Permafrost in talus slopes: what are the main drivers of low temperatures and ice content ?
Christin Hilbich, Christian Hauck, Dominik Amschwand, Tomasz Gluzinski, Martin Hoelzle, Tamara Mathys, Coline Mollaret, Sarah Morard, (2025) | Preprint
Long-term refraction seismic monitoring: a reliable method to detect ground ice loss at mountain permafrost sites
Bernd Etzelmüller, Christin Hilbich, Ketil Isaksen, Coline Mollaret, Sarah Morard, Cécile Pellet, Christian Hauck, (2025) | Preprint
Characterizing ground ice content and origin to better understand the seasonal surface dynamics of the Gruben rock glacier (western Swiss Alps)
Sebastián Vivero, Christian Hauck, Christophe Lambiel, Jan Beutel, Julie Wee, Coline Mollaret, (2025) | Preprint
A database integrating the electrical resistivity data of Switzerland for mountain permafrost spatio-temporal characterisation
Coline Mollaret, Christin Hilbich, Cecile Pellet, Christian Hauck, Tomasz Gluzinski, Eva De Mits, Theresa Maierhofer, Christophe Lambiel, Alex Bast, Jacopo Boaga, Adrian Flores Orozco, Hanne Hendricks, Christof Kneisel, Julius Kunz, Sarah Morard, Mirko Pavoni, Sebastian Pfaehler, Marcia Philips, Riccardo Scandroglio, Cristian Scapozza, (2025) | Preprint
Quantifying Ground Ice in Tien Shan and Pamir Permafrost: A Comprehensive Petrophysical Joint Inversion Study Applying the electrical Geometric Mean Model
Tamara Mathys, Christin Hilbich, Coline Mollaret, Christian Hauck, Tomas Saks, Ryksul Usubaliev, Bolot Moldobekov, Zhoodarbeshim Bektursunov, Muslim Azimshoev, Hofiz Navruzshoev, Martin Hoelzle, (2025) | Preprint
Spectral induced polarization survey for the estimation of hydrogeological parameters in an active rock glacier
The Cryosphere (2025) | Artikel
Characterizing ground ice content and origin to better understand the seasonal surface dynamics of the Gruben rock glacier and the adjacent Gruben debris-covered glacier (southern Swiss Alps)
The Cryosphere (2024) | Artikel
Enhanced warming of European mountain permafrost in the early 21st century
Nature Communications (2024) | Artikel
Continuous Monitoring of Permafrost and Active Layer Dynamics with Automated Electrical Resistivity Tomography on King George Island, Antarctica
Teddi Herring, Mohammad Farzamian, Gonçalo Vieira, Joana Baptista, Filip Hrbacek, Henrique Zilhao, Hyoungseok Lee, Christian Hauck, (2024) | Preprint
Quantifying permafrost ground ice contents in the Tien Shan and Pamir (Central Asia): A Petrophysical Joint Inversion approach using the Geometric Mean model
Christian Hauck, Tamara Mathys, Muslim Azimshoev, Zhoodarbeshim Bektursunov, Christin Hilbich, Murataly Duishonakunov, Abdulhamid Kayumov, Nikolay Kassatkin, Vassily Kapitsa, Leo C. P. Martin, Coline Mollaret, Hofiz Navruzshoev, Eric Pohl, Tomas Saks, Intizor Silmonov, Martin Hoelzle, Timur Musaev, Ryskul Usubaliev, (2024) | Preprint
Thermal State of Permafrost in the Central Andes (27° S–34° S)
Lukas U. Arenson, Cassandra E.M. Koenig, Christin Hilbich, Christian Hauck, Pablo Wainstein, (2024) | Preprint
Supplementary material to "Thermal State of Permafrost in the Central Andes (27° S–34° S)"
Cassandra E.M. Koenig, Christin Hilbich, Christian Hauck, Lukas U. Arenson, Pablo Wainstein, (2024) | Preprint
Employing automated electrical resistivity tomography for detecting short- and long-term changes in permafrost and active-layer dynamics in the maritime Antarctic
The Cryosphere (2024) | Artikel
Spectral induced polarization imaging to monitor seasonal and annual dynamics of frozen ground at a mountain permafrost site in the Italian Alps
