CAS in Higher Education and Educational Technology

This CAS develops the basic pedagogical skills of a teacher in higher education:

  • Define learning objectives for various types of teaching, taking into account the specific features of their discipline.
  • Devise teaching and learning activities consistent with the learning objectives pursued and plan them, considering a variety of possible learning locations, times, and instruments.
  • Choose and use a variety of teaching and learning methods.
  • Accompany students or groups of students in their learning, both face-to-face and remotely, considering their personal learning environment.
  • Design and implement high-quality assessments of student learning that are consistent with the intended learning objectives and the teaching and learning methods used.
  • Evaluate their own teaching and adjust it accordingly.
  • Reflect on teaching practice and professional development.
  • Exchange views with peers on teaching-related topics.

It offers participants training that enhances their practice, stimulates exchange and collaboration, and applies a variety of learning methods.

Each module contains one or more individual validation activities. These activities, carried out at a distance, enable students to assimilate the content and apply the objectives to their own practice.

 A teaching activity (course, seminar, exercises, supervision of students' work, etc.) in progress or in preparation is required to participate in the course, in particular to be able to carry out the validation work required in the different modules.

Direction des études

Prof. Philippe Genoud, Doyen fondateur de la Faculté des sciences de l'éducation et de la formation
Prof. Chantal Martin Sölch, Vice-Rector Teaching, Continuing Education, Campus Life and Equality
Prof. Bernard Ries, Vice-Rector International Relations, Digitalisation and Young Researchers

  • Target audience

    The CAS is aimed at higher education teachers (university or HES/HEP) with a Master's degree or equivalent, from all disciplines.

    It is characterised by its openness to the needs and questions of participants and is aimed at both beginners and experienced teachers.

  • Requirements

    Core modules A-B-C

    9 ECTS

    «Working on your practice’» module

    2 ECTS

    Individual support

    2 ECTS

    Final Project

    2 ECTS


    15 ECTS


    The individual support is validated on the basis of two activities carried out by the participants:

    • The preparation of an individual learning dossier, submitted one month before the final dissertation examination, which provides an opportunity to reflect on the personal learning project and the learning achieved throughout the CAS;
    • Participation in at least one dissertation review to better prepare for the final presentation and to explore a topic in more depth or discover new practices.

    The final project is carried out after the completion of the core modules A-B-C, over a maximum period of 6 months, under the supervision of a person appointed by the Director of Studies. It will be defended orally in public before a jury composed of the supervisor and an expert.

  • Timetable and duration of the course

    The core modules A-B-C are organised every year in the autumn term. The transversal module 'Work on practice' starts every year in September and lasts for the whole academic year; it is not possible to complete it in the autumn term. It is not possible to start the CAS in the spring semester.

    The CAS can be completed in one academic year. Depending on availability, participants may be able to extend their course for up to two years.

  • Languages of instruction

    The CAS can be taken in French, German or bilingually (French-German). For the bilingual option, a minimum of 5 ECTS must be validated in each language.

  • Costs

    Attendance is free for teaching staff at the University of Fribourg (including assistants). External students pay CHF 4,900. Each module is invoiced separately at the time of registration, and the balance is invoiced before the final project is defended. A registration fee of CHF 200 is charged before the final examination.

  • Attendance 'à la carte'

    CAS modules can also be taken 'à la carte'. In this case, the participant is free to choose whether or not to submit the validation work. A certificate of attendance will be issued for participation without submission of the validation paper; a certificate of validation with the number of ECTS credits awarded will be issued if all face-to-face and distance learning activities have been completed and the validation paper has been submitted and accepted. Certificates are issued on request by e-mail.

    It is possible to have validated modules recognised 'à la carte' for a subsequent CAS, which must then be completed within two years of the first module taken.


Dr Marie Lambert, pedagogical advisor
 026 300 75 51