Philomen Schönhagen
Prof. Dr.
Philomen Schoenhagen is full professor in Communication History and Social Communication at the Department of Communication and Media Research DCM, University of Fribourg in Switzerland. She received her habilitation (venia legendi for communication science) in 2002 from the Ludwigs-Maximilians-University (LMU) of Munich with a work on 'Social Communication via Internet'. Moreover, she holds a PhD and M.A. in Communication Science (major subject), History of Arts and Market and Advertising Psychology (minor subjects) from the LMU. She is co-editor of two book series in communication history and history of communication theory of the NOMOS publishing house. Since 2010 she is vice president of the Ulrich Saxer foundation for the promotion of young academics in communication and media research. Currently she is also president of DCM.