Statistical & Computational Biology
Open Positions
There are currently no open positions advertized.
Join us as PhD or Postdoc
We are always looking for highly motivated people to join our group as PhD students or postdoctoral fellows. Please contact us to inquire for opportunities.
Funding is unfortunately limited, but there are multiple funding schemes that might work for you. We are very happy to support your application.
Note that given the flood of unqualified and off-topic applications, we are unfortunately only able to respond to requests written in English and to applications from people seeking a PhD or postdoc position in Bioinformatics or Computational Biology in a topic that matches our research interests.
Join us for your masters
We are accepting master students for both the Master in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology as well as for the Master in Biology. Please contact us via email if you are enrolled in these programs and interested in joining our group.
Not yet enrolled but interested in joining one of our master programs? You will find more information here:
Master in Bioinformatics and Computational BiologyMaster in Biology
Join us for Your Bachelor Projects
We are accepting students from the Bachelor in Biology. Please contact us via email if you are interested in writing your bachelor thesis with us.