Master in Management

This Master's programme builds on the skills and knowledge acquired during the Bachelor studies in management. The choice of three out of ten modules allows students to personalise their study programme and to acquire expertise in many subjects, according to their individual preferences. In particular, management of non-profit organisations and European and Global Business are unique areas of specialisation offered by the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences in Fribourg. Optional classes provided by the Faculty or other faculties allow students to define more inter-disciplinary lessons in the fields of economics, information management, media and communication sciences, social sciences and law. The multilingual course offer makes this programme unique in Switzerland.

  • Study plan


    min. 72 ECTS*

    3 modules from the list below have to be completed (one module is completed with 18 ECTS including at least two core courses).

    • Strategy (STR)
    • Innovation & Entrepreneurship (INNO-ENT)
    • Organisation and Human Resource Management (OHRM)
    • Marketing (MAR)
    • Finance (FIN)
    • Accounting and Control (ACC)
    • NPO and Sustainable Management (NPO-SUST)
    • European and Global Business (EUGB)
    • Managing Digitalisation (DIG)
    • Data Analytics (DAT)


    min. 54 ECTS

    Optional courses:

    A maximum of 18 ECTS can be chosen in these modules or from all master courses offered by the faculty (a maximum of 9 ECTS can be chosen from all master courses offered at the University of Fribourg).


    max. 18 ECTS

    Master Thesis

    18 ECTS

    *In addition to this master programme of 90 ECTS, the students can choose a Minor of 30 ECTS in a different domain on master level in order to complete a master of 120 ECTS.

    Duration of the programme:

    3-4 semesters 

    Languages of study:

    English, French, German

    Option of a diploma bearing the distinction "Bilingual curriculum, French/English", "Bilingual curriculum, German/English"

  • Modules and courses for the Master in Management

    Courses in bold letters are core courses. At least 2 core courses have to be accomplished in each chosen module. 3 modules from the list below have to be completed (one module is completed with min.18 ECTS including at least two core courses).

    This list is indicative and non-binding. In some cases, courses may not be continued but on the other hand, new courses are added to the list.

    ATTENTION: Most courses are only offered every two years. Our currently timetable, you can find here.

    Please do also check here the timetable of the university for the courses of a certain semester.

    If you have difficuty to inscribe for a cours, please contact Andrea Bruegger or Marc Grossenbacher.

