B2 Improving Academic English: Integrated Skills - Group A

Das Wesentliche

Die Kurseinschreibungen beginnen zwei Wochen vor Uni-Semesterbeginn.


Mittwoch 17:15 - 19:00 MIS 10, Raum

Ort/e Universität Freiburg, Sprachzentrum

16.09.2024 - 20.12.2024


GRATIS für Unifr-Studierende und -Personal; CHF 500.– pro Semester für Mitglieder der Partnerinstitutionen

Format Seminar / Kurs - 3 ECTS
Sprache Englisch
Code I04.00098-SA24

Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Personen, deren Niveau dem Niveau B2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen entspricht. Schreiben Sie sich nur ein, wenn der Kurs Ihrem Niveau entspricht. Teilnehmende unserer Partnerinstitutionen und Unifr-Mitarbeitende können uns für den Einstufungstest kontaktieren, wenn sie betreffend ihres Niveaus unsicher sind. Unifr-Studierende werden bei der Kurseinschreibung auf MyUnifr automatisch zum Einstufungstest geführt.


Target audience
This is a challenging workshop-style course, covering typical situations in which participants will need to use English in academic contexts. This course is open to all members from across the university and its partner institutions with a B2 (Upper-Intermediate) level of English. 

Course contents and teaching method
This course is focused on improving participants’ skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing in academic English. Class activities will include delivering presentations, participating in group discussions and improving essay writing skills. Regular interaction with interesting and engaging reading and listening texts will provide participants with the ideal platform in which to develop their skills in terms of fluency, accuracy, grammar and vocabulary. This course can be taken alone or consecutively with the B2 Improving Academic English: Spring Semester.

Workload and evaluation
There is no final exam for this course. Instead, participants will be asked to complete weekly homework tasks (approx. 1 hour) which will reinforce what is learnt in class. 

Attendance and regular participation in the course is compulsory. Participants must attend 80% of the classes to pass the course. 

Participants will be provided with materials in class. 


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Express ideas more clearly and accurately, and in an appropriate academic style
  • Speak more fluently, accurately and with clearer, more intelligible pronunciation
  • Better understand natural spoken English in academic, business and everyday contexts
  • Connect ideas using a greater range of linking words and phrases
  • Use a greater range of academic vocabulary and grammatical structures
  • Speak with improved accuracy, especially with present and past verb tenses
  • Plan and deliver professional presentations to an audience
  • Participate more actively in and with greater confidence in group discussions
  • Respond effectively and appropriately to feedback from peers and the lecturer

Es gelten die Allgemeinen Bedingungen zur Teilnahme an Kursen des Sprachenzentrums. 


Esmonde Chloe