 178-185. Download

Liu YY, Sun Y, Müller-Schärer H, Yan R, Zhou ZX, Wang YJ, Yu FH. 2019. Do invasive alien plants response differ from non-invasives in dominance and nitrogen uptake to variation of abiotic and biotic environments under global anthropogenic change? Science of The Total Environment, 672: 634-642. Download

Müller-Schärer H, Sun Y, Litto M, Bouchemousse S, Lommen S, Schaffner U. 2019. Predicting benefits and risks of biological control of the invasive common ragweed in Europe: from ecological to evolutionary studies. In: H.L. Hinz et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, Engelberg, Switzerland, pp. 151-153. https://www.ibiocontrol.org/proceedings/.

Lommen S, Jongejans E, Hallmann C, Müller-Schärer H. 2019. Assessing herbivore biocontrol impact on common ragweed, combining field experiments and population models. In: H.L. Hinz et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, Engelberg, Switzerland, p. 253. https://www.ibiocontrol.org/proceedings/.

Augustinus B, Pak D, Sun Y, Citterio S, Gentili R, Bjornstad O, Schaffner U, Müller-Schärer H. 2019. Demographic modeling of a prospective biological control agent of a weed, the case of Ophraella communa and Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe. In: H.L. Hinz et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, Engelberg, Switzerland, p. 123. https://www.ibiocontrol.org/proceedings/.

Schaffner U, Steinbach S, Müller-Schärer H. 2019. Projecting the economic benefits of biological control of common ragweed in Europe. In: H.L. Hinz et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, Engelberg, Switzerland, p. 122. https://www.ibiocontrol.org/proceedings/.





Slodowicz D, Descombes P, Kikodze D, Broennimann O & Müller-Schärer H (2018). Areas of high conservation value at risk by plant invaders in Georgia under climate change. Ecology and Ecolution 8, 4431-4442; download

Sudová R, Kohout P, Kolaříková Z,Rydlová J, Voříšková J; Suda J, Španiel S, Müller-Schärer H, Mráz P. 2018. Sympatric diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe s.l. do not differ in arbuscular mycorrhizal communities and mycorrhizal growth response. American Journal of Botany, 105:1995-2 , download

Müller-Schärer H, Sun Y, Chauvel B, Karrer G, Kazinczi G, Kudsk P, Oude Lansink AGJM, Schaffner U, Skjoth CA, Smith M, Vurro M, de Weger LA and Lommen STE. 2018. Cross-fertilizing weed science and plant invasion science to improve efficient management: a European challenge. Basic and Applied Ecology, 33: 1-13. Download

Mouttet R, Augustinus B, Bonini, M, Chauvel B, Gachet E, Le Bourgeois T, Müller-Schärer H, Thibaudon M, Schaffner U. 2018 Estimating economic benefits of expected biological control of an allergenic weed: a case study for Ophraella communa against Ambrosia artemisiifolia in southeastern France. Basic and Applied Ecology, 33: 14-24. Download

Kiss L, Kovács GM, Bóka K, Bohár G, Varga Bohárné K, Németh MZ, Takamatsu S, Shin HD, Hayova V, Nischwitz C, Seier MK, Evans HC, Cannon P, Ash GJ, Shivas RG and Müller-Schärer H (2018). Deciphering the biology of Cryptophyllachora eurasiatica gen. et sp. nov., an often cryptic pathogen of an allergenic weed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Scientific Reports, 8: 10806. Download

Lommen STE, Jongejans E, Melinda Leitsch-Vitalos M, Tokarska-Guzik B, Zalai M, Müller-Schärer H and Gerhard Karrer G (2018). Time to cut: population models reveal how to mow invasive common ragweed cost-effectively. NeoBiota 39: 53–78. Download

Lommen ST, Fogliatto S, Vidotto F, Citterio S, Augustinus BA & Müller-Schärer H (2018). Direct effects of insecticides on common ragweed-implications for natural enemy exclusion trials. Journal of Pesticide Science. D17-048. Download Appendix

Slodowicz D, Kikodze D, Khutsishvili M, Kalatozishvili L & Müller-Schärer H (2018). Monitoring invasive alien plants in Protected Areas in Georgia. Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Download.

Sun Y, Zhou Z, Wang R & Müller-Schärer H (2018). Biological control opportunities of ragweed are predicted to decrease with climate change in East Asia[J]. Biodiversity Science, 25(12): 1285-1294. doi:10.17520/biods.2017096. Download

Lommen STE, Hallmann CA, Chauvel B, Leitsch-Vitalos M, Karrer G, Tóth P Müller-Schärer H & Jongejans E (2018). Field survey of the population dynamics of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia; version 2. protocols.io, dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.mmyc47w

Lommen STE, Hallmann C, Jongejans E, Chauvel B, Leitsch-Vitalos M, Aleksanyan A, Tóth P, Preda C, Cristina P, Šcepanovic M, Onen H, Tokarska-Guzik B, Anastasiu P, Dorner Y, Fenesi A, Karrer G,  Nagy K, Pinke G, Tiborcz V, Zagyvai G, Zalai M, Kazinczi G, Leskovšek R, Steševic D, Fried G, Kalatozishvili L, Lemke A & Müller-Schärer H (2017). Explaining variability in the production of seed and allergenic pollen by invasive Ambrosia artemisiifoliaacross Europe. Biological Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-017-1640-9. http://rdcu.be/AECp Download.