The Cryosphere (2024) | Artikel
20-year permafrost evolution documented through petrophysical joint inversion, thermal and soil moisture data
Environmental Research Letters (2024) | Artikel
Preconditioning of mountain permafrost towards degradation detected by electrical resistivity
Environmental Research Letters (2024) | Artikel
Spectral Induced Polarization survey for the estimation of hydrogeological parameters in an active rock glacier
Adrián Flores Orozco, Clemens Moser, Umberto Morra di Cella, Christian Hauck, (2024) | Preprint
Characterizing ground ice content and origin to better understand the seasonal surface dynamics of the Gruben rock glacier and the adjacent Gruben debris-covered glacier (southern Swiss Alps)
Julie Wee, Sebastián Vivero, Tamara Mathys, Coline Mollaret, Jan Beutel, Christian Hauck, Christophe Lambiel, Wilfried Haeberli, (2024) | Preprint
Discriminating viscous-creep features (rock glaciers) in mountain permafrost from debris-covered glaciers – a commented test at the Gruben and Yerba Loca sites, Swiss Alps and Chilean Andes
The Cryosphere (2024) | Artikel
Modeling the Link Between Air Convection and the Occurrence of Short‐Term Permafrost in a Low‐Altitude Cold Talus Slope
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes (2024) | Artikel
Advancing Permafrost Monitoring With Autonomous Electrical Resistivity Tomography (A‐ERT): Low‐Cost Instrumentation and Open‐Source Data Processing Tool
Geophysical Research Letters (2024) | Artikel
Employing Automated Electrical Resistivity Tomography for detecting short- and long-term changes in permafrost and active layer dynamics in the Maritime Antarctic
Miguel Angel de Pablo, Mohammad Farzamian, Teddi Herring, Goncalo Vieira, Borhan Yaghoobi Tabar, Christian Hauck, (2024) | Preprint
Rapid warming and degradation of mountain permafrost in Norway and Iceland
The Cryosphere (2023) | Artikel
Best practices for using electrical resistivity tomography to investigate permafrost
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes (2023) | Artikel
Identifying mountain permafrost degradation by repeating historical electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measurements
The Cryosphere (2023) | Artikel
Supplementary material to "Discriminating viscous creep features (rock glaciers) in mountain permafrost from debris-covered glaciers – a commented test at the Gruben and Yerba Loca sites, Swiss Alps and Chilean Andes"
Julie Wee, Wilfried Haeberli, Lukas U. Arenson, Christian Hauck, Nico Mölg, (2023) | Preprint
Discriminating viscous creep features (rock glaciers) in mountain permafrost from debris-covered glaciers – a commented test at the Gruben and Yerba Loca sites, Swiss Alps and Chilean Andes
Wilfried Haeberli, Lukas U. Arenson, Julie Wee, Christian Hauck, Nico Mölg, (2023) | Preprint
Rapid warming and degradation of mountain permafrost in Norway and Iceland
Sebastian Westermann, Bernd Etzelmüller, Ketil Isaksen, Justyna Czekirda, Christin Hilbich, Christian Hauck, (2023) | Preprint
Spectral Induced Polarization imaging to monitor seasonal and annual dynamics of frozen ground at a mountain permafrost site in the Italian Alps
Jonas K. Limbrock, Theresa Maierhofer, Adrian Flores Orozco, Nathalie Roser, Christin Hilbich, Clemens Moser, Andreas Kemna, Elisabetta Drigo, Umberto Morra di Cella, Christian Hauck, (2023) | Preprint
Impact of topography on in situ soil wetness measurements for regional landslide early warning – a case study from the Swiss Alpine Foreland
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (2023) | Artikel
