
The Center for Competitiveness is closely related to the Chair of Economic and Social Policy of the University of Fribourg. The main research activities are conducted in the fields of:

  • the determinants of competitiveness (of cities (Smart Cities), regions, and nations), 
  • competitiveness index and ranking methodologies, 
  • the governmental policies fostering competitiveness as well as the role of multinational enterprises (MNEs) on the technological and economic upgrading of host and home countries,
  • cluster mapping and the role of clusters to foster prosperity and innovation,
  • FDIs and M&As in/from emerging markets MNEs. 
  • Books and books chapters (2012-2024)
    • De Raemy, B., Gugler, P., Tavares-Lehman, A. T. (2024). “A challenging Journey lies ahead for international business policy”, in Gugler, P., Tavares-Lehmann, A. T. (eds), Handbook of International Business Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK., pp. 1-5.
    • Gugler, P., de Raemy, B. (2024). “Features and Trends of International investment agreements (IIAs)”, in Gugler, P., Tavares-Lehmann, A. T. (eds), Handbook of International Business Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK., pp. 43-61.
    • Tavares-Lehman, A. T., Gugler, P., de Raemy, B. (2024). “Reflections on international business policy, key challenges and a call for action”, in Gugler, P., Tavares-Lehmann, A. T. (eds), Handbook of International Business Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK., pp. 491-494.
    • Gugler, P., Tavares-Lehmann, A.T. (eds) (2024). Handbook of International Business Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
    • Deiss, J., Gugler, P. (2020). Politique économique et sociale: Comprendre le monde d’aujourd’huianticiper les enjeux de demain, 2ème édition actualisée, EPFL Press, Lausanne.
    • Gugler, P. (2018). “The competitiveness of location in International Business and Economic Geography”, in Cook, G., Johns, J., McDonald, F., Beaverstock, J., Pandt, N. (eds), The Routledge Companion to the Geography of International Business, 1st ed., Routledge Companions, Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 441-453.
    • Gugler, P. (2016). “Incentives in the European Union”, in Tavares-Lehmann, A.T., Toledano, P., Johnson, L., Sachs, L. (eds), Rethinking Investment Incentives: Trends and Policy Options, Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 94-121.
    • Gugler, P. (2014). “Transparency and Competition Policy in an Imperfectly Competitive World”, in Foressbaeck, J., Oxelheim, L. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Economic and Institutional Transparency, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 144-165.
    • Deiss, J., Gugler, P. (2013). "Aspects économiques du droit de la concurrence", in Martenet, V., Bovet, C., Tercier, P. (eds), Droit de la Concurrence, Helbig Lichtenhahn, Basel.
    • Deiss, J., Gugler, P. (2012). Politique économique et sociale, De Boeck, Paris.
    • Alon, A., Fetscherin, M., Gugler, P. (eds) (2012). Chinese International Investments, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
  • Articles/Literature Reviews (2015-2024)
    • Coussa, A., Gugler, P., Reidy, J. (2024). "Assessing the development of green innovation in China through patent evolution: the Hallmark of Government policy and private enterprises", International Journal of Emerging Markets, on-line 19 February 2024.
    • Eschmann, D., Gugler, P. (2023). "The conceptual framework to assess the globalization intensity of MNEs", EIBAzine - International Business Perspectives, Issue No. 33, Autumn/Winter 2023, pp. 26-30. 2023_EIBAzine_autumn_winter.pdf
    • Cudré-Mauroux, C., Gugler, P. (2023). "Industrial clusters as drivers of revealed technological advantages (RTA) of Regions: The case of Swiss chemical and pharmaceutical industries", European Journal of International Management, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 440-459.
    • Coussa, A., Gugler, P. (2023). "The Competitiveness of Urban Locations: Main Findings of a Literature Review", The American Academy of Business Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp.
    • Gugler, P. (2022). "Internationalization of Family Firms: A Critical Review of Current Research and Possible Avenues for Further Studies", The Business Review Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, Summer 2022, pp. 18-26.