Stutz S, Mráz P. Hinz HL, Müller-Schärer H & Schaffner U (2018). Biological invasion of oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) in North America: pre-adaptation, post-introduction evolution, or both? PLOS ONE, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0190705




Tokasi S, Monfared EK, Yaghoubi B, Oveisi M, Sasanfar H, Mashhadi HR & Müller-Schärer H (2017). Frist report of Ambrosia psilostachya from Iran: An invasive plant species establishing in coastal area of Gilan province (N Iran). Rostaniha, 18(2): 222-26. Download

Wang YJ, Müller-Schärer H, van Kleunen M, Cai AM, Zhang P, Yan R, Dong BC, Yu FH (2017). Invasive alien plants benefit more from clonal integration in heterogeneous environments than natives. New Phytologist, 216: 1072-1078  (pdf).

Bonini M, Gentili R & Müller-Schärer H (2017). La gestione di ambrosia ed i potenziali benefici e rischi diOprhaella communa in Nord-Italia: i ricercatori incontrano gli stakeholder.(English version: Ragweed management and the potential benefits and risks of Ophraella communa in Northern Italy: researchers meet their stakeholders). Notiziario della Società Botanica Italiana, 1: 99-126, Download

Müller-Schärer H, Schaffner U and the COST-SMARTER Task Force Ophraella. COST-SMARTER and risk assessment of Ophraella communa. Notiziario della Società Botanica Italiana, 1: 105-107 (2016), Download

Lommen STE, Augustinus BA, Schaffner U, Müller-Schärer H and the COST-SMARTER Task Force Ophraella, the COST-SMARTER Task Force Population Dynamics. Development and impact of Ophraella communa in Europe. Notiziario della Società Botanica Italiana, 1: 111-112 (2017), Download

Sun Y, Brönnimann O, Roderick GK, Poltavsky A, Lommen STE & Müller-Schärer H. (2017). Climatic suitability ranking of biological control candidates: a biogeographic approach for ragweed management in Europe. Ecosphere, 8(4):e01731. 10.1002/ecs2 .1731, Download Appendix

Lommen STE, Jolidon EF, Sun Y, Bustamante Eduardo JI & Müller-Schärer H (2017). An early suitability assessment of two exotic Ophraella species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) for biological control of invasive ragweed in Europe. European Journal of Entomology, 114: 160–169, Download

von Virag A, Bon MC, Closca C, Diaconu A, Haye T, Weiss RM, Müller-Schärer H & Hinz H (2017). Phenology and temperature dependent development of Ceutorhynchus assimilis, a potential biological control agent for Lepidium draba. Journal of Applied Entomology, 141, 219-230, Download




Sun Y, Brönnimann O & Müller-Schärer H. Climatic suitability of the accidentally introduced leaf beetle Ophraella communa in Europe: a potential biological control candidate for ragweed. Notiziario della Società Botanica Italiana, 1: 108-110 (2016), Download 

Lommen STE, Ciappetta S, Ghiani A, Asero R, Gentili R, Müller-Schärer H and Citterio S. 2016. Defoliation of common ragweed by Ophraella communa beetle does not affect pollen allergenicity in controlled conditions. Plant Biosystems, Download

Stutz S, Hinz HL, Konowalik K, Müller-Schärer H, Oberprieler Ch and Schaffner U. 2016. Ploidy level in the genus Leucanthemum correlates with resistance to a specialist herbivore. Ecosphere, 7(9) article e01460 Download

Sun Y, Müller-Schärer H and Schaffner U. 2016. Neighbour origin and ploidy level drvie impact of an alien invasive plant species in a competitive environment. PLoS ONE, 11(5): e0155712. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155712, Download

Stutz S, Štajerová K, Hinz HL, Müller-Schärer H and Schaffner U. 2016. Can enemy release explain the invasion success of the diploid Leucanthemum vulgare in North America? Biological Invasions, 18: 2077-2091 Download

Guarino M, Gentili R, Montagnani C, Lommen S, Müller-Schärer H, Citterio S. 2017. L’allergenicità e la vitalità del polline di Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. sono influenzate dagli attachi del coleottero Ophraella communa LeSage ? Notiziario della Società Botanica Italiana, 1: 113-115. Download

Rosche Ch, Durka W, Hensen I, Mráz P, Hartmann M, Müller-Schärer H, Lachmuth S. 2016. The population genetics of the fundamental cytotype-shift in invasive Centaurea stoebe s.l.: genetic diversity, genetic differentiation and small-scale genetic structure differ between cytotypes but not between ranges. Biological Invasions,  18: 1895-1910 Download 




