Publications in Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals
Reiner Eichenberger, and Bruno S. Frey. Permanently Rotate the Winning Team. Journal of the knowledge Economy.
Yves Kläy, Reiner Eichenberger, Marco Portmann and David Stadelmann. Congruence of female and male legislators with the preferences of women and men. Economics Letters.
Anna Maria Koukal, Patricia Schafer and Reiner Eichenberger. Empowering the next generation: The role of direct democracy in youth enfranchisement. European Journal of Political Economy.
Volker Grossmann, and Holger Strulik. The Economics of Aging with Infectious and Chronic Diseases. Economics & Human Biology 52.
Martin Huber. An Introduction to Causal Discovery. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics.
Jana Bernhard-Harrer, Paul Balluff, Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Sarina Joy Oberhänsli, Jana Bernhard, Hajo G. Boomgaarden, Andreas Fahr, and Martin Huber. The Austrian Political Advertisement Scandal: Searching for Patterns of “Journalism for Sale”. The International Journal of Press/Politics.
Hugo Bodory, Martin Huber, and Michael Lechner. The Finite Sample Performance of Instrumental Variable-Based Estimators of the Local Average Treatment Effect When Controlling for Covariates. Computational Economics.
Martin Huber. Causal Machine Learning in Marketing. International Journal of Business & Management Studies.
Michela Bia, Martin Huber, and Lukáš Lafférs. Double Machine Learning for Sample Selection Models. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.
Hugo Bodory, Lorenzo Camponovo, Martin Huber, and Michael Lechner. A Wild bootstrap for propensity score matching estimators. Statistics & Probability Letters.
Yu-Chin Hsu, Martin Huber, Ying-Ying Lee, and Chu-An Liu. Testing Monotonicity of Mean Potential Outcomes in a Continuous Treatment with High-Dimensional Data. Review of Economics and Statistics.
Giuseppe Mastromatteo, and Sergio Rossi. 'Sellers' Inflation' and Monetary Policy Interventions: A Critical Analysis. Review of Political Economy, 36(4), 1465-1485.
Sergio Rossi. The Political Benefits of 'Unconventional' Monetary Policies in Times of Crisis. Review of Political Economy, 36(2), 533-545.
Maurizio Solari, Alexandre le Bloc'h, and Sergio Rossi. Ecological transition in a monetary economy of prodction: a heterodox approach. Eurasian Economic Review, 14(1), 13-37.
Edoardo Beretta, Aurelio F. Bariviera, Marco Desogus, Costanza Naguib, and Sergio Rossi. Productivity and Keynes’s 15-Hour Work Week Prediction for 2030: An Alternative, Macroeconomic Analysis for the United States. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17 (306).
Simon Lüchinger, Mark Schelker, and Lukas Schmid. Measuring Closeness in Proportional Representation Systems. Political Analysis, 32, 101-114.
Berno Buechel, Stefan Klößner, Fanyuan Meng, and Anis Nassar. Misinformation due to asymmetric information sharing. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 150: 104641, 2023.
Berno Buechel, Selina Gangl, and Martin Huber. How residence permits affect the labor market attachment of foreign workers: Evidence from a migration lottery in Liechtenstein. European Economic Review, 152: 104377, 2023.
Reiner Eichenberger and David Stadelmann. Staatsversagen als Folge von Marktversagen am Markt für Politik. WIST 52 (9): 26–32, 2023.
Volker Grossmann, Fabienne Helfer, and Aderonke Osikominu. Does Immigration Affect Housing Costs in Switzerland? Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 159, Article 5, 2023.
Holger Herz, Bob Gibbons, Manuel Grieder and Christian Zender. Building an Equilibrium: Rules Versus Principles in Relational Contracts. Organization Science, 2023, Vol. 34(6) pp. 2231-2249.
Christian M Dahl, Martin Huber, and Giovanni Mellace. It is never too LATE: a new look at local average treatment effects with or without defiers. The Econometrics Journal (2023).
Martin Huber, and David Imhof. Flagging cartel participants with deep learning based on convolutional neural networks. International Journal of Industrial Organization (2023).
Henrika Langen, and Martin Huber. How causal machine learning can leverage marketing strategies: Assessing and improving the performance of a coupon campain. PLoS ONE (2023).
