Previous Days of Fribourg Cognition Meetings

  • Fribourg Day of Cognition 2021, October 6th

    Our annual day of cognition will take place this year on Wednesday, October 6th 2021


    Prof. Michael SchmidDr. Marcus HaagDr. Sami Rima,Véronique Moret

    Meeting location

    PER 09 01.100  (access plan) and via invitation to MS teams


    In order for us to better organise the event, we ask you to register with the link below as soon as possible or by 17.00h on 5th October at the latest. This information  will help us 1.) to determine how many people will attend (max 130 persons in PER 09 01.100) and to send you an invitation to follow the meeting via Microsoft Teams.Registration

    Dowload program


    This event requires all attendees to provide a valid Covid certificate or Covid test.  Covid certificates will be scanned at the entrance to the building, so please have your mobile and some photo identification (campus card is sufficient) ready. By following these guidelines, you will not have to wear a mask once you are seated (at the indicated distance) in the lecture hall. Note that you are, however, required to wear a mask in the building when not sitting in the lecture hall or eating or drinking in the hallway. Please use the hand disinfectant at the entrance and exit to the lecture hall. 

  • Fribourg Day of Cognition 2020, October 7th

     Wednesday, Octobre 7th 2020 | 09.15 - 16.30

     Auditoire PER 03 R.16  (Access plan)

     Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we will only have talk presentations this year. Following university guidelines we will apply distancing rules and perform registrations.

    Download Program

  • Fribourg Day of Cognition 2019, October 2nd

    Students registered for ME.4002 or ME.7002 should attend the entire conference including poster session.  To obtain credit they also need to write a short report as outlined below.  Deadline for report submission is 23.10.2015.  Please send your report before this deadline by email to with "Fribourg Cognition Day report" in the subject line.

    download the programm

    AD: Der „Fribourg day of cognition“ (ME.4002 und ME.7002) ist eine jährlich stattfindende Tagesveranstaltung, an der die aktive Forschungswelt der kognitiven Neurowissenschaften an der Universität Freiburg (hauptsächlich die Departemente für Medizin und Psychologie) zusammenkommt. Das Ziel besteht in der Bekanntmachung (in Form einer mündlichen Präsentation oder eines Posters) der in diesem Bereich derzeit laufenden Forschungsprojekte an der Universität Freiburg. Die Studierenden werden dazu aufgefordert, eine bestimmte Präsentation auszuwählen und die überprüften Hypothesen, die gewählte Herangehensweise zur Überprüfung sowie die wichtigsten Ergebnisse in schriftlichen Form (etwa 2 Seiten vorzugsweise in Englischer, sonst in Deutscher Sprache) festzuhalten. Eine kurze kritische Diskussion bildet den Abschluss.

    FR: Le « Fribourg day of cognition » (ME.4002 et ME.7002) est une journée annuelle de rencontre des chercheurs actifs en neurosciences cognitives à l’Université de Fribourg (principalement département de médecine et de psychologie). Le but est de faire connaître sous forme de présentations orale ou affichée (poster) les projets de recherche conduits dans ce domaine à l’Université de Fribourg. Il sera demandé à l’étudiant-e de choisir une présentation particulière et d’en exposer, sous forme écrite (2 pages environ de préférence en anglais, ou francais), les hypothèses testées, la méthodologie choisie pour les tester et de résumer les résultats principaux. Conclure sous la forme d’une brève discussion critique.

    EN: The « Fribourg day of cognition » (ME.4002 and ME.7002) is an annual meeting for researchers in cognitive neurosciences at the University of Fribourg (mainly students in medicine and psychology). The goal is to introduce research projects done in our university on this field by the mean of oral or poster presentation. To obtain ECTS credits, it will be ask the students to choose a particular presentation and to write a report (approximatively 2 pages in English or French if possible). This report should explain the hypotheses tested, the methodology chosen, a summary of the main results and concluded with a brief critical discussion.

  • Fribourg Day of Cognition 2018, October 3rd
  • Fribourg Day of Cognition 2017, october 4th
  • Fribourg Day of Cognition 2016, October 5th
     Venue: Perolles 21 Building A 140 (morning session) and A 120 (afternoon session)

    9:00 Welcome

    9:10 Amandine Dubois (Department of Medicine) Reaching for visual illusions  Dowload pdf presentation

    9:30 Thibaut le Naour (Department of Medicine) A penalty kick simulator based on human-avatar interaction  Dowload pdf presentation

    9:50 Junpeng Lao (Department of Psychology) The replication crisis: is it the Ghost of Psychology future Dowload pdf presentation

    10:10 Sibylle Horat (Department of Medicine) Comparison of the neuronal processing of schizophrenia patients and healthy controls during the Ultimatum Game Dowload pdf presentation

    10:30 Short break

    10:50 Simon Borgognon (Department of Medicine) Autologous neural cells ecosystem (ANCE) transplantation as therapy for Parkinson’s disease: a promising approach Dowload pdf presentation

    11:10 Jayakrishnan Nair (Department of Medicine) Default brain state regulation by the basal forebrain

    11:30 Faiz Mustafar (Department of Medicine) Comparative study of visual learning in three mammalian species Dowload pdf presentation

    11:50 Lunch

    14:00 Marlène Abadie (Department of Psychology) The effect of associative relatedness on false memories at short and long delays

    14:20 Anne-Laure Oftinger (Department of Psychology) The impact of phonological similarity and rhyme on the verbal maintenance in children’s working memory

    14:40 Christophe Fitamen (Department of Psychology) Preschoolers’ working memory: could cueing reduce goal neglect and improve performance?