Augustinus BA, Guarino MF, Colombo F, Citterio S, Schaffner U, Müller-Schärer H, Gentili R. 2015. Nuove segnalazioni di Ambrosia artemisiifolia Ophraella communa in valtellina (Alpi Centrali, Lombardia). «NATURA BRESCIANA» Ann. Mus. Civ. Sc. Nat. Brescia, 2015, 39: 45-48. Download

Bonini M, Šikoparija B, Prentovi? M, Cislaghi G, Colombo P, Testoni C, Grewling ?, Lommen S , Müller-Schärer H, Smith M. 2015. Brief communication: A follow-up study examining airborne Ambrosia pollen in the Milan area in 2014 in relation to the accidental introduction of the ragweed leaf beetle Ophraella communa. Aerobiologia, in press

Bonini M, Šikoparija B, Prentovi? M, Cislaghi G, Colombo P, Testoni C, Grewling ?, Lommen S , Müller-Schärer H, Smith M. 2015. Is the recent decrease of airborne Ambrosia pollen in the Milan area due to the accidental introduction of the ragweed leaf beetle Ophraella communa? Aerobiologia, 31:499–513. DownloadChange The World, One Article At A Time (by Springer)- Best 2015 journal paper addressing the world’s most pressing challenges.

Sun Y, Müller-Schärer H, Maron JM, Schaffner U. 2015. Origin matters: diversity affects the performance of alien invasive species but not of native species. The American Naturalist, 185:725-736. Download

Essl F, Biro K, Brandes D, Broennimann O, Bullock, J, Chapman D, Chauvel B, Dullinger S, Fumanal B, Guisan A, Karrer G, Kazinczi G, Kueffer Ch, Laitung B, Lavoie C, Leitner M, Moser D, Müller-Schärer H, Petitpierre B, Richter R, Schaffner U, Smith M, Starfinger U, Vautard R, Vogl G, von der Lippe M, Follak S. 2015. Biological Flora of the British Isles: Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Journal of Ecology, 103, 1069-1098. Download

Sun Y, Müller-Schärer H, Maron JM, Schaffner U. 2015. Bio-geographic effects on early establishment of an invasive alien plant. American Journal of Botany, 104:1-5. Download Appendices

Thalmann DJK, Kikodze D, Khutsishvili M, Kharazishvili D, Guisan A, Broennimann O and Müller-Schärer H. 2015. Areas of high conservation value in Georgia: present and future threats by invasive alien plants. Biological Invasions,17:1041-1054 Download




Müller-Schärer H, Lommen S. 2014.EU-COST Aktion über „Nachhaltige Bekämpfung von Ambrosia artemisiifoliain Europa“ (COST FA1203-SMARTER): Chancen und Herausforderungen. Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 445:148-155. Download

Mráz P, Tarbush E and Müller-Schärer H. 2014. Drought tolerance and plasticity in the invasive Centaurea stoebe s.l. (Asteraceae): effect of populations stronger than those of cytotype and range. Annals of Botany, 114: 289-299. Download

Sun Y, Müller-Schärer H and Schaffner U. 2014. Plant neighbours rather than soil biota determine impact of an alien plant invader. Functional Ecology, 28: 1545- 1555. Download

Müller-Schärer H, Lommen STE, Rosellini M, Bonini M, Boriani M, Bosio G and Schaffner U. 2014. Ophraella communa, the ragweed leaf beetle, has successfully landed in Europe: fortunate coincidence or threat? Weed Research, 54: 109-119. Download

Broennimann O, Mráz P, Petitpierre B, Guisan A and Müller-Schärer H. 2014. Contrasting spatio-temporal climatic niche dynamics during the eastern and western invasions of spotted knapweed in North America. Journal of Biogeography, 41: 1126-1136. Download




Boriani M, Calvi M, Taddei A, Tantardini A, Cavagna B, Spadoni Andreani F, Montagna M, Lommen S and Müller-Schärer H. 2013. Ophraella communa segnalata in Italia su Ambrosia, L'Informatore agrario 34, 2. (in Italian) Download

Maron JL, Waller LP, Hahn MA, Diaconu A, Pal RW, Müller-Schärer H, Klironomos JN and Callaway RM. 2013. Effects of soil fungi, disturbance and propagule pressure on exotic plant recruitment and establishment at home and abroad. Journal of Ecology,101: 924-932. Download

Sun Y, Collins AR, Schaffner U and Müller-Schärer H. 2013. Dissecting impact of plant invaders: do invaders behave differently in the new range? Ecology, 94(10): 2124–2130. Download Appendices

Hahn MA, Lanz T, Fasel D and Müller-Schärer H. 2013. Increased seed survival and seedling emergence in a polyploid plant invader. American Journal of Botany, 100(8):1555-1561. Download