Ana Fernandes, Martin Huber, and Camila Plaza. When does gender occupational segregation start? An experimental evaluation of the effects of gender and parental occupation in the apprenticeship labor market. Economics of Education Review (2023).
Alvaro Cencini, and Sergio Rossi. Bernard Schmitt and the Dijon–Fribourg School of Monetary Circuit Analysis. Review of Political Economy, (2023).
Louis-Philippe Rochon, and Sergio Rossi. The Euro-Area Crisis and the Monetary Policy Response of the ECV: A Critical Investigation and Some Reform Proposals. Forum for Social Economics, (2023).
Giuseppe Mastromatteo, and Sergio Rossi. Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Monetary Macroeconoic Analysis. Economia internazionale / InternationalEconomics, Vol. 75(3) pp. 387-416, 2023.
Sergio Rossi. The banking crisis of Credit Suisse: origins, consequences, and reform proposals'. Investigación Económica, 82 (325): 21-36.
Simon Berset, Martin Huber, and Mark Schelker. The Fiscal Response to Revenue Shocks. International Tax and Public Finance, 30: 814-848, 2023.
Christine Benesch, Rino Heim, Mark Schelker and Lukas Schmid. Do Voting Advice Applications Change Political Behavior? Journal of Politics, 85 (2): 684-700, 2023.
Simon Berset, and Mark Schelker. Decentralization and Progressive Taxation. Public Finance Review, 51(2): 171-310, 2023.
Berno Buechel and Philemon Krähenmann. Fixed price equilibria on peer-to-peer platforms: Lessons from time-based currencies. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 195:335-358, 2022.
Fanyuan Meng, Matus Medo and Berno Buechel. Whom to Trust in a Signed Network? Optimal Solution and two Heuristic Rules. Information Sciences, 606:742-762, 2022.
Marco Portmann, David Stadelmann and Reiner Eichenberger. Incentives dominate selection - Chamber-changing legislators are driven by electoral rules and voter preferences. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 193: 353-366, 2022.
Philippe Gugler. Internationalization of Family Firms: A Critical Review of Current Research and Possible Avenues for Further Studies. The Business Review Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1: 18-26, 2022.
Martin Huber, David Imhof and Riedo Ishii. Transnational machine learning with screens for flagging bid-rigging cartels. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 185 (3), 1074-1114, 2022.
Martin Huber, Jonas Meier and Hannes Wallimann. Business analytics meets artificial intelligence: Assessing the demand effects of discounts on Swiss train tickets. Transportation Research Part B, 163, 22-39, 2022.
Sergio Rossi. Les consequences économiques de la pandémie: analyse et propositions de politique économique. In E. Rosenstein and S. Mimouni (eds), COVID-19: les politiques sociales à l’épreuve de la pandémie, Geneva: Seismo, pp. 39-55, 2022.
Sergio Rossi. Monetary policy support for a green new deal. In N. Karagiannis and J.E. King (eds), Visions and Strategies for a Sustainable Economy, Basingstoke, UK eand New York, USA: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 109-117, 2022.
Sergio Rossi and Louis-Philippe Rochon. Eight lessons for teaching macroeconomic policy after COVID-19: a heterodox perspective. Advances in Economics Education, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 30-47, 2022.
Sergio Rossi. I limiti della crescita economica. In S. Bionda and L. Orelli Facchini (eds), Nuove lezioni bellinzonesi, Bellinzona: Edizioni Casagrande, pp. 27-43, 2022.
Simon Berset and Mark Schelker. Decentralization and Progressive Taxation. Public Finance Review, forthcoming.
Simon Berset, Martin Huber and Mark Schelker. The Fiscal Response to Revenue Shocks. International Tax and Public Finance, forthcoming.
Martin Huber, Mark Schelker and Anthony Strittmatter. Direct and Indirect Effects Based on Changes-in-Changes. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 40 (1): 432-443, 2022.
Pierre André, Esther Delesalle and Christelle Dumas. Returns to farm child labor in Tanzania. World Development 138: 105181, 2021.
Anna Maria Koukal, Patricia Schafer and Reiner Eichenberger. Enfranchising Non-Citizens: What Drives Natives’ Willingness to Share Power? Journal of Comparative Economics, 49 (4): 1088-1108, 2021.
Bauer, Ann Barbara and Reiner Eichenberger. Worsening workers’ health by lowering retirement age: The malign consequences of a benign reform. Journal of the Economics of Ageing 18: 100296, 2021.
Reiner Eichenberger, Marco Portmann, Patricia Schafer and David Stadelmann. Mehrheitswahlen in Mehrsitzwahlkreisen: Ein Schweizer Erfolgsrezept? Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 22 (4): 315-329, 2021.
Abraham Aldama, Cristina Bicchieri, Jana Freundt, Barbara Mellers and Ellen Peters. How perceptions of autonomy relate to beliefs about inequality and fairness. PLoS ONE 16 (1): e0244387, 20201.
Volker Grossmann, Benjamin Larin, Hans-Torben Löfflad and Thomas Steger. Distributional Consequences of Surging Housing Rents. Journal of Economic Theory 196, 105275, 2021.
Volker Grossmann and Holger Strulik. Illicit Drugs and the Decline of the Middle Class. Journal of the Economic Behavior & Organization 183, 718-743, 2021.
Volker Grossmann and Mario Songane. The Patent Buyout Price for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine and the Ratio of R&D costs to the Patent Value. PLoS ONE 16 (1): e0244722, 2021.
Sebastian Böhm, Volker Grossmann and Holger Strulik. R&D-Driven Medical Progress, Health Care Costs, and the Future of Human Longevity. Journal of the Economics of Ageing 18: 100286, 2021.
Uschi Backes-Gellner, Holger Herz, Michael Kosfeld and Yvonne Oswald. Do Preferences and Biases Predict Life Outcomes? Evidence from Education and Labor Market Entry Decisions. European Economic Review, vol. 134, 103709, 2021.
Martin Eckhoff Andresen and Martin Huber. Instrument-based estimation with binarized treatments: issues and tests for the exclusion restriction. Econometrics Journal, forthcoming.
Elena Denisova-Schmidt, Martin Huber, Elvira Leontyeva and Anna Solovyeva. Combining experimental evidence with machine learning to assess anti-corruption educational campaigns among Russian university students. Empirical Economics 60, 1661-1684, 2021.
Martin Huber and Andreas Steinmayr. A framework for separating individual-level treatment effects from spillover effects. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 39 (2), 422-436, 2021.
Martin Huber, Daria Loginova and Marco Portmann. Assessing the effects of seasonal tariff-rate quotas on vegetable prices in Switzerland. Journal of Agricultural Economics, forthcoming.
Thierry Madiès. La concurrence fiscale: un point de vue d'économiste. Revue européenne et internationale de droit fiscal, 2: 295-300, 2021.
Thierry Madiès and Florian Rey. Addressing the concerns about carbon leakage in the implementation of carbon pricing policies: A focus on the issue of competitiveness. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics 48, 53-75, 2021.
Sergio Rossi. The political benefits of “unconventional” monetary policies in times of crisis. Review of Political Economy, 2021, forthcoming.
Sergio Rossi. Monetary policy and income distribution in the Covid-19 pandemic crisis: a European perspective. Investigación Económica, 2021, forthcoming.
Berno Buechel, Eberhard Feess, and Gerd Muehlheusser. Optimal Law Enforcement with Sophisticated and Naive Offenders. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 177: 836-857, 2020.
Berno Buechel, Stefan Klössner, Martin Lochmüller, and Heiko Rauhut. The Strength of Weak Leaders: An Experiment on Social Influence and Social Learning in Teams. Experimental Economics 23: 259–293, 2020.
Sarah Deschênes, Christelle Dumas and Sylvie Lambert. Household resources and individual strategies. World Development, 135 (November): 1-17, 2020.
Christelle Dumas. Productivity Shocks and Child Labor: the Role of Credit and Labor Markets. Economic Development and Cultural Change 68 (3): 763-812, 2020.
Reiner Eichenberger, Rainer Hegselmann and David Stadelmann. Zertifizierte Corona Immunität als Ressource. WiSt (10-2020): 26-32, 2020.
Reiner Eichenberger, Rainer Hegselmann, David A. Savage, David Stadelmann and Benno Torgler. Certified Coronavirus Immunity as a Resource and Strategy to Cope with Pandemic Costs. Kyklos 73 (3): 464-474, 2020.
Volker Grossmann, Aderonke Osikominu and Marius Osterfeld. Sociocultural Background and Choice of STEM Majors at University. Oxford Economic Papers 72 (2): 374-369, 2020.
