Cantonal Scholarships

In order to apply for student financial aid, the scholarship service of the canton involved needs to be contacted (in general the canton to which the parents of the applicant pay taxes). This service provides the applicant with concrete information with regards to the procedures to follow.

In the canton of Fribourg the relevant agency for this is the Service des subsides de formation de la Direction de l’instruction publique, de la culture et du sport. The applications can be submitted at latest two months after the start of the classes for the study year in question.

For other cantons, the important information relating to scholarships in Switzerland can be found on the website administrated by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). On the website you will find, amongst other things, information on scholarships and the addresses of all the cantonal scholarship services.

Below, you find the information:  


Other scholarschips

Fondation Ernst-Burri

The Ernst-Burri Foundation grants study subsidies to students who are Swiss citizens and whose legal residence upon which the right to a scholarship is dependent is in the canton of Fribourg. Requests for the application form may mailed to Fondation Ernst-Burri, case postale 56, 1701 Fribourg. Applications are not considered unless the applicant has also submitted their application to Service des subsides de formation du canton de Fribourg.


Other links:




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