Hahn MA and Müller-Schärer H. 2013. Cytotype differences modulate eco-geographical differentiation in the widespread plant Centaurea stoebe. Ecology, 94(5):1005–1014. Download

Collins AR, Thalmann D and Müller-Schärer H. 2013. Cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe found to differ in root growth using growth pouches. Weed Research, 53(3):159-169. Download

Asadi G, Ghorbani R, Karimi J, Bagheri A and Müller-Schärer H. 2013. Host Impact and Specificity of Tortoise Beetle (Cassida rubiginosa) on Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) in Iran. Weed Technology, 27(2): 405-411 Download

Eschen R,  Müller-Schärer H and Schaffner U. 2013. Plant interspecific differences in arbuscular  mycorrhizal colonization as a result of soil carbon addition. MycorrhizaJan, 23(1):61-70. Download




Stutz S, Mráz P. Hinz HL, Müller-Schärer H. and Schaffner U. 2018 Biological invasion of oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) in North America: pre-adaptation, post-introduction evolution, or both? PLOS ONE, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0190705

Hahn MA, van Kleunen and Müller-Schärer H. Increased phenotypic plasticity to climate may have boosted the invasion success of polyploid Centaurea stoebe. PLoS ONE 7(11): e50284.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050284. Download

Hahn MA, Buckley YM and Müller-Schärer, H. 2012. Increased population growth rate in invasive polyploid Centaurea stoebe in a common garden. Ecology Letters, 15, 947-954. Download

Mráz P, Španiel S, Keller A, Bowmann G, Farkas A, Šingliarová B, Rohr RP, Broennimann O and Müller-Schärer H. 2012. Anthropogenic disturbance as a driver of microspatial and microhabitat segregation of cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe and cytotype interactions in secondary contact zones. Annals of Botany, 110: 615–627. DownloadSupplementary

Mráz P, Garcia-Jacas N, Gex-Farbry E , Susanna A, Barres L and Müller-Schärer H. Allopolyploid origin of highly invasive Centaurea stoebe s.l. (Asteraceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 62: 612-623. Download 

Collins AR and Müller-Schärer H. 2012. Influence of plant phenostage and ploidy level on oviposition and feeding of two specialist herbivores of spotted knapweed, Centaurea stoebe. Biological Control, 60: 148-153. Download

Müller-Schärer H and Collins AR. 2012. Integrated Weed Management.  Encyclopedia of Environmental Management (ed. Jorgensen, S.E.) Taylor and Francis, New York. Download




Callaway RM, Waller LP, Diaconu A, Pal, R, Collins AR, Mueller-Schaerer H, Maron JL. 2011. Escape from competition: neighbors reduce C. stoebe performance at home but not away. Ecology, 92: 2208-2213. Download

Collins AR, Naderi R and Müller-Schärer H.  2011. Competition between cytotypes changes across a longitudinal gradient in Centaurea stoebe L. (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany, 98(12): 1935-1942. Download

Simberloff D. 2011. Non-natives: 141 scientists object. Nature (Correspondence) 475: 36. Download 

Gerber E, Schaffner U, Hinz HL, Gassmann A, Seier M and Müller-Schärer H. 2011. Prospects for biological control of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe: learning from the past. Weed Research 51(6), 559-573. DownloadAppendix 

Treier, U. A. and Müller-Schärer, H. 2011, Differential effects of historical migration, glaciations and human impact on the genetic structure and diversity of the mountain pasture weed Veratrum album L. Journal of Biogeography, 38: 1776-1791. Download 

Schaffner U, Ridenour WM, Wolf VC, Bassett T, Caroline Müller C, Müller-Schärer H, Sutherland S, Lortie CJ, and Callaway RM. 2011. Plant invasions, generalist herbivores, and novel defense weapons. Ecology, 94, 829-835. Download 

Mraz P, Bourchier R, Treier U, Schaffner U, Müller-Schärer H. 2011. Polyploidy in phenotypic space and invasion context: a morphometric study of Centaurea stoebe. International Journal of Plant Sciences 3, 386–402. Download  

Thébault A, Gillet F, Müller-Schärer, H and Buttler A. 2011. Polyploidy and invasion success: trait trade-offs in native and introduced cytotypes of two Asteraceae species. Plant Ecology 212, 315-325. Download 



Henery ML, Bowman G, Mráz  P, Treier, UA, Gex-Fabry E, Schaffner, U and Müller-Schärer H. 2010. Evidence for a combination of pre-adapted traits and rapid adaptive change in the invasive plant Centaurea stoebe. Journal of Ecology, 98, 800-813. Download 

Rapo C, Müller-Schärer H, Vrieling K and Schaffner U. 2010. Is there rapid evolutionary response in introduced populations of tansy ragwort, Jacobaea vulgaris, when exposed to biological control? Evolutionary Ecology 25(6), 1081-1099. Download