Identifying mountain permafrost degradation by repeating historical ERT-measurements
Johannes Buckel, Jan Mudler, Rainer Gardeweg, Christian Hauck, Christin Hilbich, Regula Frauenfelder, Christof Kneisel, Sebastian Buchelt, Jan Henrik Blöthe, Andreas Hördt, Matthias Bücker, (2022) | Preprint
Impact of topography on in-situ soil wetness measurements for regional landslide early warning – a case study from the Swiss Alpine Foreland
Adrian Wicki, Peter Lehmann, Christian Hauck, Manfred Stähli, (2022) | Preprint
Monitoring critically saturated conditions for shallow landslide occurrence using electrical resistivity tomography
Vadose Zone Journal (2022) | Artikel
Towards accurate quantification of ice content in permafrost of the Central Andes – Part 2: An upscaling strategy of geophysical measurements to the catchment scale at two study sites
The Cryosphere (2022) | Artikel
Spectral induced polarization imaging to investigate an ice-rich mountain permafrost site in Switzerland
The Cryosphere (2022) | Artikel
Towards accurate quantification of ice content in permafrost of the Central Andes – Part 1: Geophysics-based estimates from three different regions
ere (2022) | Artikel
Long-term energy balance measurements at three different mountain permafrost sites in the Swiss Alps
m Science Data (2022) | Artikel
Investigation of the induced polarization effect in transient electromagnetic soundings to characterize rock glaciers
Aigner and Nathalie Roser and Clemens Moser and Theresa Maierhofer and Umberto Morra Di Cella and Christian Hauck and Adrián Flores Orozco, (2022) | Preprint
3D Spectral Induced Polarization survey to evaluate a thawing permafrost endangered hut in the Italian Alps
s Moser and Theresa Maierhofer and Elisabetta Drigo and Umberto Morra Di Cella and Christian Hauck and Adrian Flores Orozco, (2022) | Preprint
Initiation of an international database of geoelectrical surveys on permafrost to promote data sharing, survey repetition and standardized data reprocessing
Mollaret and Christin Hilbich and Teddi Herring and Mohammad Farzamian and Johannes Buckel and Baptiste Dafflon and Daniel Draebing and Hannelore Fossaert and Rebecca Gugerli and Christian Hauck and Julius Kunz and Antoni Lewkowicz and Jonas K. Limbrock and Theresa Maierhofer and Florence Magnin and Cécile Pellet and Sebastian Pfaehler and Riccardo Scandroglio and Sebastian Uhlemann and, (2022) | Preprint
Effects of Geologic Heterogeneity on Permafrost Distribution and Catchment Hydrology in Mountain Environments
dra Koenig and Christian Hauck and Lukas Arenson and Christin Hilbich, (2022) | Preprint
Analysis of the 20-year long permafrost evolution at the long-term monitoring site Stockhorn, Swiss Alps, by applying a petrophysical joint inversion and a thermal model (Cryogrid3).
Morard and Christin Hilbich and Coline Mollaret and Cécile Pellet and Florian Wagner and Sebastian Westermann and Christian Hauck, (2022) | Preprint
Kinematics of an Alpine rock glacier from multi-temporal UAV surveys and GNSS data
Geomorphology (2022) | Artikel
Permafrost in monitored unstable rock slopes in Norway-New insights from temperature and surface velocity measurements, geophysical surveying, and ground temperature modelling
Earth Surface Dynamics (2022) | Artikel
Spectral Induced Polarization imaging to investigate an ice-rich mountain permafrost site in Switzerland
a Maierhofer and Christian Hauck and Christin Hilbich and Andreas Kemna and Adrián Flores-Orozco, (2021) | Preprint
Simulated or measured soil moisture: which one is adding more value to regional landslide early warning?
