Die BP2 deckt den Literaturbedarf für die Bereiche Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik des Informatikdepartements (Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften und Medizin) ab.
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Dissertationen des Informatikdepartements (in FOLIA)
Internal working papers DIUF (in FOLIA)
Masterarbeiten in Informatik
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- Gonzalez, Carolina Lucía; Mann, Felix (2024), On d-stable locally checkable problems parameterized by mim-width.
- Ramosaj, Agneta; Ramosaj, Nicolas & al. (2024), How to improve accessories sales forecasting of a medium-sized Swiss enterprise? A comparison between statistical methods and machine learning algorithms.
- Fischer, Vera; Pacheco Paneque, Meritxell & al. (2023), A capacitated multi-vehicle covering tour problem on a road network and its application to waste collection.
- Fischer, Vera; Wøhlk, Sanne (2023), A logic-based Benders decomposition solution approach for two covering problems that consider the underlying transportation.
- Lucke, Felicia; Paulusma, Daniel & al. (2023), Dichotomies for Maximum Matching Cut: H-Freeness, Bounded Diameter, Bounded Radius.