Lovaniaina Randriamoria

Chaire de Finance et Gouvernance d'Entreprise (Bureau E433)
Université de Fribourg
Bd. de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
Ph.: +41 26 300 82 99
Office hours
Mondays and Tuesdays in the autumn semester and Thursdays and Fridays in the spring semester. Appointments must be arranged by email.
Lovaniaina Randriamoria is a graduate assistant. He acts as a TA for the Bachelor course called "Investissement et Financement", for the Master course called Corporate Governance and he helps and supervises students for their Bachelor and Master theses.
Lovaniaina graduated at the University of Fribourg with an MA in Finance as well as a Master in Finance at Université Paris 1 - La Sorbonne.
Randriamoria L., 2022, Les Facteurs ESG et les Agences de Notation: Revue des Concepts et des Mesures, rapport de recherche.