Bischoff, A., Steinger, T. and Müller-Schärer, H. 2010. The importance of plant provenance and genotypic diversity of seed material used for ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology, 18, 338-348. Download 

Crémieux L, Bischoff A, Müller-Schärer H and Steinger T. 2010. Gene flow from foreign provenances into local plant populations: fitness consequences and implications for biodiversity restoration. American Journal of Botany 97, 94-100. Download

Bischoff A and Müller-Schärer H. 2010. Testing population differentiation in plant species: how important are environmental maternal effects. Oikos, 119, 445-454. Download



Broz AK, Manter, DK, Bowman G, Müller-Schärer H and Vivanco, JM. 2009. Plant origin and ploidy influence gene expression and life cycle characteristics in an invasive weed. BMC Plant Biology 9:33 (doi:10.1186/1471-2229-9-3380). Download Appendix1 Appendix2

Spiegelberger T. · Müller-Schärer H. · Matthies D. · Schaffner U.· Sawdust addition reduces the productivity of nitrogen-enriched mountain grasslands. Restoration Ecology 17 (6), 865 -872. Download 

Eschen R, Müller-Schärer H & Schaffner U. 2009. Aboveground environment type, soil nutrient content and arbuscular mycorrhizal fingi explain establishment success of Centaurea jacea on ex-arable land and in late-successional grasslands. Plant and Soil, DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-9899-y. Download 

Treier, U.A., Broennimann, O., Normand, S., Guisan, A., Schaffner, U., Steinger, T. and Müller-Schärer, H. 2009. Shift in cytotype frequency and niche space in the invasive plant Centaurea maculosa. Ecology 90 (5), 1366-1377. Download 



Hesse, E., Rees, M. and Müller-Schärer, H. 2008. Life-history variation in contrasting habitats: flowering decisions in a clonal perennial herb (Veratrum album). American Naturalist, 172, E196-E213.Download

Crémieux L, Bischoff A, Šmilauerová M, Lawson CL, Mortimer SR, Doležal, J, Lanta, V, Edwards AR, Brook, AJ, Tscheulin T, Macel M, Lepš J, Müller-Schärer H and Steinger T. 2008. Resistance of local and foreign plant populations to antagonists across a continental scale. New Phytologist, 180, 524-533. Download Commentary

Bischoff, A., Steinger, T. and Müller-Schärer, H. 2008. The importance of plant provenance and genotypic diversity of seed material used for ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology,18, 338-348. Download

Müller-Schärer H. · Schaffner U. · Classical biological control : exploiting enemy escape to manage plant invasions. Biological Invasions 10, 859-874. Download

Handley R.J. · Steinger T. · Treier U.A. · Müller-Schärer H.· 2008. Regional differences in exposure-time to plant disease : testing the Evolution of Inceased Competitive Ability (EICA) hypothesis in a novel framework. Ecology, 89, 407-417. Download

Salzmann · Handley R.J. · Müller-Schärer H. · Functional significance of triazine-herbicide resistance in defence of Senecio vulgaris against a rust fungus. Basic and Applied Ecology 9, 577-587. Download




Broennimann O. · Treier U.A · Müller-Schärer H. · Thuiller W. · Peterson A.T. · Guisan A. · Evidence of climatic niche shift during biological invasion. Ecology Letters 10, 701-709. Download

Smit C. · Vandenberghe C.H. · den Ouden J. · Müller-Schärer H.· Effect of grazing pressure on associational resistance. Oecologia 152, 265-273. Download

Hesse E. · Rees M. · Müller-Schärer H. ·Seed bank persistence of clonal weeds in contrasting habitats : implications for control. Plant Ecology 190, 233-243. Download

Macel M. · Lawson C.S. · Mortimer S.R. · Šmilauerova M. · Bischoff A. · Crémieux L. · Doležal J. · Edwards A.R. · Lanta V. · Bezemer T.M. · van der Putten W.H. · Igual J.M. · Rodriguez-Barrueco C. · Müller-Schärer H. · Steinger T.· Climate versus soil factors in local adaptation of two common plant species. Ecology 88, 424-433. Download

Smit C. · Gusberti M. · Müller-Schärer H. · Safe for tree saplings, safe for seeds? Forest Ecology and Management 237, 471-477. Download



Gvritishvili M., Kikodze D. and Müller-Schärer H. 2006. Preliminary data on fungal antagonists of False Hellebore (Veratrum album ssp. Lobellianum) in Georgia and their potential as effective biocontrol agents. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ser. B., 110-113. Download

Bischoff A., Crémieux L., Smilauerova M., Lawson C.L., Mortimer S.R., Doležal J., Lanta V., Edwards E.A., Brook A.J., Macel M., Leps J., Steinger T. and Müller-Schärer H. 2006. Detecting local adaptation in widespread grassland species – the importance of scale and local plant community. Journal of Ecology 94, 1130-1142. Download

