Elisabeth Dutton
Ordentliche_r Professor_in
Departement für Englisch
Av. de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
Dienstag: 10:00-11:00
Forschung und Publikationen
- Publications list
Monographs and Edited Books
The Dramatics of Medieval Visionary Texts, Elisabeth Dutton and Racha Kirakosian, forthcoming with ‘Mediävistische Perspektiven’ (Zurich; Chronos, May 2023)
Religious Drama and Community, a special issue of the journal Medieval English Theatre, eds Elisabeth Dutton and Olivia Robinson (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2021)
Medieval Theories of the Creative Act, eds Elisabeth Dutton and Martin Rohde (Wiesbaden: Reichart Verlag, 2017)
Drama and Pedagogy in Medieval and Early Modern England, Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature vol. 31 eds Elisabeth Dutton and James McBain (Tübingen: Narr, 2015)
John Gower: Trilingual Poet, ed. Elisabeth Dutton, with John Hines and R.F. Yeager (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2010)
Julian of Norwich’s Revelation of Love, ed. Elisabeth Dutton (Yale: University of Yale Press, 2008)
Julian of Norwich: the Influence of Late-Medieval Devotional Compilations (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2008)
Hadewijch: Writer, Beguine and Love-Mystic, Paul Mommaers with Elisabeth Dutton (Leuven: Peeters, 2004
Refereed Articles and Chapters
- 'Listening to the words of Margery Kempe in the early printed texts of A Short Treatise of Contemplation, submitted for publication inThe Power of Words in Late-Medieval Devotional and Mystical Writing, eds Rory Critten and Juliette Vuille (Turnhout: Brepols, forthcoming)
- 'Julian of Norwich', article for Routledge Medieval Encyclopedia Online (submitted)
- 'Swiss Shakespeare: Creative Translation as Research and Appropriation', forthcoming in Creating Playful First Encounters with the Pre-Modern Past, eds Helen Brookman and Olivia Robinson (Amsterdam: ARC Humanities Press, July 2023).
- ‘Last Supper, First Communion: some staging challenges in N Town and the Huy nuns’ play based on Deguileville’s Pélerinage de la vie humaine’, Elisabeth Dutton and Olivia Robinson, forthcoming in Medieval English Theatre 44 (2023)
- ‘Allegory in Medieval and Early Tudor Drama’, forthcoming in Oxford Handbook of Allegory ed. David Parry (Oxford: OUP, 2023)
- ‘Feminism, Theatre, and Historical Fiction: Anna of Cleves in 2021’, Medieval English Theatre 43 (2022) 224-36
- 'Julian of Norwich', article for Wiley Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021)
- 'Helvetic Henry? A Swiss adaptation of Henry V, or something near enough', in Staging History: Essays in Late-Medieval and Humanist Drama eds Peter Happé and Wim Hüsken (Leiden: Brill, 2021) 247-66
- 'Medieval Multilingualisms', Rory Critten and Elisabeth Dutton, in Language Learning, Supplement: Currents in Language Learning series: What is Special About Multilingualism? 71. S1 (2021) 12-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/lang.12404
- ‘John Redford’s Wit and Science: Costuming Allegory’, European Medieval Drama 24 (2020) 211-26
- 'Protestant Place, Protestant Props in the Plays of Nicholas Grimald', in Enacting the Bible in Medieval and Early Modern Drama, eds Chanita Goodblatt and Eva van Contzen, (Manchester: Manchester UP, 2020) 155-74
- ' "Looking after them, reading in Homer": Thomas Goffe’s Turk Plays in Oxford', European Medieval Drama 22 (2020 for 2018), 171-88
- 'Staging John Redford's Wit and Science in 2019', Elisabeth Dutton and Perry Mills, Medieval English Theatre 41 (2019) 191-208
- 'Drama, Performance and Touch in the Medieval Convent and Beyond', Olivia Robinson and Elisabeth Dutton, in Touching, Devotional Practice and Visionary Experience in the Late Middle Ages, ed. David Carillo-Rangel, Delfi I Nieto-Isabel, and Pablo Acosta Garcia (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) 43-68
- 'A Manifesto for Performance Research', in The Methuen Drama Handbook to Theatre History and Historiography, eds Claire Cochrane and Joanna Robinson (London: Bloomsbury, 2019) 249-60
- 'The Christmas Drama of the Household of St John's College, Oxford', in Household Knowledges: The Home Life of Information in Late Medieval England and France, eds Glenn Burger and Rory Critten (Manchester: Manchester UP, 2019) 100-128
- 'Medieval Convent Drama: Translating Scripture and Transforming the Liturgy', Matthew Cheung-Salisbury, Elisabeth Dutton and Olivia Robinson, in A Companion to Medieval Translation, ed. Jeanette Beer (Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, 2019) 63-74
- ‘Elizabeth, Dido and Oxford: Staging Power in the University Drama’, in Théâtralisation des arts et des lettres de la Renaissance anglaise, ed. Yona Dureau (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2018) 195-206
- 'Skelton, Voice and Performance', in A Companion to John Skelton, eds John Scattergood and Sebastian Sobecki (Cambridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2018) 114-26
- 'The Oxford Ghost Walk: Staging the Supernatural in Oxford University Drama', in Theta XIII, Théâtre Tudor (2018) 145-70.
