Contact and Venue


Irina Haechler
building PER 21 - room F308
 +41 26 300 84 18 

Office hours

Mo-Th: 8.30-11.30am and 2-4.30pm

Jolanda Wehrli
building PER 21 - room F308
 +41 26 300 83 83 

Office hours

Mo: 9-12am and 2-5pm
Tu/We/Th: 9-12am


Departement of Communication and Media Research

University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Boulevard de Pérolles 90
CH-1700 Fribourg



The university building is about 15-20 minutes' walk from Fribourg railway station. You can also take bus lines 1 (Marly, Gérine), 3 (Fribourg, Charmettes), 8 (Marly, Piscine) or 10 (Fribourg, Plateau de Pérolles) to the bus stop Charmettes.