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (2021) | Artikel
Towards accurate quantification of ice content in permafrost of the Central Andes – Part II: an upscaling strategy of geophysical measurements to the catchment scale at two study sites
Mathys and Christin Hilbich and Lukas U. Arenson and Pablo A. Wainstein and Christian Hauck, (2021) | Preprint
Towards accurate quantification of ice content in permafrost of the Central Andes, part I: geophysics-based estimates from three different regions
in Hilbich and Christian Hauck and Coline Mollaret and Pablo Wainstein and Lukas U. Arenson, (2021) | Preprint
Long-term energy balance measurements at three different mountain permafrost sites in the Swiss Alps
Hoelzle and Christian Hauck and Tamara Mathys and Jeannette Noetzli and Cécile Pellet and Martin Scherler, (2021) | Preprint
Simulated or measured soil moisture: Which one is adding more value to regional landslide early warning?
Adrian Wicki, Per-Erik Jansson, Peter Lehmann, Christian Hauck, Manfred Stähli, (2021) | Preprint
Ice content and interannual water storage changes of an active rock glacier in the dry Andes of Argentina
The Cryosphere (2021) | Artikel
Spectral Induced Polarization applied at different mountain permafrost sites in the European Alps
Maierhofer, T. and Hauck, C. and Hilbich, C. and Flores-Orozco, A.,
1st Conference on Hydrogeophysics: Contribution to Exploration and Management of Groundwater, Land-Use and Natural Hazards under a Changing Climate, Held at Near Surface Geoscience Conference and Exhibition 2021, NSG 2021:
(2021) | Konferenz
Best Practice for Measuring Permafrost Temperature in Boreholes Based on the Experience in the Swiss Alps
Frontiers in Earth Science (2021) | Artikel
A monitoring system for spatiotemporal electrical self-potential measurements in cryospheric environments
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (2020) | Artikel
Detailed detection of active layer freeze–thaw dynamics using quasi-continuous electrical resistivity tomography (Deception Island, Antarctica)
The Cryosphere (2020) | Artikel
Ice content and interannual water storage changes of an active rock glacier in the dry Andes of Argentina
Christian Halla, Jan Henrik Blöthe, Carla Tapia Baldis, Dario Trombotto, Christin Hilbich, Christian Hauck, Lothar Schrott, (2020) | Preprint
Supplementary material to "Ice content and interannual water storage changes of an active rock glacier in the dry Andes of Argentina"
Christian Halla, Jan Henrik Blöthe, Carla Tapia Baldis, Dario Trombotto, Christin Hilbich, Christian Hauck, Lothar Schrott, (2020) | Preprint
Supplementary material to "A monitoring system for spatiotemporal electrical self-potential measurements in cryospheric environments"
Maximilian Weigand, Florian M. Wagner, Jonas K. Limbrock, Christin Hilbich, Christian Hauck, Andreas Kemna, (2020) | Preprint
A monitoring system for spatiotemporal electrical self-potential measurements in cryospheric environments
Maximilian Weigand, Florian M. Wagner, Jonas K. Limbrock, Christin Hilbich, Christian Hauck, Andreas Kemna, (2020) | Preprint
Twenty years of European mountain permafrost dynamics-the PACE legacy
Environmental Research Letters (2020) | Artikel
Assessing the potential of soil moisture measurements for regional landslide early warning
Landslides (2020) | Artikel
Air Convection in the Active Layer of Rock Glaciers
Frontiers in Earth Science (2020) | Artikel
Petrophysical Joint Inversion Applied to Alpine Permafrost Field Sites to Image Subsurface Ice, Water, Air, and Rock Contents
Frontiers in Earth Science (2020) | Artikel
Mountain permafrost degradation documented through a network of permanent electrical resistivity tomography sites
The Cryosphere (2019) | Artikel
Two-dimensional inversion of wideband spectral data from the capacitively coupled resistivity method – first applications in periglacial environments
The Cryosphere (2019) | Artikel
Detailed detection of fast changes in the active layer using quasi-continuous electrical resistivity tomography (Deception Island, Antarctica)
