PhD in Biology
The Faculty of Sciences and the Department of Biology offer the following degrees related to biology:
• PhD in Biology (areas of research: Neurobiology & Developmental Biology, Ecology & Evolution, Plant & Microbial Sciences)
• PhD in Biochemistry
• PhD in Bioinformatics

PhD in Biology - FAQ
How to apply for admission, enrolment conditions and the registration procedure?
You can find all the information on the UNIFR admission webpage.
Who puts together the thesis committee?
It is the duty of the student to contact PIs to join her/his committee. We recommend discussing possible committee members with her/his supervisor beforehand.
I'm finishing my PhD, what do I have to do?
Please consult "Finishing my thesis " in
Degree Conferred
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology (PhD)
Language(s) of Study
Programme Start
An application may be submitted at anytime