Département de Chimie

Recherche de haut niveau et enseignement innovant!



Latest publication from the Coskun Group!

Coskun Research Group has recently published an article in the journal Angewandte Chemie entitled, "Porous Organic Polymers Incorporating Shape-Persistent Cyclobenzoin Macrocycles for Organic Solvent Separation".…

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Latest publication from the Coskun Group!

Coskun Research Group has recently published an article in the journal Angewandte Chemie entitled, "Accelerated Reversible Conversion of Li2S2 to Li2S by Spidroin Regulated Li+ Flux for High-performance…

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Une journée haute en couleurs!

Physique, chimie, botanique, mathématiques ou encore archéologie! L’Université de Fribourg s’est pliée en quatre pour la traditionnelle Journée Futur en tous genres. 114 élèves venu·e·s des quatre coins…

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Focus sur la recherche

Fink Research Group research interests are situated at the interface of chemistry, biology, and physics. They address fundamental and applied questions, which are also highly relevant to important societal issues such as environment or human health.
Their overarching goal lies in understanding and controlling all aspects from nanoparticle synthesis and ligand chemistry, colloidal behavior in complex biological fluids, and nanoparticle-cell interaction to nanoparticle and cellular fate. 

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Message du Président de Département Prof. Ali Coskun

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