The research activities of the Departement of Management are essentially organised within the chairs. Their professors and doctoral students carry out their research in the respective specialisations. The main research topics of the chairs and the activities of the doctoral students can be found on the following subpages.
The researchers of the department publish their research results regularly in national and international journals. Below you find some examples for such publications.
Accounting and Finance
Schuhmacher, K.; Burkert, M. (2022): Time is relative: How framing of time estimation affects the accuracy of cost information, Management Science 68 (7): 5493-5513
Burkert, M.; Calderon, T.; Hesford, J. W.; Turner; M. J. (2022): Azure Lodging, Inc.: A case study on capital budgeting with capital rationing in a service industry context, in: Issues in Accounting Education 37 (2): 67–89
Dembinski, P.; Kameling, J. - invited editors - (2021): Virtuous circle of ethics and sustainability, in Finance & the common Good/Bien Commun, no 48-49, 2021, in: Observatoire de la Finance
Ducret, R.; Isakov, D. (2024): Business group heterogeneity and firm outcomes: Evidence from Korean chaebols, in: Global Finance Journal, Vol. 63, 101056
Eugster N.; Isakov D., Ducret R., J.-P. Weisskopf, (2022): Chasing dividends during the COVID-19 pandemic, International Review of Finance, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 335-345
Isakov D.; Pérignon C., J.-P. Weisskopf (2021): What if dividends were tax-exempt? Evidence from a natural experiment, Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 34, Issue 12, (December), pp. 5756–5795
Ducret R.; Isakov D. (2020): The Korea discount and chaebols, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 63, (October), 101396
Eugster N.; Isakov D. (2019): Founding Family Ownership, Stock Market Returns, and Agency Problems, in: Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 107, (October),105600 (Lead article)
Missonier-Piera, F.; Spadetti, C. (2022): The consequences of earnings management for the acquisition premium in friendly takeovers, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 50, pp. 308-334
Missonier-Piera, F.; Dick, W. (2020): Financial Accounting with IFRS, Pearson Education
Wallmeier, M. (2024): Quality issues of implied volatilities of index and stock options in the OptionMetrics IvyDB database, in: Journal of Futures Markets 44, 2024, 854-875
Chardonnens, P.; Wallmeier, M. (2024): Kinked Accounting? Small Loss Avoidance in Europe and (Not) the US, in: Accounting in Europe
Chardonnens, P.; Fiechter, P.; Wallmeier, M. (2022): The Disappearance of the Zero-Earnings Discontinuity: SOX, Dotcom Boom or Gradual Decline?, in: Finance Research Letters 48, 2022, 103033
International Management, Strategy and Organisation
Araujo, P., Davoine, E., & Donzé, P. Y. (2023): Banking elites and the transformation of capitalism in Switzerland: A prosopographic analysis (1890–2020). Business History, 1-25
Dolce, V., Davoine, E., Wodociag, S., Ghislieri, Ch. (2023): The road to an international career: The “Erasmus effect” on resilience, intercultural interactions and cultural intelligence, in: International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Cangià, F., Davoine, E., & Tashtish, S. (2022). Gender and the career trajectories of highly skilled Syrian refugees in Switzerland. Migration Letters, 19 (6), 751-764
Audrin, B., Davoine Eric (2022): The metaphors of Digital transformation, in A Ortenblad (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization Studies, Oxford: OUP, in press
Davoine, E.; Furrer O. (2022), Les défis de l'internationalisation des entreprises, Vuibert : Paris
Davoine, E.; Schmid, S. (2022): Career patterns of top managers in Europe: Signs of further globalisation?, in: European Management Journal, 40 (4), pp 467-474
Cangia, F., Davoine, E., Tashtish, S. (2021), (Im) mobilities, waiting and professional aspirations: The career lives of highly skilled Syrian refugees in Switzerland, in: Geoforum, Vol. 125, pp 57-65
P. Coulange, Dembinski, P. (sous la direction) (2021): Ecologie et Technologie au prisme de l'enseignement social chrétien, St Augustin, St Maurice
Dembinski, P. (2020): Un colosse aux pieds d'argile - Quand l’imaginaire économique en vient à s’épuiser, in: Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale, 2020/HS N° Hors-série | pages 137 à 153
Stock, D. M., Erpf, P. (2022): Systematic literature review on entrepreneurial orientation in nonprofit organizations – Far more than business‐like behavior, in: Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, published online 10 May.
