Module description

The CAS can be taken in French, German or bilingually (French-German). For the bilingual option, a minimum of 5 ECTS must be validated in each language.

Register for the modules you want by clicking on the 'Register' button on the page for each module. Registration is done through the MyUnifr account. When registering for the first time, people from outside UniFR must create a MyUnifr account with the email address of their choice.

Modules in French

Module A

Enseignement et apprentissage

Module B

Evaluation des apprentissages et des enseignements

Module C

Développement professionnel et portfolio académique


Travail sur sa pratique

Modules in German

Modul A

Lehren und Lernen

Modul B

Bewertung von Lernen und Evaluation von Lehre 

Modul C

Das eigene Lehrportfolio planen und schreiben


Arbeit an der eigenen Praxis