Doctorate Topics
After completion of one of the three masters in management, a doctorate is an excellent opportunity to deepen one's knowledge in a field of interest while extending one's truly unique time at university. A doctorate in the discipline of business is a good starting point not only for an academic career but also for a career in upper management in international companies. The following is an overview of a selection of previously conducted doctoral projects in order to show what a future doctoral project might look like.
Accounting and Finance
Measurement errors in costing systems
Using controls to enable individual ambidexterity
Over-reliance on cost information in managerial decision-making
(Prof. Michael Burkert)
Gouvernance d'entreprise et risqué
Présence des femmes dans les conseils d'administration et effets sur la performance
Politique du dividende des entreprises cotées
Décisions financières des entreprises familiales
(Prof. Dušan Isakov)
Impact de la divulgation environnementale sur les prévisions des analystes
La gestion des résultats lors des d’acquisitions d’actions
Réaction du marché aux annonces des bénéfices
The impact of Corporate governance on earnings management
(Prof. Frank Missonier)
Three Essays on Financial Economics of Banking: Bank Diversification, Asset Returns, and Earnings Management
Using Long-Term Tendencies of ROE in Equity Valuation and Investment Strategies for the European Market
Financial Analysts and Information Processing on Financial Markets
Essays on Stock Market Anomalies in Europe
(Prof. Martin Wallmeier)
International Management, Strategy and Organisation
Transfer and local adaptations of HR Management practices within MNCs
Global careers and new top management profiles
Integration of highly skilled migrants
(Prof. Eric Davoine)
Global Value Chains in Automotive Industry
Swiss alpine resorts and global value chains of tourism
SEM financing in Russia
(Prof. Paul Dembinski)
Collective capabilities and the success of collective action
The impact of the ecosystem in social entrepreneurs’ success
(Prof. Emmanuelle Fauchart)
Unternehmerische Orientierung in NPO
Kommunikationsstrategien von Verbänden und ihre Wirkungsanalyse
Corporate Philanthropy und die Effekte für NPO
Erklärungsfaktoren für die Entwicklung des Genossenschaftssektors
(Prof. Markus Gmür)
Organizations as drivers of social change
How does the pharmaceutical industry contribute to solving global health challenges?
The politics of responsibility: states, rights and dialogue in mining governance
(Prof. Sébastien Mena)
Retailers’ Localisation to Foreign Markets
Divestment of Foreign Subsidiaries
Chinese M&A into European Markets
(Prof. Dirk Morschett)
Digital business models
Top management teams and digital innovation
(Prof. Stephan Nüesh)
Marketing and Innovation Management
Service Recovery-Strategien
Effekte von Preispromotionen auf Referenzpreise von Konsumenten
Reaktanzeffekte vergleichender Werbung
(Prof. Silke Bambauer-Sachse)
The factors affecting bootlegging projects’ successful transfer in companies
(Prof. Emmanuelle Fauchart)
Cross-cultural marketing in services marketing
The negative impact of service customers’ misbehavior on the satisfaction of the other customers
Managing customer captivity
(Prof. Olivier Furrer)
Effekte von Online Word-of-Mouth auf Kaufentscheidungen von Konsumenten
Internationalisation of Online Retailers
(Prof. Dirk Morschett)
Innovation and technology management
Open innovation and crowdsourcing
(Prof. Stephan Nüesch)