Erpf, P. & Gmür, M. (Hrsg.) (2023): Unternehmerische Führung und Kultur in Nonprofit-Organisationen: Erfolgsbeispiele und aktuelle Trends. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
Erpf, P., Butkevičienė, E., Pučėtaitė, R. (2022): Between de Jure and de Facto: Embedding Western Concepts of Social Entrepreneurship in Post-Socialist Reality, in: Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 13(1), 1-28.
Erpf, P., Gmür, M., Baumann, J.: Does the Business Suit Fit? Drivers for Economic Performance in Social Enterprises. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, published online 21 July 2022
Evans, R., Raudsaar, M., Līcīte-Ķurbe, L., Butkevičienė, E., Erpf, P., Urmanavičienė, A., & Raišienė, A. G. (2021): Social Enterprises in Rural Areas: A Comparative Study of the Baltic States, in: Social Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 252-272), Routledge
Urmanavičienė, A., Butkevičienė, E., Erpf, P., Raišienė, A. G. (2021). Social Enterprises in Lithuania: Historical Roots and Current Trends, in: Social Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 123-137), Routledge
Gonin, M., Gachet, N., Erpf, P. (2021). Social Enterprise Approaches in Switzerland. In: Social Enterprise in Western Europe (pp. 235-252), Routledge
Fauchart, E. (2021): Do-It-Yourself or Do-It-Together: How digital technologies affect creating alone or with others?" (with M. Bacache, M. Bourreau, F. Moreau), Technovation
Fauchart, E. (2021): Getting more from many -A framework of community resourcefulness in new venture creation" (with C. Hertel, J. Binder), Journal of business Venturing, 36(3)
Fauchart, E. (2016): Measuring the social identity of entrepreneurs: Scale development and international validation (with P. Sieger, M. Gruber, T. Zellweger), Journal of Business Venturing (1). 31(5):542-572
Terpstra-Tong, J.; Ralston, D.A.; Furrer, O., Karam C. et al. (2024): Attitudes of millennials towards corporate responsability: a 28-society multilevel analysis, in: Cross-Cultural & Strategic Management
Terpstra‐Tong, J.; Treviño, L.J; Cansu Yaman, A.; Jintae Froese, F.; Ralston, D.A.; Bozionelos, N.; Furrer, O.; Tjemkes, B. et al. (2024): Gender composition at work and women's career satisfaction: An international study of 35 societies, in: Human Resource Management Journal
Ralston, D.A.; Russel, C.J.; Terpstra-Tong, J.; Treviño L.J.; Ramburuth, P.; Richards, M.; Furrer, O. et al. [full author details at the end of the article (2024): Are societal-level values still relevant measures in the twenty-first century businessworld? A 39-society analysis, Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Ben Jemaa-Boubaya, K., Furrer, O., Hani, M., Dikmen, L., and Cheriet, F. (2022): The Imbrication of Internal and External Coopetition in Strategic Alliances, in: Managing Interpartner Cooperation in Strategic Alliances (MICSA), T.K. Das (ed.), Edward Elgar, pp. 63-90.
Furrer, O., Davoine E. (2022): Les défis de l'internationalisation des entreprises, Vuibert - Recherche: Paris
Gmür, M., Lichtsteiner, H., Stuhlmann, K., Erpf, P. & Andeßner, R. (2023): Das Freiburger Management-Modell für Nonprofit-Organisationen, 10. Auflage, Bern/Stuttgart: Haupt.
Andeßner, R., Greiling, D., Gmür, M. (Hrsg.): Kooperation und Konkurrenz von Nonprofit-Organisationen. Konzeptionelle und empirische Beiträge aus der Forschung, Linz: 2022
Erpf, P., Gmür, M., Baumann, J. (2022): Does the Business Suit Fit? Drivers for Economic Performance in Social Enterprises. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship: published online 21 July
Sender, Anna; Gmür, M. (Hrsg.) (2022): The Role of HRM in Making Change Happen, in: Die Unternehmung 76/4
Mena, S.; Parker, S. (2024): The temporal structuring of corporate sustainability, in: Journal of Business Ethics, 195(1): 1-23.
