B2-C2 Cambridge English Exam Preparation: B2 First and/or C1 Advanced and/or C2 Proficiency (Blended Course) - Group A


Les inscriptions ouvrent deux semaines avant le début du semestre universitaire.


Mardi 17:15 - 19:00 MIS 10, salle 

Lieu Université de Fribourg, Centre de langues

16.09.2024 - 20.12.2024


GRATUIT pour étudiant·e·s et personnel Unifr ; CHF 500.– par semestre pour les membres des institutions partenaires

Type Séminaire / Cours
Langue·s Anglais
Code I04.00040-SA24

Ce cours s'adresse aux personnes dont le niveau correspond aux niveaux B2, C1 ou C2 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues. Merci de vous inscrire uniquement si ce cours correspond à votre niveau. Les participant·e·s de nos institutions partenaires et les collaborateur·trice·s Unifr peuvent nous contacter pour faire un test de placement si elles/ils ne sont pas sûr·e·s de leur niveau. Les étudiant·e·s Unifr sont automatiquement redirigé·e·s vers le test de placement lors de l'inscription aux cours sur MyUnifr.


Target audience
This exam preparation course is for all students and employees of the University of Fribourg and partner institutions who are planning to take either the Cambridge B2 First, C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency exam. 

Course contents and teaching method
You will practice your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and learn tips and tricks to maximise your chances of success in your target exam.

This is a mixed-level blended course that combines face-to-face classroom teaching with online materials. You are only required to attend in-person classes approx. every 2 weeks (at your target level). The final timetable is confirmed in week 3 of the course depending on the make-up of the group.

It is important to note that you should already have language skills equivalent to the level of your target exam e.g., if you would like to take Cambridge C1 Advanced, you should already have successfully completed a C1 level language course (or have existing language skills equivalent to level C1).

Workload and evaluation
Regular attendance and active engagement (with both online and offline materials) is essential to gain the most benefit from this programme. The course includes a practice written exam and a practice speaking exam, but there is no formal evaluation or compulsory coursework. 

Handouts are provided and all the course materials are available on Moodle. 


The learning outcomes will depend on the exam to be taken (B2 First, C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency). See www.cambridgeenglish.org for further information.


Les conditions générales de participation aux cours du Centre de langues s'appliquent.


Hart Andrew