- 'Macbeth and the Croxton Play of the Sacrament: Blood and Belief in Early English Stagecraft', in Blood Matters: Studies in European Literature and Thought, 1400-1700, ed Bonnie Lander Johnson and Eleanor Decamp (Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018) 183-97
- ‘ “My boy shall knowe himself from other men”: active spectating, annunciation and the St John’s College Narcissus’, Medieval English Theatre 36 (2017) 68-83
- ‘The Historie van Jan van Beverley: precedents for the sensational story of rape, murder and a hairy hermit’, Elisabeth Dutton and Tamara Haddad, in Medieval Saints: Proceedings of the 2015 Harlaxton Symposium, ed Sue Powell. Harlaxton Medieval Studies, XXVII (Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2017) 381-98
- ‘Rehabilitating Academic Drama’, Stephanie Allen, Elisabeth Dutton and James McBain, in The Routledge Companion to Early Drama and Performance, ed. Pamela King (London and New York: Routledge, 2016) 221-36
- ‘Fart for Fart’s Sake: Fooling through the Body in Grobiana’s Nuptials, Elisabeth Dutton and James McBain, ThetaXII, Théâtre Tudor (2016) 149-70
- ‘Seeing and Recognizing in the Sacred and New: The Latin Scriptural Plays of Nicholas Grimald’, Elisabeth Dutton and Stephanie Allen, in Staging Scripture: Biblical Drama 1350-1600, ed. Peter Happé and Wim Hüsken (Leiden: Brill, 2016) 204-34
- ‘Paradise Lost: A Staged Reading in New College Chapel, Oxford’, Erica Longfellow and Elisabeth Dutton, Milton Quarterly, 49.3 (2015) 208-14
- ‘A neglected witness to Chaucer’s Boece in a medieval devotional commentary on The Consolation of Philosophy’, in Carmina Philosophiae: Journal of the International Boethius Society (2015) 1-34
- ‘Staging and Filming John Bale’s Three Laws’, Elisabeth Dutton, Maria Sachiko Cecire and James McBain, in Shakespeare Bulletin 32.1 (2014) 65-84
- ‘Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers of London’, Meg Twycross and Elisabeth Dutton, in The Medieval Merchant: Proceedings of the 2012 Harlaxton Symposium, eds Caroline M. Barron and Anne F. Sutton. Harlaxton Medieval Studies, XXIV (Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2014) 310-49
- ‘John Heywood, Henry, and Hampton Court Palace’, in Performing Environments: Site Specificity in Medieval & Early Modern English Drama, eds. Susan Bennett and Mary Polito (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014) 36-55
- ‘“Whan Foly cometh, all is past”: Revisiting the Drama of Fools in Magnyfycence’, Theta X, Théâtre Tudor (2013) 53-68
- ‘The Croxton Play of the Sacrament,’ in The Oxford Handbook of Tudor Drama, eds. Thomas Betteridge and Greg Walker (Oxford: OUP, 2012) 55-71
- ‘Augustine Baker and the Medieval Mystical Canon’, Elisabeth Dutton and Victoria Van Hyning, in Dom Augustine Baker 1575-1641, ed. Geoffrey Scott (Gracewing, 2012) 85-110
- ‘Staging the N-Town Plays: Theatre and Liturgy’, Clare Smout and Elisabeth Dutton, with Matthew Cheung Salisbury. Research Opportunities in Medieval and Renaissance Drama, 49 (2010) 1-30
- ‘The Blood Libel: Literary Representations of Ritual Child Murder in Medieval England’, in Children and Violence,ed Laurence Brockliss and Heather Montgomery (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2010) 32-6
- ‘Secular Medieval Drama’, in The Oxford Handbook to Medieval Literature, eds Elaine Treharne and Greg Walker (Oxford: OUP, 2010) 384-94.