Kleijn D. and Müller-Schärer H. 2006. The relation between unpalatable species, nutrients and plant species richness in Swiss montane pastures. Biodiversity and Conservation 15, 3971-3982. Download

Spiegelberger T., Matthies D., Müller-Schärer H. and Schaffner U. 2006. Scale-dependent effects of land use on plant species richness of mountain grassland in the European Alps. Ecography 29, 541-548. Download Appendix

Bischoff A.,Vonlanthen B., Steinger T. and Müller-Schärer H. 2006. Seed provenance matters – effects on germination of four plant species used for ecological restoration on arable land. Basic and Applied Ecology 7, 347-359. Download

Frantzen J. and Müller-Schärer H. 2006. Modeling the impact of a biocontrol agent, Puccinia lagenophorae, on interactions between a crop, Daucus carota, and a weed. Biological Control 37, 301-306. Download

Smit C., den Ouden J. and Müller-Schärer H. 2006. Unpalatable plants facilitate tree sapling survival in wooded pastures. Journal of Applied Ecology 43. 305-312. Download

Eschen R., Müller-Schärer H. and Schaffner U. 2006. Soil carbon addition affects growth of plants in a species-specific way. Journal of Applied Ecology 43, 35-42. Download




Smit C., Béguin D., Buttler A. and Müller-Schärer H. 2005. Safe sites for tree regeneration in wooded pastures : A case of associational resistance? Journal of Vegetation Science 16, 209-214. Download




Kleijn D., Treier U. and Müller-Schärer H. 2004. The importance of nitrogen and carbohydrate storage for plant growth of the alpine herb Veratrum album. New Phytologist 166, 565-575. Download

Müller-Schärer H., Schaffner U. and Steinger T. 2004. Evolution in invasive plants: implications for biological control. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19 , 417-422. Download

Müller-Schärer H. and Steinger T. 2004. Predicting evolutionary change in invasive, exotic plants and its consequences for plant-herbivore interactions, In : Genetics, Evolution and Biological Control (edited by Ehler L.E., Sforza R. and Mateille T.). CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 137-162. Download



Müller-Schärer H. Lässig R. and Hirsch Hadorn G. 2003. Interdisziplinärität auf dem prüfstand. GAIA 12 (4), 241-242.

Haldimann P., Steingr T. and Müller-Schärer H. 2003. Low genetic differentiation among seasonal generations in Senecio vulgaris as revealed by AFLP analysis. Molecular Ecology 12: 2541-2551. Download

Grace B.S. and Müller-Schärer H. 2003. Managing crop-weed interactions: Biological control of Senecio vulgaris in carrots (Daucus carota). Basic and Apllied Ecology 4: 375-384. Download



Steinger T., Haldimann P.,Leiss K. and Müller-Schärer H. 2002. Does natural selection promote population divergence? A comparative analysis of population structure using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers and quantitative traits. Molecular Ecology 11 : 2583-2590. Download

Frantzen J., Rossi F. and Müller-Schärer H. 2002. Integration of biological control of Senecio vulgarisinto chemical weed control. Weed Science, 50, 787-793. Download

Müller-Schärer H. 2002. Biologische Verfahren. In : Unkraut : Biologie und Bekämpfung (P. Zwerger und H.U. Ammon, eds.) Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgrt, 118-131. Download

Müller-Schärer H. 2002. Principles of integrated pest management with emphasis on weeds. In : Encyclopedia of Pest Management, (ed. Pimentel D), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. Download



Müller-Schärer, H. (2001). Editorial: Finding solutions for biological control of weeds in European crop systems. BioControl, 46(2), 125-126. Download

Scheepens P.C., Müller-Schärer H. and Kempenaar C. 2001. Opportunities for biological weed control in Europe. BioControl 46 (2), 127-138. Download

Schaffner U., Kleijn D., Brown V. and Müller-Schärer H. 2001. Veratrum album L. in montane grasslands : a model system for implementing biological control in land management practices of high biodiversity habitats. Biocontrol News and Information 22 (1), 19-28. Download

Leiss K. and Müller-Schärer H. 2001. Adaptation of Senecio vulgaris to ruderal and agricultural habitats. American Journal of Botany 88, 1593-1599. Download

Leiss K. and Müller-Schärer H. 2001. Performance of reciprocally sown populations of Senecio vulgarisfrom ruderal and agricultural habitats. Oecologia 128, 210-216. Download

Frischknecht P.M., Schuhmacher K., Müller-Schärer H. and Baumann T.W. 2001. Phenotypic plasticity of Senecio vulgaris : from contrasting habitat types : growth and pyrrolizidine alkaloid formation. Journal of Chemical Ecology 27 (2), 343-358. Download

Frantzen J. and Müller-Schärer H. 2001. The system management approach of biological weed control : theory and application. BioControl 46 (2), 139-155. Download

Leiss K. and Müller-Schärer H. 2001. Population dynamics of the annual plant Senecio vulgaris and the rust fungus Puccinia lagenophorae at ruderal and agricultural habitats. Basic and Applied Ecology 2, 53-64. Download

