Bachelor of Sciences in Biology
The study of biology imparts knowledge of the fundamental processes on which life – from the simplest bacteria to the human being – is based. This includes development and behaviour of organisms, their interaction with the environment and of course the molecular mecanisms governing gene regulation, cell biology and homeostasis. In addition to lectures, the study programme contains exercises, practical training and seminars, as well as a Bachelor's thesis project to be taken in a research unit.
Degree Conferred
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Language(s) of Study
French and German
Programme Structure
120 ECTS credits (major)
+60 ECTS credits (1-2 minors)
6 semesters full-time
Programme Start
Additional Information
RegulationsStudy PlansStudent Advisor
Enseignement au secondaire (DAES 1, DEEM)
Profile and Options
The study programme in biology opens the door to a fascinating world. It imparts knowledge of the basic processes underlying the life of the simplest bacterial cell to the human being. Biology deals with the smallest molecular structures, such as genetic material or proteins, as well as with the architecture of entire cells and tissues that contribute to the development of complex organisms. In addition to the analysis of the structure, function and interaction of macromolecules, such as molecular networks and cellular interactions, the development and behaviour of organisms and their interactions with the environment are also studied. Biological research provides the foundations for genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology, biotechnology, evolutionary biology and environmental sciences. In the medical area, biological research imparts essential knowledge about the structure and functioning of the human body, based on which medicine can determine the causes and effects of illnesses and develop suitable therapies. With the help of biological knowledge, pharmaceutics can in turn produce indispensable drugs, such as insulin or antibiotics, from genetically altered microorganisms instead of from their natural biological source. The production of such drugs is more economical and much more effective. When it comes to farming, crops are equipped with resistance factors against pests and are made less sensitive to drought or a lack of nutrients. In addition, optimal conditions can be determined for the sustainable use of natural resources.
Fribourg profile
The first academic year is the same for all students and constitutes the scientific foundation for the higher semesters. It imparts the necessary and indispensable scientific basic knowledge for the study of biology, the so-called propaedeutic subjects (general biology, organism biology, biochemistry, chemistry, mathematics and physics). The bachelor programme consists of the major subject, plus one or two selectable additional minors. The major includes the propaedeutic subjects as well as many lectures, exercises, practical courses, seminars and a bachelor's thesis in a research unit.Second and third year: environmental biology and organisms
Ecology consists of the study of living organism and their interplay with their biotic environment – the other living organisms – and the biologically dead environment. The understanding of this interrelationship is seen solely within the context of evolutionary theory.
These two aspects are thus closely linked to each other. The areas of ecology and evolution are encompassing and varied, ranging from the study of micro-organisms to the study of natural ecosystems, from the dynamics of populations to the understanding of the processes of species creation. Because of the global changes that are due to human activities, ecology has become a main issue in society. The protection of biological diversity, the study of biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystems are very active areas of research. Due to its diversity, the study of ecology and evolution calls for a solid basis in general and molecular biology, genetics, and knowledge of species, but also in chemistry, physics and especially mathematics and statistics. This orientation covers different areas, whereby theoretical lectures, laboratory courses, and field work are offered.Second and third year: molecular topics
Other lectures are strongly focused on research projects within the field of zoology and plant biology conducted in molecular biology on animal and plant model systems (C. elegans, Drosophila, zebrafish, mouse, Arabidopsis and Petunia). In addition to the conventional strategies in molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics and cell biology, the spectrum of experimental methods also encompasses other modern techniques, such as fluorescence and confocal microscopy, «high throughput» DNA sequencing and analysis of results with bioinformatic methods, purification and analysis of protein complexes and mass spectroscopy, PCR and the production of transgenic microorganisms, plants or animals.The courses of the bachelor in biology are held in German and/or in French, or on some occasions in English or bilingual French/German.
Organisation and Admission
The following Swiss school-leaving certificates grant admission to Bachelor programmes at the University of Fribourg:
- Swiss academic Maturity Certificate
- Swiss professional Maturity Certificate in conjunction with the supplementary exam certificate from the Swiss Maturity Commission
- Bachelor Degree from a Swiss university, from an accredited Swiss university of applied sciences (HES/FH) or from a Swiss university of teacher education (HEP/PH)
A complete list of all further recognized Swiss school-leaving certificates is to be found on the webpage
swissuniversities (in French and German only)Foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates are recognised only if they correspond substantially to the Swiss Maturity Certificate. They must qualify as general education. Foreign school-leaving certificates are considered to be general education if the last three years of schooling include at least six general education subjects, independent from each other, in accordance with the following list:
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (an additional language or an additional subject from category 4 or 5)
The general admission requirements to the Bachelor programmes at the University of Fribourg for holders of foreign school-leaving certificates as well as the admission requirements for individual countries are to be found on the webpages of swissuniversitiesIn addition, foreign candidates must present proof of sufficient language skills in French or German.
Mode d'enseignement
- Les cours initient à la rigueur et à la démarche scientifique. Ils permettent d'acquérir les connaissances essentielles et à comprendre les concepts fondamentaux
- Les exercices accompagnent les cours en contribuant à la compréhension et à l'assimilation de leur contenu. Ils donnent l'occasion d'appliquer les principes généraux et d'exercer des techniques et méthodes.
- Les travaux pratiques sont à la base de la démarche scientifique. Les étudiant-es sont confronté-es à des expériences de biologie, apprennent à utiliser diverses techniques spécifiques et exercent leur sens de
- l'observation, de l'analyse critique et de l'interprétation des résultats.
- Les séminaires sont des exposés suivis d'une discussion sur un thème de recherche spécifique. Les séminaires sont donnés par des experts invités ou par des étudiants.
- Le travail de Bachelor (13 points ECTS) est une initiation à la recherche scientifique au sein d'une équipe de recherche. Il est entrepris sous la direction d'un chercheur ou d'une chercheuse expérimenté-e.
Langue d'enseignement
Les enseignements des études de BSc sont donnés en français ou en allemand. Toutefois, l'étudiant-e a toujours la possibilité de s'exprimer dans l'une ou l'autre de ces langues. Les enseignements peuvent parfois être donnés en anglais. Le rapport de travail de Bachelor peut être rédigé en français, allemand ou anglais.
Choice of Minor Study Programmes
Minors at the Faculty of Science and Medicine
Study Programme ECTS Mathematics 30 | 60* Informatics 30 | 60* Physics
30^ | 60* Chemistry 30 | 60* Earth Sciences 30 | 60 Geography 30 | 60* Medical and Molecular Life Sciences
30 Biology – from Genes to Ecosystems 30 Biologie A 30 Biologie B 60
Biologie E (LDM) 60*
Biochemistry 30 | 60
Neurosciences 30 Environmental Sciences 30 | 60 Sport Sciences and Motor Control 30 | 60* ^ Mathematik als zweites Zusatz-/Nebenfach empfohlen
* Dieses Studienprogramm auf Bachelorstufe, ergänzt durch das entsprechende Studienprogramm auf Masterstufe, gibt im Rahmen des Lehrdiploms für Maturitätsschulen (LDM) Zugang zur pädagogisch-didaktischen Ausbildung im entsprechenden Unterrichtsfach.Minors at all Faculties
Complete list of available minor programmes (see bottom of the page)
- Mobility