Mohammad Farzamian, Gonçalo Vieira, Fernando A. Monteiro Santos, Borhan Yaghoobi Tabar, Christian Hauck, Maria Catarina Paz, Ivo Bernando, Miguel Ramos, Miguel A. de Pablo, (2019) | Preprint
Two-dimensional Inversion of wideband spectral data from the Capacitively Coupled Resistivity method – First Applications in periglacial environments
Jan Mudler, Andreas Hördt, Anita Przyklenk, Gianluca Fiandaca, Pradip Kumar Maurya, Christian Hauck, (2019) | Preprint
Quantitative imaging of water, ice and air in permafrost systems through petrophysical joint inversion of seismic refraction and electrical resistivity data
Geophysical Journal International (2019) | Artikel
Supplementary material to "Mountain permafrost degradation documented through a network of permanent electrical resistivity tomography sites"
Coline Mollaret, Christin Hilbich, Cécile Pellet, Adrian Flores-Orozco, Reynald Delaloye, Christian Hauck, (2018) | Preprint
Mountain permafrost degradation documented through a network of permanent electrical resistivity tomography sites
Coline Mollaret, Christin Hilbich, Cécile Pellet, Adrian Flores-Orozco, Reynald Delaloye, Christian Hauck, (2018) | Preprint
The European mountain cryosphere: a review of its current state, trends, and future challenges
The Cryosphere (2018) | Artikel
Permafrost as a component of the cryosphere in the climate system
Geographische Rundschau (2018) | Artikel
Automatic ERT monitoring system installation at Crater Lake, Deception Island, Antarctica
Farzamian, M. and Vieira, G. and Monteiro Santos, F. and Yaghoobi Tabar, B. and Hauck, C. and Catarina Paz, M. and Bernando, I. and Ramos, M. and Pablo, M.A.,
24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics:
(2018) | Konferenz
Resolution capacity of geophysical monitoring regarding permafrost degradation induced by hydrological processes
The Cryosphere (2017) | Artikel
Monitoring soil moisture from middle to high elevation in Switzerland: set-up and first results from the SOMOMOUNT network
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (2017) | Artikel
Numerical modelling of convective heat transport by air flow in permafrost talus slopes
The Cryosphere (2017) | Artikel
The European mountain cryosphere: A review of past, current and future issues
Markus Stoffel, Martin Beniston, Daniel Farinotti, Liss M. Andreassen, Erika Coppola, Nicolas Eckert, Adriano Fantini, Florie Giacona, Christian Hauck, Matthias Huss, Hendrik Huwald, Michael Lehning, Juan-Ignacio López-Moreno, Jan Magnusson, Christoph Marty, Enrique Moran-Tejéda, Samuel Morin, Mohammed Naaim, Antonello Provenzale, Antoine Rabatel, Delphine Six, Johann Stötter, Ulrich Strasser, Silvia Terzago, Christian Vincent, (2017) | Preprint
Analysis procedures of an ert monitoring network to assess mountain permafrost degradation rate
Mollaret, C. and Hilbich, C. and Hauck, C.,
23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics:
(2017) | Konferenz
New insights on permafrost genesis and conservation in talus slopes based on observations at Flüelapass, Eastern Switzerland
Geomorphology (2017) | Artikel
Spectral inversion of capacitive resistivity data for the investigation frozen ground
Mudler, J. and Fiandaca, G. and Hördt, A. and Hauck, C. and Maurya, P.K. and Przyklenk, A.,
23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics:
(2017) | Konferenz
A Time-lapse geophysical model for detecting changes in ground ice content based on electrical and seismic mixing rules
Hauck, C. and Hilbich, C. and Mollaret, C.,
23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics:
(2017) | Konferenz
Site-level model intercomparison of high latitude and high altitude soil thermal dynamics in tundra and barren landscapes
A. Ekici, S. Chadburn, N. Chaudhary, L. H. Hajdu, A. Marmy, S. Peng, J. Boike, E. Burke, A. D. Friend, C. Hauck, G. Krinner, M. Langer, P. A. Miller, C. Beer, (2014) | Preprint
Warming permafrost and active layer variability at Cime Bianche, Western Alps