    • Rosa, B., Gugler, P., Verbeke, A. (2020). "Regional and global strategies of MNEs: Revisiting Rugman & Verbeke (2004)", Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), Vol. 51, No. 7, pp. 1045-1053.
    • Gugler, P. (2019). "Assessing the competitiveness of locations: A journey through the major theoretical insights", Economics and Business Review, Vol. 5 (19), No. 3, pp. 16-34.
    • Gugler, P. (2019). "Recent Policy Developments Regarding Foreign Policy", Información Comercial Española ICE, No. 909, pp. 23-35.
    • Resbeut, M., Gugler, P. Charoen, D. (2019). "Spatial agglomeration and specialization in emerging markets: Economic efficiency of clusters in Thai industries", Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, Vol. 29, Iss. 3, pp. 236-252.
    • Lepori, D., Gugler, P. (2018). "Comparative advantages and cross-border mergers and acquisitions: the case of Chinese M&As in European countries", International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 148-165. 
    • Gugler, P. (2017). "Emerging countries’ country-specific advantages (CSAs) and competitiveness of emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs)", Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, Vol. 27, Iss. 3, pp. 194-207.
    • Gugler, P., Vanoli, L. (2017). "Convergence or divergence of prosperity within the ASEAN community? A crucial issue for the success of the ASEAN economic community (AEC) process", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 12, Iss. 3, pp. 610-624.
    • Resbeut, M., Gugler, P. (2016). "Impact of clusters on regional economic performance: A methodological investigation and application in the case of the precision goods sector in Switzerland", Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, Vol. 26, Iss. 2, pp. 188-209.
    • Keller, M., Germain, X., Tinguely, J., Gugler, P. (2015). "The role of clusters in the global innovation strategy of MNEs: Theoretical foundations and evidence from the Basel pharmaceutical cluster", Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, Vol. 25, Iss. 3, pp. 324-340.
    • Gugler, P., Vanoli L. (2015). “Technology-sourcing investment abroad as an enhancer of Chinese MNEs’ innovative capabilities", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 10, Iss. 2, pp. 243-271.
  • Reports/Case Studies (2014-2022)
    • De Raemy, B., Gugler, P. (2022). Etude sur les politiques cantonales de promotion de l'innovation en Suisse, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.
    • Coussa, A., Quirighetti, F., Rossier, L., Jam, L. (2021). MedTech Cluster in Galway Region, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.In order to download the study, please click on this link
    • Alburai, M., Gugler, P., Stadler, L. (2021). Smart City Strategy of Dubai, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.In order to download the report, please click on this link

    • Gugler, P., Resbeut, M. (2021). Les clusters de la construction dans le canton de Fribourg, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.
    • Bassi, S., Gugler, P., Lepori, D. (2019). Created Shared Value in the Energy Sector: the case of Enel (Italy), Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.
    • Gugler, P. (2018). Orientations stratégiques du canton de Fribourg. Contribution à l'élaboration du rapport NPR 2020-2023, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.
    • Gugler, P., Lepori, D., Resbeut, M. (2018). Performance et structure économique du canton de Fribourg, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.
    • Gugler, P., Lepori, D., Resbeut, M. (2017). Economic Performance, Structure and Comparative Advantages of the Canton of Fribourg, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.
    • Gugler, P., Bliesener, J. (2017). Status of Cluster Development with focus on Bioeconomy: Canton of Fribourg, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.In order to download the report, please click on this link
    • Brugnetti, A., Gugler, P., Lepori, D. (2017). Competitiveness of Cities: Making Barcelona Smart, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.
    • Resbeut M., Gugler, P. (2016). Evolution Industrielle: Le Cas du Canton de Fribourg, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.
    • Lepori, D., Gugler, P. (2016). Institutions for Collaboration (IFCs) in the Swiss Watchmaking Sector, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.
    • Gugler, P., Keller, M. (2015). Contribution au Rapport sur le Programme de mise en oeuvre de la Nouvelle Politique Régionale 2012-2015, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.
    • Gugler, P., Keller, M. (2014). Compétitivité et Attractivité du Capital Territorial du Canton de Fribourg, Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg.