Experimentally assessing the role of rephrase loci on persuasiveness
Jennifer Schumann, Steve Oswald,
4th Argumentation and Language Conference:
(2024) | Konferenz
Pragmatic perspectives on disagreement
Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict (2024) | Artikel
Changing the speaker's image. An experimental approach to ethos
Jennifer Schumann, Thierry Herman,
13th OSSA Conference:
(2024) | Konferenz
Does reformulating using numbers increase persuasion? An experimental study
Jennifer Schumann, Ramy Younis, Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes, Steve Oswald,
4th Argumentation and Language Conference:
(2024) | Konferenz
The role of causal connectives in straw men. A cross-linguistic perspective
Jennifer Schumann,
Guest lecture at the Kolloquium der Romanischen Linguistik, Universität zu Köln
(2024) | Konferenz
Does rephrasing in argumentation increase comprehension. An experimental approach
Jennifer Schumann,
4th ARGAGE Conference:
(2024) | Konferenz
Pragmatic perspectives on disagreement
(2024) | Artikel
An experimental approach to speaker ethos
Jennifer Schumann, Thierry Herman,
X-Prag Switzerland Workshop:
(2023) | Konferenz
Casting light on the rhetorical effects of rephrase. An experimental study
Jennifer Schumann, Ramy Younis, Thierry Herman, Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes, Steve Oswald,
10th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation:
(2023) | Konferenz
Gender bias in argument evaluation
Jennifer Schumann, José Alfonso Lomelí Hernández,
10th Conference of the International Societa for the Study of Argumentation:
(2023) | Konferenz
To what rhetorical effects. Experimental evidence on the rhetorical advantages of rephrasing
Jennifer Schumann, Ramy Younis, Thierry Herman, Daniel de Oliveira Fernandes, Steve Oswald,
56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea:
(2023) | Konferenz
Brave-hearting Language of Polarisation
Jennifer Schumann, Liesbeth Allein, Martin Pereira-Farina (Warsaw University of Technology: 2023)
| Buchkapitel
Incorporating cognitive evidence in a computational model for persuasiveness
Jennifer Schumann, Zlata Kikteva, Annette Hautli-Janisz, Steve Oswald,
56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea:
(2023) | Konferenz
Pragmatic phenomena in argumentation
Jennifer Schumann, Steve Oswald,
56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea:
(2023) | Konferenz
Do People Perceive the Disagreement in Straw Man Fallacies? An Experimental Investigation
Languages (2022) | Artikel
The Pragmatics of Straw Man Fallacies. An Experimental Approach
Jennifer Schumann
| Dissertation
From corpus to experiment and back. Insights on the experimental approach to rephrase
Jennifer Schumann,
4th European Conference on Argumentation:
(2022) | Konferenz
AMoRe - An Argumentative Model of Rephrase
Jennifer Schumann, Ramy Younis, Steve Oswald,
Journée de la linguistique suisse:
(2022) | Konferenz
Investigating the refutational dimension of straw man fallacies. An experimental approach
Jennifer Schumann,
4th European Conference on Argumentation:
(2022) | Konferenz
Experimental Methods in Argumentation
Jennifer Schumann,
AMoRe kick-off workshop:
(2022) | Konferenz
The pragmatics of straw man fallacies. An experimental approach
Jennifer Schumann,
Invited talk in the Seminar "A Pragmatic Approach to Argumentative Fallacies" by Dr. Steve Oswald, University of Fribourg
(2022) | Konferenz
The Linguistic Formulation of Fallacies Matters: The Case of Causal Connectives
on (2021) | Artikel
The pragmatics of straw men. An experimental investigation
Jennifer Schumann,
BeLing Forschungskolloquium:
(2021) | Konferenz
Investigating the perception of disagreement in straw man fallacies
Jennifer Schumann,
XPrag.ch Workshop: Pragmatics and its Interfaces:
(2021) | Konferenz
Le rôle des connecteurs pour l'acceptabilité de l'homme de paille. Combiner étude de corpus et approche expérimentale
Jennifer Schumann,
CUSO-Workshp: Combining corpus and experimental data in linguistics:
(2021) | Konferenz
An experimental investigation of perceived disagreement in straw man fallacies
Jennifer Schumann, Sandrine Zufferey, Steve Oswald,
17th International Pragmatics Conference:
(2021) | Konferenz
The pragmatics of straw men. An experimental investigation
Jennifer Schumann,
IMAFUN kick-off workshop: Implicit meaning in argumentation:
(2021) | Konferenz
Do people spot the disagreement in straw man fallacies? An experimental approach
Jennifer Schumann,
3rd ARGAGE Conference:
(2021) | Konferenz
Connectives and straw men. Experimental approach on French and English
Jennifer Schumann, Sandrine Zufferey,
12th OSSA Conference: Evidence, Persuasion and Diversity:
(2020) | Konferenz
The pragmatics of straw men. An experimental approach
Jennifer Schumann,
CUSO-Workshop: Identifier et analyser l'argumentation dans les textes et les interactions:
(2020) | Konferenz
Empirical evidence for the role of connectives on the acceptability of the straw man fallacy
Jennifer Schumann,
53rd Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europea:
(2020) | Konferenz
Connectives and straw men. Experimental approach on French and English
Jennifer Schumann, Sandrine Zufferey,
12th OSSA Conference:
(2020) | Konferenz
Les aspects pragmatiques de l'homme de paille. Une approche expérimentale
Jennifer Schumann,
Invited talk in the Seminar "Problèmes en pragmatique" by Dr. Louis de Saussure and Misha Müller, Université de Neuchâtel
(2020) | Konferenz
What makes a straw man acceptable? Three experiments assessing linguistic factors
Journal of Pragmatics (2019) | Artikel
Empirical evidence for the role of information structure and connectives on the acceptability of straw man fallacies
Jennifer Schumann, Sandrine Zufferey,
European Conference on Argumentation:
(2019) | Konferenz
The pragmatics of straw men. An experimental approach
Jennifer Schumann, Sandrine Zufferey,
X-Prag Switzerland:
(2019) | Konferenz
The straw man fallacy. An experimental approach
Jennifer Schumann,
Forum of the Graduate School of the Humanities:
(2019) | Konferenz
What makes a straw man efficient? Three experiments assessing linguistic and cognitive factors
Jennifer Schumann, Sandrine Zufferey, Steve Oswald,
2nd ARGAGE Conference 2018:
(2018) | Konferenz
L'efficacité du straw man. Trois expériences sur des facteurs linguistiques et cognitifs
Jennifer Schumann,
Presentation in the Research Seminar of the "Institut de langue et de littérature franrçaises", University of Bern
(2018) | Konferenz
Changing the speaker's image. An experimental approach to ethos
Jennifer Schumann, Thierry Herman | Working Paper
Experimental Approaches to Argumentation (under review)
, in The Routledge Handbook of Argumentation
Jennifer Schumann ()
| Buchkapitel