Publikationen (Auszug)
Schuhmacher, K. & Burkert, M., 2021: Time is relative: how framing of time estimation affects the accuracy of cost information, Management Science, Published online in: Articles in Advance. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2021.4144
Burkert, M., Calderon, T., Hesford, J. W. & Turner, M. J., 2021: Azure Lodging, Inc.: A case study on capital budgeting with capital rationing in a service industry context, Issues in Accounting Education 2021; Online Early Accepted Manuscripts, doi: https://doi.org/10.2308/ISSUES-18-117
Burkert, M., Fischer, M. F., Hoos, F., & Schuhmacher K., 2017, The relationship between lack of controllability and proactive work behaviour: an empirical analysis of competing theoretical explanations, Accounting and Business Research, 47, 2, 144-171.