    STR: Strategy
    • Advanced Seminar in Strategic International Management (New! - from spring semester 2025 on)
    • Case studies in international strategy
    • Developing an Innovation Strategy
    • Focal Firms and SMEs in Global Value Chains
    • Fundamentals of International Management
    • Marketing Strategy
    • Marché et stratégie des organisations à but non lucratif (bilingue)
    • Markt und Strategie von Nonprofit-Organisationen (bilingue)
    • Strategic Value Creation
    • Advanced Microeconomics
    • Advanced Project Management & Outsourcing (New! - from spring semester 2025 on)
    • Advanced Topics in Decision Support
    • Collaborative Value Creation in Ecosystems
    • Industrial Organization
    • Intercultural Business Projects
    • Management stratégique (Attention : Bachelor course 4.5 ECTS)*
    • Märkte und Strategien
    • Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MOC)
    • Organisational Economics
    • Strategic Management (Attention : Bachelor course 4.5 ECTS)* (New - from spring semester 2025 on in Englisch, no more in German!)
    • Politiques des marchés et de la concurrence
    • Project Management & Outsourcing in a Digital Era (last time in spring semester 2023)
    • Winning Consulting Projects
    INNO-ENT: Innovation & Entrepreneurship
    • Advanced Entrepreneurship
    • Advanced Seminar in International and European Business (last time in spring semester 2024)
    • Customer-centric Innovation
    • Developing an Innovation Strategy
    • Entreprenariat
    • Management of Innovation
    • Nouveaux trends de l'innovation (New: core course from spring semester 2026 on)
    • Seminar in Social Entrepreneurship
    • Collaborative Value Creation in Ecosystems
    • Esprit et création d'entreprises & entrepreuneuriat social (last time in fall semester 2023)
    • Leadership styles, contexts and success factors
    • Nouveaux trends de l'innovation (elective course until spring semester 2024)
    • Strategic Value Creation
    OHRM: Organisation and Human Resource Management
    • Auditer l’organisation
    • Compétences managériales
    • Intercultural Management
    • Leadership styles, contexts and success factors
    • Organisational Change and Crisis Management in Nonprofit Organisations
    • Organization Behavior
    • Strategisches Human Resource Management (last time in fall semester 2020)
    • Sustainable Human Capital Management (New! - from fall semester 2024 on)
    • Théories et pratiques de l‘organisation
    • Business and Human Rights
    • Ethical Leadership and Organisational Ethical Culture (New from spring semester 2025 on - replaces Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility)
    • Gestion des ressources humaines (Attention : Bachelor course 4.5 ECTS)*
    • Human Resource Management (Attention : Bachelor course 4.5 ECTS)*
    • Industrial Organization
    • International Negotiations - Success stories from an intercultural background
    • Management des ressources humaines et matérielles dans les organisations à but non lucratif (bilingue)
    • Ressourcenmanagement in Nonprofit-Organisationen (bilingue)
    • Winning Consulting Projects
    MAR: Marketing
    • B2B Marketing
    • Customer orientation and complaint management
    • Digital Marketing Communication - Customer Orientation 2.0
    • Marketing Durable
    • Marketing Strategy
    • Product and Price Management
    • Behavioral Economics
    • Digital Commerce in B2C and B2B Markets
    • European Marketing
    • International Negotiations - Success stories from an intercultural background
    • International Retail Management
    • International Services Marketing
    • Management of Innovation
    • Marketing interculturel
    • Nouveaux Trends de l’innovation
    FIN: Finance
    • Asset Management
    • Business Valuation (former: Unternehmensbewertung)
    • Corporate governance
    • Finance empirique
    • Gestion de portefeuille
    • International Finance
    • Project Seminar: Finance with R
    • Risk Management and Financial Derivatives
    • CFA Research Challenge (New: 6 ECTS - from fall semester 2024 on! - replaces Firm Valuation Seminar 4.5 ECTS)
    • Ethique en affaires et en finance (last time in fall semester 2024)
    • Mergers & Acquisitions
    ACC: Accounting and Control
    • Advanced Group Accounting
    • Advanced Managerial Accounting
    • Financial Statement Analysis
    • International Accounting Standards
    • Management Control Systems
    • Cases in Accounting
    • Corporate Governance
    • Performance Measurement in Nonprofit Organisations
    • Projektseminar Controlling
    • Seminar in Advanced Management Accounting and Control
    • The Audit Profession and the Public Interest
    • Théorie de l’information comptable
    NPO-SUST: NPO and Sustainable Management
    • Business and Human Rights
    • Marché et stratégie des organisations à but non lucratif (bilingue)
    • Markt und Strategie von Nonprofit-Organisationen (bilingue)
    • Marketing Durable
    • Organisational Change and Crisis Management in Nonprofit Organisations
    • Performance Measurement in Nonprofit Organisations
    • Management des ressources humaines et matérielles dans les organisations à but non lucratif (bilingue)
    • Ressourcenmanagement in Nonprofit-Organisationen (bilingue)
    • Seminar in Social Entrepreneurship
    • Sustainable Globalization
    • Business Ethics (New in Englisch! - former Unternehmens- und Wirtschaftsethik)
    • Ethical Leadership and Organisational Ethical Culture (New from spring semester 2025 on - replaces Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility)
    • Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Impact
    • Das Freiburger Management-Modell (bilingue)
    • Management des organisations à but non lucratif – l’approche fribourgeois (bilingue)
    • Esprit et création d'entreprises & entrepreneuriat social (last time in fall semester 2023)
    • Ethique en affaires et en finance (last time in fall semester 2024)
    • Introduction à la gestion des organisations à but non lucratif et à l’entrepreneuriat social
    • Leadership styles, contexts and success factors
    • Renouvellement stratégique d’une organisation à but non lucratif (bilingue)
    • Strategische Neuausrichtung einer NPO (bilingue)
    • Vereine und Stiftungen
    EUGB: European and Global Business
    • Case Studies in International Strategy
    • European Marketing
    • Fundamentals of International Management
    • International Services Marketing
    • Intercultural Management
    • Managing the Multinational Network
    • Marketing Interculturel - new since 2022
    • Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MOC)
    • Advanced Seminar in International and European Business (last time in spring semester 2024)
    • Advanced Seminar in Strategic International Management (New! - from spring semester 2025 on)
    • Asian Management (Study Trip to Bangkok)
    • Focal Firms and SMEs in Global Value Chains (last time in spring semester 2025)
    • Intégration européenne
    • Intercultural Business Projects
    • International Finance
    • International Negotiations - Success stories from an intercultural background
    • International Taxation
    • Sustainable Globalization
    • Strategic Value Creation
    • Transnational Enterprises in Global Society (last time in spring semester 2024)
    DIG: Managing Digitalisation
    • Digital Commerce in B2C and B2B Markets
    • Digital Marketing Communication - Customer Orientation 2.0
    • Digital Value Creation
    • Digitalization and Information Systems
    • Nouveaux trends de l’innovation
    • Advanced Project Management & Outsourcing (New from spring semester 2025 on)
    • Advanced Seminar in International and European Business (last time in spring semester 2024)
    • Advanced Seminar in Strategic International Management (New! - from spring semester 2025 on)
    • Big Data Methods
    • Collaborative Value Creation in Ecosystems
    • Communication, organisation et transformation digitale
    • Developing an Innovation Strategy
    • Digital Economy
    • Network Science & Economics
    • Nouveaux médias, médias et usagers
    • Project Management & Outsourcing in a Digital Era (last time in spring semester 2023)
    • Supply Chain Management & Logistics
    DAT: Data Analytics
    • Big Data Methods
    • Databases (Attention : Bachelor course 6 ECTS)*
    • Econometric Methods and Applications
    • Machine Learning (UE-SIN.08022)
    • Méthodes de classification
    • Policy and Impact Evaluation
    • Applied Econometrics (Attention : Bachelor course 4.5 ECTS)*
    • Data analysis and statistics with the R programming language
    • Inférence, évaluation et sélection de modèles
    • Machine Learning (UE-SBL.30002)
    • Programmation scientifique (Attention : Bachelor course 6 ECTS)*
    • Project Seminar: Finance with R
    • Python Programming online
    • Social media analytics
    • Statistique bayésienne
    • Thèmes choisis de statistique multivariée

    *Of the total ECTS credits for this Master programme, a maximum of 9 ECTS credits can be chosen in Bachelor courses, if they have not already been validated for a Bachelor programme.

    Complementary, additional courses can be taken via the so-called “BENEFRI” agreement at the universities of Bern and Neuchâtel.BENEFRI Course List

  • Fribourg profile

    The structure of modules in this master programme allows students to personalise their study. They can choose three out of ten modules to focus on specific topics of interest.

    Especially the modules Nonprofit-Management/Sustainability and European and Global Business are specifications that are only offered by the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Fribourg.

    The BeNeFri agreement allows students to attend additional courses at the universities of Bern and Neuchâtel.

    This master programme in management and the multilingual study environment (courses in English, French, and German) make up a study offer that is unique in Switzerland.

  • Learning outcomes and career openings

    The Master of Arts in Management allows students to make a career as a manager or expert in a company, non-profit organization or administration.

    The program allows students to acquire all the knowledge and methods necessary to understand companies and their decision-making processes. Our graduates are able to meet the challenges of large multinational companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises in operational positions, positions of manager or researcher, auditor or consultant. 

    At the end of their studies, they can occupy a wide variety of positions such as 

    • Consultant in a consulting company
    • Project manager in an international company
    • Manager in the HR department of a large company
    • Controller in the private or public sector
    • Head of department in an association or humanitarian organization
    • Management Consultant
    • Talent Acquisition Specialist
    • Payroll Specialist
    • Spécialiste en recrutement
    • Consultant
    • HR Manager
    • Dir. RH & Finances
    • Area Manager
    • Chef de projet

    Entreprises :

    • SBB
    • Schweizer Post
    • Postfinance
    • Kambly
    • Intersnack
    • Bosch
    • Zalando
    • Decathlon
    • Roche
    • UBS
    • Privera
    • Swisscom
    • Omega
    • Boeing
    • Aldi Suisse
    • Sanitas Krankenversicherung
    • Raiffeisen
    • Mondelez
    • Lidl Schweiz
    • Doetsch Grether
    • Fossil
    • Berner Kantonalbank
    • Nestlé
    • Helen of Troy
    • Holcim
    • Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
    • McKinsey & Company
    • BKW
  • Admission to the Master in Management
    • Holders of a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from a Swiss university: Admission without further conditions
    • University Bachelor's degree in another field of study or foreign Bachelor's degree :
      • Admission on application: each application is analyzed. In case of admission, the delegate of the faculty may, in agreement with the Department of Management Sciences, request the acquisition of additional knowledge and skills.
      • Application file: In addition to the documents required by the registration office, the file must include:
        • A motivation letter
        • GMAT score, required for degrees outside the EU or EFTA
      • The minimum requirement is to have accomplished at least 60 ECTS in management sciences.
    • Holders of a Bachelor's degree from a University of applied sciences ("Haute école" or "Hochschule") in Business Economics: Candidates may be admitted to the Master's program with a supplement of 30 ECTS.

    In all special cases (e.g. foreign diploma or Bachelor's degree more than 8 years old), candidates are not automatically admitted to the Master in Management. The registration delegate reserves the right to decide on admission based on the applicant's file.




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