2015: Arthur W. Page Center Fellowship (Page Legacy Scholar 2015-2016) in Global Public Relations: CSR and Public Diplomacy across Cultures (2015-2017)
2015: Arthur W. Page Center Benchmarking Award (US$ 2.000,-) for the Best Paper at the 18th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC), March 7, 2015 in Miami.
2015: Best Paper Award EUPRERA 2015 for theory-paper "Grasping the Variability of the ‘Real Organization’: Towards a Framework for Analyzing Strategic Communication"
2014: Best Paper Award EUPRERA 2014 for method-paper "Applying Variance-Based Structural Equation Modeling to Analyze Causal Effects Between Target Constructs in Public Relations"
2011: Primo loco Listenplatz für die Professur "Communication Science and International Public Relations Research" an der Universität Wien (abgelehnt)