    15:00  Ettore Accolla (Department of Medicine) Neuroanatomy of deep brain stimulation : modulation of multiple brain networks Dowload pdf presentation

    15:20 Annual meeting of the Cognition Center

  • Fribourg Day of Cognition 2015, October 7th
    7th octobre 2015 room GA 0.013 (chemistry building, 'grand auditoire')






    Narges Radman, Departement of Medicine, Neurology
    Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of left Dorsolateral Prefrontal cortex modulates word production in unbalanced bilinguals, similarly in both languages

    Download pdf presentation



    Etienne Sallard, Departement of Medicine, Neurology

    Spatiotemporal brain dynamics underlying attentional bias modifications Download pdf presentation



    Isabel De Araujo, Departement of Medicine, Anatomy

    Insular cortex involvement in the metabolic tuning of anxiety



    Short break



    Sibylle Horat, Departement of Medicine, Psychiatry

    Distinct neuronal bases involved in the proposer and responder condition of the ultimatum game Download pdf presentation



    Benoit Perriard, Department of Psychology, Cognitive development

    A bilingual advantage in working memory capacity only for young adults with a lower socioeconomic status Download pdf presentation



    Anne-Laure Oftinger, Department of Psychology, Cognitive development

    The effects of cognitive load and refreshing opportunities on working memory and episodic memory Download pdf presentation



    Lunch (and poster session)



    Didier Staudenmann, Departement of Medicine, Movement and sport unit

    The consideration of all mechanical energy components acting on the center of mass while running Download pdf presentation



    Geraldine Jean-Charles, Department of Psychology, Cognitive neurosciences

    Attentional performance in schizophrenia: a eye tracking study Download pdf presentation


    Junpeng Lao, Department of Psychology, Cognitive neurosciences

    Idiosyncratic visual information strategies do not abolish the face inversion effect Download pdf presentation


    Short break


    Eric Schmidlin, Departement of Medicine, Physiology

    Interhemispheric imbalance of pyramidal neurons' distribution in the supplementary motor area (SMA) following unilateral primary motor cortex (M1) lesion in adult macaques: connectional or functional recovery origin? Download pdf presentation


    Jayakrishnan Harikrishnavilas Raveendran na, Departement of Medicine

    Decoding behavioral state from local field potential recordings in basal forebrain and visual cortex Download pdf presentation


    Paolo De Luna, Departement of Medicine

    Visual form processing in primary and secondary visual cortex of the tree shrew Download pdf presentation



    Annual meeting of the Centre for Cognition

    All speakers are member of the University of Fribourg.


  • Fribourg Day of Cognition 2014, october 1st
    1er octobre 2014       Pérolles II – Salle D230

    9:00 Welcome

    9:10 Isabel De Araujo Cortical circuits matching body metabolic signals and behavior [-]

    9:30 Carole Boujon Planning of spatially-oriented locomotion in chronic stroke patients
    9:50 Sebastian Dieguez Ictal supernumerary phantom limb induced by rTBS over the left motor cortex
    10:10 Paolo De Luna Looking time preference for real compared to computer-displayed objects in the macaque monkey  download pdf presentation
    10:30 Poster Session
    11:10 Yingdi Liu Microsaccades occur without visual categorisation
    11:30 Michael Munz Sleep after encoding preferentially strengthens deeply encoded words

    11:50 Jayakrishnan Nair Electrophysiological correlates of basal forebrain and visual cortex activity during different behavioural states download pdf presentation12:10 Michaël Papinutto The Facespan: isolating the perceptual span for face recognition download pdf presentation
    12:30 Lunch

    14:00 Jordan Poirot Comparing neural responses to Cartesian, polar and hyperbolic gratings in the tree shrew visual cortex download pdf presentation14:20 Nicolas Ruffieux Residual biological motion perception in a case of cortical blindness download pdf presentation14:40 D. de León Rodríguez The impact of language opacity on reading strategies of late bilinguals: An eye-movement study

    15:00 Eric Schmidlin An unilateral lesion of the central motor system in macaque monkeys affects the interhemispheric distribution of SMI-32 positive neurones in premotor cortical areas

    15:20 Pascal Gygax Perceptual and spatial encoding of men and women download pdf presentation


  • Fribourg Day of Cognition 2013, october 2nd

    The next Fribourg Day of Cognition will be held the 2nd October 2013. Contrary to the previous meetings, the priority is given to Assistants, PhD Students, Post-doc who will have the opportunity to present their work either as a talk (10 min + 5 min questions) or as a poster with a short presentation (5 min).

    download the programm and Abstract Book

  • Fribourg Day of Cognition 2012 september 12th
  • Fribourg Day of Cognition 2011, september 11th