Eleanor Lucy Deacon

Recherche et publications

  • Recherche et publications
    7 publications

    Provenance of the Edinburgh Fragment of Rashīd al-Dīn's Jāmi' al-tawārīkh [video]
    Eleanor Lucy Deacon, Eleanor Lucy Deacon, Christiane Gruber (2024) | Autre

    Renaming (and Reshaping) The University of Edinburgh’s “Oriental” Manuscript Collection [in press]
    Eleanor Lucy Deacon, Aline Brodin, (2023) | Article

    Acts of Devotion: Retelling Karbala in the Iranian Taʿziyeh
    Eleanor Lucy Deacon (Under Review for De Gruyter Brill Series - Studies in Performing Arts and Literature of the Islamicate World, 2023) | Livre

    The Curious Addition of Non-Religious Characters to The Martyrdom of Imam Husain
    E. Lucy Deacon, Iranian Studies (2021) | Article

    Taʿziyeh-khani in Iranian Communities: Muharram AH 1439 (AD 2017)
    Eleanor Lucy Deacon, Medieval English Theatre 42: Religious Drama and Community (2021) | Article

    Remembering through Re-Enacting: Revisiting the Emergence of the Iranian Taʿzia Tradition
    Eleanor Lucy Deacon, Medieval English Theatre 41 (2020) | Article

    Sister Why? : An Early 19th Century Nowheh (Dirge) for the Martyrs of Karbala [forthcoming]
    Eleanor Lucy Deacon, | Article