Wyss G.S. and Müller-Schärer H. 2001. Effects of selected herbicides on the germination and infection process of Puccinia lagenophorae, a biocontrol agent of Senecio vulgaris. Biological Control 20, 160-166. Download

Müller-Schärer H. and Fischer M. 2001. Genetic structure of Senecio vulgaris in relation to habitat type and population size. Molecular Ecology 10, 17-28. Download


2000 and before


Hinz H.L. and Müller-Schärer H. 2000. Suitability of two root-mining weevils for the biological control of scentless chamomile, Tripleurospermum perforatum, with special regard to potential non-target effects. Bulletin of Entomological Research 90 497-508. Download

Hinz H.L. and Müller-Schärer H. 2002. Influence of host condition on the performance of Rhopalomyian. sp. (Diptera : Cecidomyiidae), a biological control agent for Tripleutospermum perforatum(Asteraceae). Biological Control, 18, 147-156. Download

Müller-Schärer H., Scheepens P. and Greaves M. 2000. Biological control of weeds in European crops : recent achievements and future work. Weed Research (25th Anniversary Jubilee edition) 40, 83-98. Download

Guadagnini M., Herzig R., Erismann K.H. and Müller-Schärer H. 1999. In-vitro-Züchtung, Selektion und Erprobung von metall-akkumulierenden Tabakvarianten zur Bodensanierung. TerraTech 6, 52-54. Download

Wyss E., Villiger M. and Müller-Schärer H. 1999. The potential of three native insect predators to control the rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea. BioControl 44, 171-182. Download

Wyss G.S. and Müller-Schärer H. 1999. Infection process and resistance in the weed pathosystemSenecio vulgaris L.- Puccinia lagenophorae Cooke, and implications for biological control. Canadian Journal of Botany 77, 361-369. Download

Frey J.E., Müller-Schärer H., Frey B. and Frei D. 1999. Complex relation between triazine susceptible phenotype and genotype in the weed Senecio vulgaris may be caused by chloroplast DNA polymorphism. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 99, 578-586. Download

Frantzen J. and Müller-Schärer H. 1999. Wintering of the biotrophic fungus Puccinia lagenophoraewithin the annual plant Senecio vulgaris : implications for biological weed control. Plant Pathology 48, 483-490. Download

Ammon H.U. and Müller-Schärer H. 1999. Prospects for combining biological weed control with integrated crop production systems, and with sensitive management of alpine pastures in Switzerlant. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 106 (2), 213-220. Download

Wyss E., Villiger M., Hemptinne J.L. and Müller-Schärer H. 1999. Effects of augmentative releases of eggs and larvae of the two-spot ladybird beetle, Adalia bipunctata, on the abundance of the rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea, in organic apple orchards. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 90, 167-173. Download

Guadagnini M., Herzig R.,  Erismann K.H. and Müller-Schärer H.1998. Im Labor gezüchtete Pflanzen für die Bodensanierung. BioWorld 3, 3-6. Download

Frantzen J. and Müller-Schärer H. 1998. A theory relating focal epidemics to crop-weed interaction. Phytopathology 88, 180-184. Download

Müller-Schärer H. and Rieger S. 1998. Epidemic spread of the rust fungus Puccinia lagenophorae and its impact on the competitive ability of Senecio vulgaris in celeriac during early development. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 8 59-72. Download

Wyss G. S. andMüller-Schärer H. 1998. Puccinia lagenophorae as a classical biocontrol agent for common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) in the United States? Phytopathology 88, S99.

Weiner J., Martinez S., Müller-Schärer H., Stoll P. and Schmid B. 1997. How important are environmental maternal effects in plants? a study with Centaurea maculosa. Journal of Ecology 85, 133-142. Download

Müller-Schärer H. and Scheepens P.C. 1997. Biological control of weeds in crops : a co-ordinated European research programme. Integrated Pest Management Reviews 2 (2) 45-50. Download

Müller-Schärer H. and Frantzen J. 1996. An emerging system management approach for biological weed control in crops : Senecio vulgris as a research model. Weed Research 36, 483-491. Download

Müller-Schärer H. 1996. Interplanting ryegrass in winter leek : effect on weed control, crop yield and allocation of N-fertiliser. Crop Protection, 15, 641-648. Download

Müller-Schärer H. and Brown V.C. 1995. Direct and indirect effects of above- and below-ground insect herbivory on plant density and performance of Tripleurospermum perforatum during early plant succession. Oikos 72, 36-41. Download

Saner M., Jeanneret P. and Müller-Schärer H. 1994. Interactions among a root mining moth, a stemm mining weevil, and the phenostage of their host plant, Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill. (Scrophulariaceae). Biocontrol Science and Technology 4, 215-222. Download

Saner M. and Müller-Schärer H. 1994. Impact of root mining by Eteobalea spp. on clonal growth and reproduction of common toadflax, Linaria vulgaris Mill. Weed Research 34, 199-204. Download