U. Morra di Cella, P. Pogliotti, M. Guglielmin, E. Cremonese, G. Filippa, C. Pellet, C. Hauck, (2014) | Preprint
Supplementary material to "Warming permafrost and active layer variability at Cime Bianche, Western Alps"
P. Pogliotti, M. Guglielmin, E. Cremonese, U. Morra di Cella, G. Filippa, C. Pellet, C. Hauck, (2014) | Preprint
Simulating high-latitude permafrost regions by the JSBACH terrestrial ecosystem model
Geoscientific Model Development (2014) | Artikel
A two-sided approach to estimate heat transfer processes within the active layer of the Murtèl–Corvatsch rock glacier
Earth Surface Dynamics (2014) | Artikel
Modelling of local aging effects of commercial three-way catalysts: Spatial temperature and CO conversion profiles
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (2014) | Artikel
Local influences of geothermal anomalies on permafrost distribution in an active volcanic island (Deception Island, Antarctica)
Geomorphology (2014) | Artikel
A two-sided approach to estimate heat transfer processes within the active layer of rock glacier Murtèl-Corvatsch
M. Scherler, S. Schneider, M. Hoelzle, C. Hauck, (2013) | Preprint
Improved soil physics for simulating high latitude permafrost regions by the JSBACH terrestrial ecosystem model
C. Hauck, A. Ekici, C. Beer, S. Hagemann, (2013) | Preprint
Modeled sensitivity of two alpine permafrost sites to RCM-based climate scenarios
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (2013) | Artikel
Permafrost model sensitivity to seasonal climatic changes and extreme events in mountainous regions
Environmental Research Letters (2013) | Artikel
Automatic filtering of ERT monitoring data in mountain permafrost
Near Surface Geophysics (2013) | Artikel
New concepts in geophysical surveying and data interpretation for permafrost terrain
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes (2013) | Artikel
A spatial and temporal analysis of different periglacial materials by using geoelectrical, seismic and borehole temperature data at murtel-corvatsch, upper engadin, swiss alps
Geographica Helvetica (2013) | Artikel
Applied geophysics in periglacial environments
Hauck, C. and Kneisel, C. (Applied Geophysics in Periglacial Environments, 2008)
| Buch
Quantifying the ice content in low-altitude scree slopes using geophysical methods
, in Applied Geophysics in Periglacial Environments
Hauck, C. and Kneisel, C. (2008)
| Buchkapitel
Electrical methods
, in Applied Geophysics in Periglacial Environments
Kneisel, C. and Hauck, C. (2008)
| Buchkapitel
Electromagnetic methods
, in Applied Geophysics in Periglacial Environments
Hördt, A. and Hauck, C. (2008)
| Buchkapitel
Advances in geophysical methods for permafrost investigations
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes (2008) | Artikel
Monitoring mountain permafrost evolution using electrical resistivity tomography: A 7-year study of seasonal, annual, and long-term variations at Schilthorn, Swiss Alps
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (2008) | Artikel
Soil water content monitoring on a dike model using electrical resistivity tomography
Near Surface Geophysics (2008) | Artikel
Mechanisms initiating deep convection over complex terrain during COPS
Meteorologische Zeitschrift (2008) | Artikel
High-resolution geophysical surveying of Alpine permafrost - A review
Maurer, H. and Hauck, C. and Musil, M.,
2002 SEG Annual Meeting:
(2002) | Konferenz
Frozen ground monitoring using DC resistivity tomography
Geophysical Research Letters (2002) | Artikel
High-resolution geophysical surveying of alpine permafrost - a review
Maurer, H. and Hauck, C. and Musil, M. and Green, A.G. (SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2002)
| Buch
Mountain permafrost distribution in Dovrefjell and Jotunheimen, southern Norway, based on BTS and DC resistivity tomography data
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift (2002) | Artikel
Mapping of mountain permafrost using geophysical methods
Progress in Physical Geography (2002) | Artikel