Professorship of Media Structures and Governance

At the chair of "Media Structures and Governance", Prof. Dr. Manuel Puppis and his team focus on the Swiss media system and comparative media systems research, media policy, media regulation and media governance, media organizations and journalism as well as media economics and critical political economy.

We are especially interested in how digitization, commercialization and globalization change the role of media in democratic societies and in analyzing options for media policy to maintain a vital media system. What should public service media do in the digital age? How can media organizations survive? And do we need a governance of platforms and algorithms?

  • Research

    The researchers at the chair of "Media Systems and Media Structures" actively contribute to the DCM’s research areas "Media Structures and Media Policy" as well as "Journalism Studies". For instance, during the last years we performed research projects on media and digitization, public service media in a comparative perspective or good practice in youth media protection.

    Selected book publications

  • Studies and Theses

    Media structures and governance are an integral part of the DCM’s Bachelor and Master programs. By discussing theoretical foundations and specific examples our students deal with media policy, media economics, media organizations and media systems. In our courses we put an emphasis on didactics and support our students’ learning success with learning objectives as well as interactive elements like exercises and group discussions.

    We also gladly supervise bachelor and master theses in the research field of media structures and governance.

    List of theses (in German)

  • Transfer

    We are committed to make our research available to the public, the media and politicians. We carry out this remit by regular press and broadcasting appearances, the publication of newspaper articles and policy briefs, the organization of public events and the development of ideas for future media policy in Switzerland and beyond.

    Selected media appearances and public performances (in German)

  • Academic Service

    Our team is also active in the self-organization of the scientific community.

    Academic service (in German)

Michelle Patricia Kulig

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, PhD Student SNSF

+41 26 300 8376

See profile