Digital skills

Data Analytics without Programming


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SP24 - Lundi, 15h15 - 17h

Premier cours 04.03.2024

Type Séminaire - 3 ECTS
Language(s) English, French
School of management Fribourg
Target audience

 Étudiant·es / Chercheur·euses / Enseignant·es


Society is undergoing a relentless digital transformation and most aspects of daily life are now quantified. The availability of such huge quantities of data makes its analysis all the more important in all domains. However, many do not have the necessary skills to write code for manipulating data and even less to make use of advanced techniques such as machine learning.  For this reason, our course aims at teaching how to prepare and analyze data in general and via machine learning techniques without coding.

In particular, the students will:

  • Learn what data analytics and big data are, and why they are important;
  • Learn to perform descriptive analytics and to plot data appropriately with a brief introduction to Tableau;
  • Learn what machine learning (ML) is and its impact on data analytics;
  • Learn how to use RapidMiner Studio to perform data analysis with machine learning without coding.

The course is organised as follows:

  • theoretical part online (with videos and tutorials),
  • practical work face-to-face (Room 106, HEG-FR).

The goal of this course is to be able to analyze data in a descriptive way or with machine learning algorithms without the need to learn to program.


Caon Maurizio


Angelini LeonardoSilacci Alessandro

Dates and locations
Period Location
04.03.2024 from 15:15 to 17:00 School of management Fribourg
11.03.2024 from 15:15 to 17:00 School of management Fribourg
18.03.2024 from 15:15 to 17:00 School of management Fribourg
25.03.2024 from 15:15 to 17:00 School of management Fribourg
08.04.2024 from 15:15 to 17:00 School of management Fribourg
15.04.2024 from 15:15 to 17:00 School of management Fribourg
22.04.2024 from 15:15 to 17:00 School of management Fribourg
29.04.2024 from 15:15 to 17:00 School of management Fribourg
06.05.2024 from 15:15 to 17:00 School of management Fribourg
13.05.2024 from 15:15 to 17:00 School of management Fribourg