Benjamin Rosa, Philippe Gugler and Alain Verbeke. Regional and global strategies of MNEs: Revisiting Rugman & Verbeke (2004). Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) 51, 1045-1053, 2020.
Hans Fricke, Markus Frölich, Martin Huber, Michael Lechner. Endogeneity and Non-Response Bias in Treatment Evaluation: Nonparametric Identification of Causal Effects by Instruments. Journal of Applied Econometrics 35 (5): 481-504, 2020.
Hugo Bodory, Lorenzo Camponovo, Martin Huber and Michael Lechner. The Finite Sample Performance of Inference Methods for Propensity Score Matching and Weighting Estimators. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 38 (1): 183-200, 2020.
Yu-Chin Hsu, Martin Huber, Ying-Ying Lee and Layal Lettry. Direct and indirect effects of continuous treatments based on generalized propensity score weighting. Journal of Applied Econometrics 35 (7): 814-840, 2020.
Martin Huber and Anna Solovyeva. Direct and indirect effects under sample selection and outcome attrition. Econometrics 8 (4): 44, 1-25, 2020.
Martin Huber and Anna Solovyeva. On the sensitivity of wage gap decompositions. Journal of Labor Research 41 (1): 1-33, 2020.
Martin Huber and Henrika Langen. The Impact of Response Measures on COVID-19-Related Hospitalization and Death Rates in Germany and Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 156 (10): 1-19, 2020.
Emmanuelle Taugourdeau and Thierry Madiès. Vertical Transfers and Tax Competition: Does Trade Integration Matter? Social Choice and Welfare 55: 453-475, 2020.
Nelly Exbrayat, Thierry Madiès and Stéphane Riou. A simple model of corporate bailouts in a globalized economy. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 122 (4): 1575-1605, 2020.
Sergio Rossi. Central banks’ contribution to financial instability. Bulletin of Political Economy, 14 (2): 203-217, 2020.
Simon Berset and Mark Schelker. Fiscal Windfall Curse. European Economic Review 130: 103592, 2020.
Berno Buechel and Lydia Mechtenberg. The swing voter’s curse in social networks. Games and Economic Behavior 118: 241-268, 2019.
Marie Baguet and Christelle Dumas. How does birth weight affect health and human capital? A short- and long-term evaluation. Health Economics 28 (April): 597–617, 2019.
Christelle Dumas and Arnaud Lefranc. Sex in Marriage is a Divine Gift"? Evidence on the Quantity-Quality Trade-Off from the Manila Contraceptive Ban. World Bank Economic Review 33(1): 259–285, 2019.
David Stadelmann, Marco Portmann and Reiner Eichenberger. Preference Representation and the Influence of Political Parties in Majoritarian vs. Proportional Systems: An Empirical Test. British Journal of Political Science 49 (1): 181-204, 2019.
Reiner Eichenberger, Patricia Schafer and David Stadelmann. Making public infrastructure work: Multi-seat majoritarian elections as a new institutional approach. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 3 (2): 244-260, 2019.
Volker Grossmann and Holger Strulik. Optimal Social Insurance and Health Inequality. German Economic Review 20: e913-e948, 2019.
Volker Grossmann and Aderonke Osikominu. Let the Data Speak? On the Importance of Theory-Based Instrumental Variable Estimations. German Economic Review 20: e831-e851, 2019.
Mathieu Resbeut, Philippe Gugler and D. Charoen. Spatial agglomeration and specialization in emerging markets: Economic efficiency of clusters in Thai industries. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal 29(3): 236-252, 2019.
Philippe Gugler. Recent Policy Developments Regarding Foreign Policy. ICE Review (September 2019.
Philippe Gugler. Assessing the competitiveness of locations: A journey through the major theoretical insights. Economics and Business Review 5 (19) No. 3: 16-34, 2019.
Holger Herz, Armin Schmutzler and André Volk. Cooperation and Mistrust in Relational Contracts. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 166: 366-380, 2019.
Elena Denisova-Schmidt, Martin Huber and Yaroslav Prytula. The effects of anti-corruption videos on attitudes towards corruption in a Ukrainian online survey. Eurasian Geography and Economics 60 (3): 304-332, 2019.
Eva Deuchert, Martin Huber and Mark Schelker. Direct and indirect effects based on difference-in-differences with an application to political preferences following the Vietnam draft lottery. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 37 (4): 710-720, 2019.