Landau I., Müller-Schärer H. and Ward P. 1994. The influence of cnicin, a sesquiterpene lactone ofCentaurea maculosa on specialist and generalist insect herbivores. Journal of Chemical Ecology 20, 929-942. Download

Müller-Schärer H. and Wyss G.S. 1994. Das Gemeine Kreuzkraut (Senecio vulgaris L.) : Problemunkrautart und Möglichkeiten der biologischen Bekämpfung. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft XIV, 201-209. Download

Schroeder D., Müller-Schärer H. and Stinson C.S.A. 1993. A European weed survey in ten major crops to indentify targests for biological control. Weed Research 33, 449-458. Download

Müller-Schärer H. and Schroeder D. 1993. The biological control of Centaurea spp. in North America : do insects solve the problem? Pesticide Science 37, 343-353. Download

Steinger T. and Müller-Schärer H. 1992. Physiological and growth responses of Centaurea maculosa(Asteraceae) to root herbivory under varying levels of interspecific plant competition and soil nitogen availability. Oecologia 91, 141-149. Download

Müller-Schärer H., Lewinsohn T.M. and J. Lawton. 1991. Searching for weed biocontrol agents : when to move on? Biocontrol Science and Technology 1, 271-280. Download

Müller-Schärer H., Lehr C., Klein M. and Marquardt K. 1991. Gel-electrophoretic description of European populations of Terellia virens (Loew) (Dip. : Tephritidae), and implications for its use as biological control agent of Centaurea spp. (Asteraceae) in North America. Experientia 47, 859-864. Download

Müller-Schärer H. 1991. Pflanzenreaktionen auf Wurzelherbivoren, Variationen, Ursachen und Mechanismen : Experimente an zweijährigen Kompositen. In : Populationsbiologie der Pflanzen (B. Schmid and J. Stöcklin, eds.). Birkhäuser Verlag Basel ; chapter 17 : 281-297. Download

Müller-Schärer H. 1991. The impact of root herbivory as a function of plant density and competition : survival, growth and fecundity of Centaurea maculosa (Compositae) in field plots. Journal of Applied Ecology 28, 759-776. Download

Müller-Schärer H., Nuessly G.S. and Goeden R.D. 1990. Natural enemies and host-plant asynchrony contributing to the failure of the introduced moth Coleophora parthenica Meyrick (Lepidoptera : Coleophoridae) to control Russian thistle. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 32, 133-142. Download

Müller-Schärer H. and Goeden R.D. 1990. Parasitoids acquired by Coleophora parthenica (Lepidoptera : Coleophoridae), ten years after its introduction into Southern California for the biological control of Russian thistle. Entomophaga 35, 257-268. Download

Müller-Schärer H., Stinson C.A.S., Marquardt K. and Schröder D. 1989. The entomofaunas of roots ofCentaurea maculosa Lam., C. diffusa Lam. and C. vallesiaca Jordan in Europe : Niche separation in space and time. Journal of Applied Entomology 107, 83-95. Download

Müller-Schärer H. 1989. Growth pattern of diploid and tetraploid spotted knapweed, Centaurea maculosa Lam. (Compositae) and effects of the root-mining moth Agapeta zoegana (L.) (Lep. : Cochylidae). Weed Research 29, 103-111. Download

Müller-Schärer H. 1989. Structural analysis of the phytophagous insect guilds associated with the roots of Centaurea maculosa Lam., C. diffusa Lam., and C. vallesiaca Jordan in Europe : 1. Field observations. Oecologia 78, 41-52. Download/span>

Müller-Schärer H., Schröder D. and Gassmann A. 1988. Agapeta zoegana (L.) (Lep. Cochylidae), a suitable prospect for biological control of spotted and difuse knapweed, Centaurea maculosa Lam. and C. diffusa Lam. (Compositae) in Canada. Can. Entomol. 120, 109-124. Download

Goeden R.D., Ricker D.W. and Müller-Schärer H. 1987. Introduction, recovery, and limited establishment of Coleophora klimeschiella (Lepidoptera : Coleophoridae) on Russian thistles, Salsola australis, in Southern California. Environ. Entomol. 16, 1027-1029. Download

Toth M., Guerin P.M., Buser H.-R., Müller-Schärer H., Scocs G., Sciraki G. and Arn H. 1985. Z-11-Tetradecenyl acetate : Sex attractant of Agapeta zoegana (Lep. Cochylidae), a potential species for the biological control of knapweed. Can. Entomol. 117, 1163-1165. Download

Müller-Schärer H. 1983. Untersuchungen zur Eignung von Stenodes straminea Haw. (Lep Cochylidae) für die biologische Bekämpfung von Centaurea maculosa Lam. gefleckte Flockenblume) (Compositae) in Kanada. Mitt. Schweiz. Entomol. Ges. 56, 329-342. Download