Claudia Leopold
Prof. Dr
Professeur·e ordinaire
Centre d'enseignement et de recherche pour la formation à l'enseignement au secondaire
Recherche et publications
19 publications
The role of strategy-based motivation in mathematical problem solving: The case of learner-generated drawings
Learning and Instruction (2021) | ArticleDo emotions and prior performance facilitate the use of the learner-generated drawing strategy? Effects of enjoyment, anxiety, and intramathematical performance on the use of the drawing strategy and modelling performance
Contemporary Educational Psychology (2021) | ArticleMeasuring and investigating strategic knowledge about drawing to solve geometry modelling problems
ZDM - Mathematics Education (2020) | ArticleThe power of imagination and perspective in learning from science text
Journal of Educational Psychology (2019) | ArticleSummarizing as a Strategy for Science Text Comprehension: Text-Based Versus Content-Based Processing
Discourse Processes (2019) | ArticleSelf-explaining steps in problem-solving tasks to improve self-regulation in secondary education
Journal of Educational Psychology (2018) | ArticleMake a drawing. Effects of strategic knowledge, drawing accuracy, and type of drawing on students’ mathematical modelling performance
Educational Studies in Mathematics (2017) | ArticleLearning from scientific texts: personalizing the text increases transfer performance and task involvement
European Journal of Psychology of Education (2016) | ArticleAn imagination effect in learning from scientific text
Journal of Educational Psychology (2015) | ArticleImproving students’ science text comprehension through metacognitive self-regulation when applying learning strategies
Metacognition and Learning (2015) | Article