Programme Description
The science of management deals with all questions that are related to leading an enterprise. It focuses on the decisions relatd to the different activities and functions of a company: production, finance, marketing, accounting/control, human resources and strategy. Management of a company consists in optimising the allocation of material, financial and human resources while accomplishing its strategic objectives. It is also a question of finding the best compromise between the diverging objectives of concerned parties and identifying market opportunities. Management science is of interest for traditional, profit-oriented companies as well as for non-profit organisations, such as administrations, hospitals, associations and international organisations.
To accompany their teaching, many professors of the department use textbooks and have written textbooks on their own. Some of these textbooks are presented here.
Objectives of the Study Programme
Methodological skills
Preparing future graduates in decision making in a changing and complex economic environment involves the acquisition of methods that allow a structured approach to the problem analysis and to develop adequate solutions. Our teaching provides a range of quantitative and qualitative methods to analyse and to understand socio-economic phenomena (market trends, consumer preferences, organisational conflicts, company performance, etc.). These methods are tought through lectures, group works, seminar papers, case studies, exercises and presentations, and eventually by writing a bachelor or master thesis.
Professional skills
The wide range of courses allows students to acquire a solid background in management combined with specialised expertise in various areas. The training is based on the scientific expertise of the faculty’s professors that integrate the state of the art of research into their teaching. The university environment also ensures an interdisciplinary dimension that is essential for understanding contemporary issues of management.
Social skills
Work in small groups in a multilingual and multicultural context favours the development of social, linguistic and cultural competences. In addition to professional skills, this experience is more and more demanded by firms operating in a multicultural environment.
Job opportunities
The university-level-education in Management furnishes fundamental methodical and theoretical basics of Management like Marketing, Finance and Accounting or Human Resourses. This education offers the following opportunities to prospective graduates: Direct career entry to challenging jobs in private enterprises as well as services e.g. in consulting, audit or banking sector. If leaving the university with a bachelor it is perfectly possible to return to university after a few years of professional experience to complete the education with a master study.