Department of Chemistry

Top-Level Research & Innovative Education!



Latest publication from the Coskun Group!

Coskun Research Group has recently published a new article in the journal Angewandte Chemie, entitled "Interfacial Stabilization by Prelithiated Trithiocyanuric Acid as an Organic Additive in Sulfide-based…

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Latest publication from the Vuckovic Group!

Vuckovic Group has published a new paper about creating transferable data-driven models in chemistry in the journal Chemical Science, entitled "Identifying and embedding transferability in data-driven…

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Latest publication from the Salentinig Group!

Salentinig Research Group has recently published a new article in the journal Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, entitled "Amphiphilic Lipids for Food Functionality". Congratulations to Mr.…

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Research Focus

Kilbinger Research Group is interested in developing new synthetic methods for the preparation of precision polymers. The group is divided into two sub-groups, one working on aromatic amide polymers and the other on olefin metathesis chemistry. They are currently using such oligomers and polymers for the construction of tube-like polymeric helices. 

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Message from the Department Head Ali Coskun

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