- ‘The Seventeenth-Century Manuscript Tradition and the Influence of Augustine Baker’, in A Companion to Julian of Norwich, ed Liz Herbert McAvoy (Cambridge, 2008) 127-38
- Invited response to Elizabeth Archibald, ‘Incest between Adults and Children in the Medieval World,’ in Children and Sexuality from the Greeks to the Great War, ed. George Rousseau (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007) 103-8
- ‘Henry Medwall’s Fulgens and Lucres: Words and Sense in the Staging of Late Medieval Drama’. The Medieval Translator 10 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007) 435-48
- ‘Augustine Baker and Two Manuscripts of Julian of Norwich’s Revelation of Love,’ Notes and Queries, New Series 52, no.3 (Sep. 2005) 329-37
- ‘Christ as Codex: Compilation as Literary Device in Book to a Mother.’ Leeds Studies in English, New Series 35 (2004) 81-100
- ‘Textual disunities and ambiguities of mise-en-page in the manuscripts containing Book to a Mother.’ Journal of the Early Book Society, 6 (2003) 140-59
- ‘Introduction to Richard Rolle’, Chadwyck-Healy Medieval Authors database (2000)
- For the Times Literary Supplement. A commentary piece based on the Globe conference, Outside In / Inside Out: Shakespeare, the Globe and the Blackfriars (Dec. 19th 2008); review of Katherine Zieman, Singing the New Song: Literacy and Liturgy in late medieval England (July 31st, 2009)
- For The Times Higher Education Supplement: Yves Bonnefoy, Shakespeare and the French Poet, ed. John Naughton (April 15th, 2005); The New Penguin Shakespeare Series, General Ed. Stanley Wells, (Aug. 5th 2005); Blackwell Companion to Shakespeare, ed. Richard Dutton and Jean E. Howard, in THES, Textbook Review (May 25th 2006); Henry S. Turner, The English Renaissance Stage (Aug. 24th, 2006); David Crystal, Think On My Words: Exploring Shakespeare’s Language (July 31st, 2008)
- For Notes and Queries: Julia Crick and Alexandra Walsingham, eds., The Uses of Script and Print, 1300-1700(Dec. 2005); Kim M. Phillips, Medieval Maidens: Young Women and Gender in England, 1270-1540 (Dec. 2005); Naoë Kukita Yoshikawa, Margery Kempe’s Meditations (March 2009); Marilyn Corrie, ed. Concise Companion to Middle English Literature (vol. 58, 2011)
- For The Journal of the Early Book Society: Edith Snook, Women, Reading and the Cultural Politics of Early Modern England (2007) ; Tamara Atkin and Laura Estill, eds, Early British Drama in Manuscript (2020) 221-3.
- For Review of English Studies: Peter Happé, The Towneley Cycle (24th July, 2008); Greg Walker, John Heywood: Comedy and Survival in Tudor England (16th January 2021) 538-5.
- For English, Mike Pincombe and Cathy Shrank, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Tudor Literature 1485-1603 (Spring 2012, vol. 61 (232) 1-5)
- For Journal of English and Germanic Philology: Penny Granger, The N-Town Play: Drama and Liturgy in Medieval East Anglia (April 2012, vol. 111 no. 2, 246-8)
- For The Heythrop Journal: F.C. Bauerschmidt, Julian of Norwich and the Mystical Body Politic of Christ, (April 2000); C.L.Carlson and A.J. Weisl, eds., Constructions of Widowhood and Virginity in the Middle Ages (April 2002)
- For Medium Aevum, Joanne Findon, Lady, Hero, Saint: The Digby Play’s Mary Magdalene, (LXXXII.2 (2013) 339-40
- For Speculum: Theresa M. Kenney and Mary Dzon, eds., The Christ Child in Medieval Culture: “Alpha es et O!”(89.4, Oct. 2014); Richard Beadle, ed., The York Plays: A Critical Edition of the York Corpus Christi Play as Recorded in British Library Additional MS 35290 (91.2, April 2016), 461-2
- For Early Theatre: Tamara Atkin, The Drama of Reform: Theology and Theatricality,
1461–1553 (18.1, 2015), 133–5
- For The American Historical Review: Claire Sponsler, The Queen’s Dumbshows: John Lydgate and the Making of Early Theater (120.4, 2015) 1545-6.
- For European Medieval Drama: Sarah Brazil, The Corporeality of Clothing in Medieval Literature (2020) 241-44; Jill Ingram, Festive Enterprise: The Business of Drama in Medieval and Renaissance England (2022) 279-82
Theatre Reviews:
- For The Times Literary Supplement: Review of All's Well, dir. Caroline Byrne at the Sam Wanamaker (Feb. 1st, 2018)
- Marlowe’s Dido and Aeneas, Angels in the Architecture, dir. Rebecca McCutcheon, Marlowe Society Newsletter 31 (Autumn 2008)
- Dekker and Webster’s Westward Ho!, Edward’s Boys, dir. Perry Mills, Cahiers Elisabéthains 82 (Autumn 2012) 68-71
Published Interviews:
- on music in medieval drama, in Jonathan Arnold, Music and Faith: Conversations in a Post-Secular Age (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2019).
- on Swiss Stage Bards’ Love’s Labour’s Lost, at https://ircl.cnrs.fr/productions%20electroniques/arret_scene/10_2021/ASF10%20articles/ASF10_PDF_POUR_MISE_EN_LIGNE/09_ASF10_2021_flaherty_callender.pdf
‘Get Thee to a Convent: Learning About Medieval Convent Drama’, with Olivia Robinson, Matthew Cheung-Salisbury, Aurélie Blanc, The Theatre History podcast with Michael Lueger (June 2017) https://howlround.com/theatre-history-podcast-35
‘Discussing N-Town’, for Beyond Shakespeare podcast series (May 2021) https://audioboom.com/posts/7932677-discussing-staging-n-town-mary-and-passion-plays