Markus Frölich and Martin Huber. Including Covariates in the Regression Discontinuity Design. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 37 (4): 736-748, 2019.
Yu-Chin Hsu, Martin Huber and Tsung Chih Lai. Nonparametric estimation of natural direct and indirect effects based on inverse probability weighting. Journal of Econometric Methods 8 (1), 2019.
Martin Huber, Ana Kotevska, Aleksandra Martinovska Stojcheska and Anna Solovyeva. Evaluating an information campaign about rural development policies in (FYR) Macedonia. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 48 (1): 117-141, 2019.
Martin Huber and Kaspar Wüthrich. Evaluating local average and quantile treatment effects under endogeneity based on instruments: a review. Journal of Econometric Methods 8 (1), 2019.
Martin Huber. Kausalanalyse mit maschinellem Lernen. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 57: 106-116, 2019.
Martin Huber and David Imhof. Machine learning with screens for detecting bid-rigging cartels. International Journal of Industrial Organization 65: 277–301, 2019.
Sergio Rossi. The dangerous ineffectiveness of negative interest rates: the case of Switzerland. Review of Keynesian Economics 7(2): 220-232, 2019.
Sergio Rossi. Rethinking the euro as a common currency for Europe: Keynes’s Plan revisited. Revista de Economía Crítica 27: 86-99, 2019.
Berno Buechel, Lydia Mechtenberg, and Julia Petersen. If I can do it, so can you! Peer Effects on Perseverance. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 1-14, 2018.
Damiano Lepori and Philippe Gugler. Comparative advantages and cross-border mergers and acquisitions: the case of Chinese M&As in European countries. International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances, Vol. 6, No. 3, 148-165, 2018.
Philippe Aghion, Stefan Bechtold, Lea Cassar and Holger Herz. The Causal Effects of Competition on Innovation: Experimental Evidence. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, vol. 34(2), 162-195, 2018.
Holger Herz and Dmitry Taubinsky. What Makes a Price Fair? An Experimental Study of Market Experience and Endogenous Fairness Norms. Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 16(2), 316-352, 2018.
Tjasa Bjedov, Simon Lapointe, Thierry Madiès and Marie-Claire Villeval. Does decentralization reduce the risk of secession? An experiment. Social Choice and Welfare, 51: 657-679, 2018.
Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi. The relationship between inflation and unemployment: a critique of Friedman and Phelps. Review of Keynesian Economics, vol. 6, no. 4, 533-544, 2018.
Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi. El estado de la macroeconomía. Ola financiera, vol. 11, no. 31, 100-127, 2018.
Mark Schelker. Lame Ducks and Divided Government: How Voters Control the Unaccountable. Journal of Comparative Economics, 46 (1): 131-144, 2018.
Philippe Gugler. Emerging countries’ country-specific advantages (CSAs) and competitiveness of emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs). Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, 27 (3): 194-207, 2017.
Philippe Gugler and Laura Vanoli. Convergence or divergence of prosperity within the ASEAN community? A crucial issue for the success of the ASEAN economic community (AEC) process. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 12 (3): 610-624, 2017.
Christian Zehnder, Holger Herz and Jean-Philippe Bonardi. A Productive Clash of Cultures: Injecting Economics into Leadership Research. The Leadership Quarterly, 28 (1): 65-85, 2017.
Markus Frölich and Martin Huber. Direct and Indirect treatment effects: Causal chains and mediation analysis with instrumental variables. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 79, 1645-1666, 2017.
Benjamin Bolzern and Martin Huber. Testing the validity of the compulsory schooling law instrument. Economics Letters, 159, 23-27, 2017.
Markus Frölich, Martin Huber and Manuel Wiesenfarth. The Finite Sample Performance of Semi- and Nonparametric Estimators for Treatment Effects and Policy Evaluation. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 115, 91–102, 2017.
Martin Huber, Michael Lechner and Giovanni Mellace. Why do tougher caseworkers increase employment? The role of programme assignment as a causal mechanism. Review of Economics and Statistics, 99 (1): 180-183, 2017.
Christina Felfe and Martin Huber. Does preschool boost the development of minority children? The case of Roma children. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 180 (2): 475-502, 2017.
