Is It Possible to Learn without a Brain?
Certain animals have no need of a brain for learning things. This is the surprising discovery that Prof. Simon Sprecher of the University of Fribourg has laid out in a recently published study. With his…
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Extreme dwarfs and giants more likely to go extinct
Islands are biodiversity hotspots and home to animal species with unique features, including dwarfs that evolved to very small sizes compared to their mainland relatives, and giants. An international study…
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Discover 5 articles featuring our researchers in the latest edition of "Universitas", University of Fribourg's scientific magazine. "Der Countdown läuft", "Wieso Ameisen anders altern", "Warum altern wir?",…
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Human activity, the driving force of destruction in the Amazon.
In a matter of decades, human activity has had a greater impact on the Amazon's ecosystems than millions of years of natural evolution. That is the conclusion reached in a study recently published in the…
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Supporting an urgent call to protect Madagascar's biodiversity with AI
A major review of Madagascar's unique biodiversity has just taken place, involving over 50 organisations worldwide. Madagascar is one of the world's foremost biodiversity hotspots with 82% of its plants…
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Espèces invasives: comprendre, classer et protéger
Les espèces exotiques envahissantes représentent un problème croissant pour la faune et la flore locale. Mais, pour lutter efficacement contre le phénomène, il faut développer une compréhension très fine…
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Thomas Flatt appointed new member of SNSF National Research Council
Prof. Thomas Flatt, currently head of the Department of Biology, has been elected to the National Research Council (NRC) of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) per 1 October 2022. He will serve…
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A quand des tomates dans le désert?
Pour échapper à l'insécurité alimentaire provoquée par le réchauffement climatique, il est urgent de rendre les cultures plus résistantes aux événements météorologiques extrêmes. C'est la mission que s'est…
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Alien species: unloved but not necessarily harmful
Alien (that is, nonnative or exotic) plant and animal species are frequently deemed harmful to local biodiversity by conservationists. But viewing all alien species as harmful would amount to painting…
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