Cavotta, V. & Mena, S. (2023): Pro-social organizing and the distance between core and community work, in: Organization Studies, 44(4): 637–657
Coraiola, D., Foster, W., Mena, S., Foroughi, H. & Rintamäki, J. (2023): Ecologies of memories: Memory work within and between organizations and communities, in: Academy of Management Annals, 17(1): 373-404
Pek, S.; Mena, S. & Lyons, B. (2023): The role of deliberative mini-publics in improving the deliberative capacity of multi-stakeholder initiatives, in: Business Ethics Quarterly, 33(1): 102-145
Mena, S.; Rintamäki, J., Fleming, P. & Spicer, A. (2016): On the forgetting of corporate irresponsibility, in: Academy of Management Review, 41(4): 720-738
Mena, S.; Suddaby, R. (2016): Theorization as institutional work: The dynamics of roles and practices, in: Human Relations, 69(8): 1669-1708
Goetz, M. A.; Morschett, D. (2025): Investigating the effects of institutional distance and experience on acquisition performance across emerging markets, in: International Journal of Emerging Market, Vol. 20 No. 1, pp. 316-336
Le, B. N.; Morschett, D. (2024): How EMNEs and DMNEs can attract applicants in emerging and developed countries–a cross-national conjoint analysis on the role of country-of-origin and CSR, in: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 35; No. 8, pp. 1449-1485.
Wu, J.; Wang, D.; Morschett, D. (2023): Light Touch Goes Where? A Longitudinal Study of the Post-Acquisition Integration Paths Adopted by Chinese Multinational Enterprises, in: Journal of International Management, Vol. 29, No. 5
Schmid, D.; Morschett, D. (2023): Retailers’ foreign market exits over time: A strategic management perspective, in: International Business Review, Vol. 30
Le, B. N.; Morschett, D. (2023): Employer attractiveness of EMNEs – The role of CSR in overcoming country-of-origin image constraints in developed host countries, in: Management International Review, Vol. 63, pp. 313-346
Grünig, R.; Kühn, R.; Morschett, D. (2022): The Strategy Planning Process - Strategic Analyses, Objectives, Options and Projects, 3rd ed., (Springer) Berlin 2022.
Grünig, R.; Kühn, R.; Morschett, D. (2022): Procédé de planification stratégique - Analyses, Objectifs, Options et Projets, 3ème ed., (Haupt) Bern 2022.
Grünig, R.; Kühn, R.; Morschett, D. (2022): Strategieplanungsprozess – Strategische Analysen, Ziele, Optionen und Projekte, 3. Aufl., (Haupt) Bern 2022.
Jovanovic, J.; Morschett, D. (2022): Under which conditions do manufacturing companies choose FDI for service provision in foreign markets? An investigation using fsQCA, in: Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 104, July, pp. 38-50
Wu, J.; Morschett, D. (2021): M&As by Chinese Multinational Enterprises in Developed Economies – Strategic Asset Seeking and Bundling, in: European Journal of International Management, 2021
Jovanovic, J.; Morschett, D. (2021): International resource configuration of product-related services in the digital age – An analysis of its antecedents, in: Journal of Service Management, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 813-834
Schmid, D.; de Thomas Wagner, F.; Morschett, D. (2021): Archetypes of Driver Combinations Leading to Foreign Market Exit – An Investigation into European Grocery Retailing, in: Management International Review, Vol. 61, pp. 521–562
Schmid, D.; Morschett, D. (2020): Decades of research on foreign subsidiary divestment: What do we really know about its antecedents?, in: International Business Review, Vol. 27, Issue 4
Eicke, A.-K.; Foege, J. N.; Nüesch, S. (2024): Iterative Alternative Evaluation within Human–Artificial Intelligence Problem-Solving: An Extension to Raisch and Fomina’s “Combining Human and Artificial Intelligence”. Academy of Management Review.
