Francesca Poglia Mileti

Dr. Professeure ordinaire

Professeur·e ordinaire
Département des sciences sociales

PER 21 bu. G329
Bd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
PER 21, G329


Beginning her career with a thesis in the fields of the sociology of migration and interethnic relations, Prof. Francesca Poglia Mileti has since continuously worked in these areas for more than 20 years. She is one of the scientists who initiated the questioning of categorization processes and identity dynamics in the domain of migration in Switzerland. In parallel to her expertise in the migration and interethnic field, Prof. Francesca Poglia Mileti diversified her scientific profile, gaining recognition in other research topics, such as gender, youth, and economy. Since 2012, Prof. Poglia Mileti has specialized in the field of immigration, gender and sexual health, combining two historically separate domains of research: sexuality and migration. The research group she created (GREMISS) is a rare team working in this field in Switzerland.

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