Jade Océane Bonanno

Collaboratrice scientifique

Wissenschaftliche_r Mitarbeiter_in
Abteilung Medizin

ARS 02 bu. 244
Rte des Arsenaux 41
1700 Fribourg
ARS 02, 244

Wissenschaftliche_r Mitarbeiter_in
Abteilung Medizin

ARS 02 bu. 244
Rte des Arsenaux 41
1700 Fribourg
ARS 02, 244


Jade Bonanno is a scientific collaborator at the Institute of Family Medicine of the University of Fribourg. She holds a MSc in Applied Psychology and Behavioral Sciences from Geneva University. The objective is to design and plan interventions on behavior change in health promotion and/or sustainibility using evidence-based tools and theories from the field of psychology. She also holds a Nutrition Diploma from l'Ecole de Nutrition Holistique, Geneva. 

Her current work consists of managing the transfert of the Certificate of Advenced Studies in Psychosomatic and Psychosocial Medicine from Unige to Unifr. She works on a project to implement integrative medicine into geriatric units at Morges Hospital and HUG. 

She works at HESAV, Lausanne, as a scientifc collaborator Ra&D. The current project aims to understand and improve sustainibility in operating rooms at the CHUV.