Radtke, J.P.; Albers, P.; Hadaschik, B.A.; Graefen, M.; Meyer, C.P.; Behr, B.; Nüesch, S. (2024): Value-Based Health Care for Prostate Cancer Centers by Implementing Specific Key Performance Indicators Using a Balanced Score Card. Healthcare, Vol. 12, 991.
Loberg, L.; Allendorf, A.M.; Nüesch, S. (2024): Unwanted Recommendation: The Dark Side of Recommendations for Performance Rating Distribution on Employees’ Emotions, Attitudes, and Behaviors. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, Vol. 68, 36-48.
van der Berg, A.M.; Foege, J.N.; Nüesch, S. (2022): Toward a Shared Leadership Environment: Insights into Retail Salespeople’s Work Environment. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 42, 121-138
Onken-Menke, G.; Lauritzen, G.D.; Nüesch, S., J.N. Foege (2022): Organizational attractiveness after identity threats of crises: how potential employees anticipates social identity., in: European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, V. 31, pp. 622-640
Clemens, V.; Sabel C.A., Foege, J.N.; Nüesch, S. (2022): System design choice in the sharing economy: how different institutional logics drive consumer perception and consumers’ Intention to use sharing systems, in: Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, V. 74, pp. 201-234
Loberg, L., Nüesch, S., Foege, J.N. (2021). Forced distribution rating systems and team collaboration, in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 188, pp. 18—35.
Kröll, C., Nüesch, S., Foege, J.N. (2021). Flexible work practices and organizational attractiveness in Germany: the mediating role of anticipated organizational support, in: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 32, pp. 543-572.
Jung, C., Foege, J.F., Nüesch, S. (2020): Cash for contingencies: how the organizational task environment shapes the cash-performance relationship, in: Long Range Planning, Vol. 53, pp. 101885
Marketing and Innovation Management
Plotkina, D.; Rabeson, L.; Bambauer-Sachse, S.; (2025): The role of green brand image in explaining European consumers’ reactions to different types of sustainable packaging, in:
Journal of Retailing and Consumer ServicesBambauer-Sachse, S.; Young, A. (2024): Consumers’ Intentions to Spread Negative Word of Mouth About Dynamic Pricing for Services: Role of Confusion and Unfairness Perceptions, in: Journal of Service Research
Bambauer-Sachse, S.; Young, A. (2022): Customer Cognitive Appraisals of Differential and Dynamic Pricing, Artikel in: Marketing ZFP
Furrer O.; Landry M.; Baillod C.; Yu Kerguignas J. (2024): A Research Agenda for Service Marketing, Chapter 1, Elgar Research Agendas
Furrer O.; Landry M.; Baillod C.; Yu Kerguignas J. (2024): A Research Agenda for Service Marketing, Chapter 13, Elgar Research Agendas
Furrer O.; Landry M.; Baillod C. (2024): Managing customer-to-customer interactions: revisiting older models for a fresh perspective, in: Journal of Services Marketing
Clemens, V., Wilden, R., Akaka, M., Foege, J. N., Nüesch, S. (2025). Multi-level value creation in the sharing economy: A configurational co-creation approach to business model development. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 125, 272-289
Schäper, T., Foege, J.N., Nüesch, S. (2024). Toolkits for Innovation: How Digital Technologies Empower Users in New Product Development. R&D Management, Vol. 54, 95-117
Bendig, D., Wagner, R., Jung, C., Nüesch, S. (2022). When and Why Technology Leadership Enters the C-Suite: An Antecedents Perspective on CIO Presence, in: Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol. 31, 101705
Schäper, T., Jung, C., Foege, J.N., Borgers, M.L.A.M., Fainshmidt, S., Nüesch. S. (2023). The S-shaped relationship between open innovation and financial performance: A longitudinal perspective using a novel text-based measure, in: Research Policy, Vol. 52, pp. 104764
Van der Berg, A., Foege, J.N., Nüesch, S. (2022). Toward a shared leadership environment: insights into retail salespeople’s work environment, in: Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. Vol, 42, pp. 121-138
Schäper, T., Foege, J.N., Nüesch, S., Schäfer. S. (2021). Determinants of idea sharing in crowdsourcing: evidence from the automotive industry, in: R&D Management., Vol. 51, pp. 101-113