Marino Widmer

Professeur·e ordinaire
Département d'informatique

PER 21 bu. C325
Bd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
Mardi: matin et après-midi
PER 21, C325

Président·e de département
Département d'informatique

PER 21 bu. C325
Bd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
PER 21, C325

Recherche et publications

  • Publications et présentations
    138 publications

    A dataset on the physiological state and behavior of drivers in conditionally automated driving
    Meteier, Q. and Capallera, M. and de Salis, E. and Angelini, L. and Carrino, S. and Widmer, M. and Abou Khaled, O. and Mugellini, E. and Sonderegger, A., Data in Brief (2023) | Article

    A Contextual Multimodal System for Increasing Situation Awareness and Takeover Quality in Conditionally Automated Driving
    Capallera, M. and Meteier, Q. and De Salis, E. and Widmer, M. and Angelini, L. and Carrino, S. and Sonderegger, A. and Khaled, O.A. and Mugellini, E., IEEE Access (2023) | Article

Enseignement et cours

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