B1 Introducing Academic English: Integrated Skills


Les inscriptions ouvrent deux semaines avant le début du semestre universitaire.


Jeudi 08:15 - 10:00 Regina Mundi, salle 

Lieu PER-Pérolles

16.09.2024 - 20.12.2024


GRATUIT pour étudiant·e·s et personnel Unifr ; CHF 500.– par semestre pour les membres des institutions partenaires

Type Séminaire / Cours - 3 ECTS
Langue·s Anglais
Code I04.00045-SA24

Ce cours s'adresse aux personnes dont le niveau correspond au niveau B1 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues. Merci de vous inscrire uniquement si ce cours correspond à votre niveau. Les participant·e·s de nos institutions partenaires et les collaborateur·trice·s Unifr peuvent nous contacter pour faire un test de placement si elles/ils ne sont pas sûr·e·s de leur niveau. Les étudiant·e·s Unifr sont automatiquement redirigé·e·s vers le test de placement lors de l'inscription aux cours sur MyUnifr.


Target audience
B1 Introducing Academic English is a course for participants who have an B1 (Intermediate) level of English and who aim to improve their language skills so that they can begin to use English in academic settings. The course is open to all students, researchers and staff from across the university and its partner institutions; it is highly interactive and active participation is required. This course can be taken individually or consecutively with: B1 Introducing Academic English: Spring Semester. 

Course contents and teaching method
B1 Introducing Academic English focuses on developing and improving participants’ speaking, reading, writing and listening skills (integrated skills). Examples of tasks include:

You will be able to practice your speaking skills in every lesson. For large parts of the lesson you will work in pairs or small groups, speaking in English together to complete tasks. You may also be asked to:

  • Give a 5 minute presentation 
  • Participate in small group discussions 
  • Participate in class debates 

We will use interesting academic texts, magazine articles (such as TIME magazine or The Economist) and internet articles to assist you to:

  • Identify the main purpose and relevant information of a range of texts 
  • Understand a range of academic terms
  • Improve your note-taking skills 

Through writing activities, we will review basic grammar structures and introduce vocabulary related to academic English. You will have the opportunity to develop your skills in writing sentences, paragraphs and different essay types. 

We will use recordings from lectures and seminars to:

  • Develop your understanding of lectures & note-taking skills 
  • Develop your ability to understand seminar discussions 

Activities will also include watching news reports, TED talks or other interesting video recordings in order to improve your listening skills. 

Workload and evaluation
There is no final exam for this course. Instead, participants will be asked to complete weekly homework tasks (approx. 1 hour) which will reinforce what is learnt in class. 

Attendance and regular participation in the course is compulsory. Participants must attend 80% of the classes to pass the course. 

Some lessons will use exercises from the textbooks: Oxford EAP: Pre-Intermediate B1 (ISBN: 9780194002073) and Oxford EAP: Intermediate B1+ (ISBN: 9780194002011). Participants are welcome to purchase these books, however, it is not obligatory. Participants will be provided with materials in class.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Express ideas more clearly and accurately, and in an appropriate academic style
  • Speak more fluently, accurately and with clearer, more intelligible pronunciation
  • Better understand natural spoken English in academic, business and everyday contexts
  • Connect ideas using a greater range of linking words and phrases
  • Use a greater range of academic vocabulary and grammatical structures
  • Speak with improved accuracy, especially with present and past verb tenses
  • Plan and deliver professional presentations to an audience
  • Participate more actively in and with greater confidence in group discussions
  • Respond effectively and appropriately to feedback from peers and the lecturer

Les conditions générales de participation aux cours du Centre de langues s'appliquent.


Esmonde Chloe