Martin Huber, Lukas Laffers and Giovanni Mellace. Sharp IV bounds on average treatment effects on the treated and other populations under endogeneity and noncompliance. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 32 (1): 56-79, 2017.
Mark Schelker and Marco Schneiter. The Elasticity of Voter Turnout: Investing 85 Cents per Voter to Increase Voter Turnout by 4 Percent. Electoral Studies, 49, 65-74, 2017.
Berno Buechel and Gerd Muehlheusser. Black Sheep or Scapegoats? Implementable Monitoring Policies under Unobservable Levels of Misbehavior. The Journal of Legal Studies, 45 (2): 331-366, 2016.
Berno Buechel and Jan F. Klein. Restrictions in spatial competition: The effects on firms and consumers. Homo Oeconomicus - Journal of Behavioral and Institutional Economics, 33 (1): 157–172, 2016.
David Stadelmann, Marco Portmann and Reiner Eichenberger. How Lobbying Affects Representation: Results for Majority-Elected Politicians. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 16 (4), 20160040, 2016.
Volker Grossmann, Andreas Schäfer, Thomas Seger and Benjamin Fuchs. Reversal of Migration Flows: A Fresh Look at the German Reunification. Journal of International Economics, 109: 1-15, 2016.
Volker Grossmann. How Immigration Affects Investment and Productivity in Host and Home Countries. IZA World of Labor, (292), 2016.
Eva Spring and Volker Grossmann. Does Bilateral Trust Across Countries Really Affect Inernational Trade and Factor Mobility? Empirical Economics, 50 (1): 103-136, 2016.
Volker Grossmann, Thomas M. Steger and Timo Trimborn. Quantifying Optimal Growth Policy. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 18 (3): 451-485, 2016.
Matthieu Resbeut and Philippe Gugler. Impact of clusters on regional economic performance: A methodological investigation and application in the case of the precision goods sector in Switzerland. Competitiveness Review, 26 (2): 188-209, 2016.
Philippe Gugler. "Incentives in the European Union”. Rethinking Investment Incentives: Trends and Policy Options, Edited by Ana Teresa Tavares--Lehmann et al., Columbia University Press, New-York, 2016, pp. 94–121
Martin Huber, Michael Lechner and Conny Wunsch. The Effects of Firms'Partial Retirement Policies on the Labour Market Outcomes of their Employees. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 69 (5): 1216-1248, 2016.
Elena Denisova-Schmidt, Martin Huber and Elvira Leontyeva. On the Development of Students' Attitudes towards Corruption and Cheating in Russian Universities. European Journal of Higher Education, 6 (2): 128-143, 2016.
Elena Denisova-Schmidt, Martin Huber and Yaroslav Prytula. An Experimental Evaluation of an Anti-Corruption Intervention among Ukrainian University Students. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 56 (6): 713-734, 2016.
Elena Denisova-Schmidt, Martin Huber and Elvira Leontyeva. Do Anti-Corruption Educational Campaigns Reach Students? Some Evidence from Russia and Ukraine. Educational Studies Moscow, 1, 61-83, 2016.
Martin Huber, Michael Lechner and Giovanni Mellace. The finite sample performance of estimators for mediation analysis under sequential conditional independence. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 34 (1): 139-160, 2016.
Tjasa Bjedov, Thierry Madiès and Marie-Claire Villeval. Communication and Coordination in a two-stage game. Economic Inquiry, 54: 1519–1540, 2016.
Sergio Rossi. The euro must be abandoned to achieve European monetary integration. International Journal of Political Economy, 45 (1): 72-84, 2016.
Berno Buechel, Tim Hellmann and Stefan Klössner. Opinion dynamics and wisdom under conformity. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 52 (C): 240–257, 2015.
Berno Buechel and Nils Roehl. Robust equilibria in location games. European Journal of Operational Research, 240 (2): 505–517, 2015.
David Stadelmann, Marco Portmann and Reiner Eichenberger. Income and policy choices. Evidence from parliamentary décisions and referenda. Economics Letters, 135: 117-20, 2015.
David Stadelmann, Marco Portmann and Reiner Eichenberger. Military careers of politicians matter for national security policy. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 116: 142-56, 2015.
Sebastian Böhm, Volker Grossmann and Thomas M. Steger. Does Expansion of Higher Education Lead to Trickle-Down Growth. Journal of Public Economics, 132: 79-94, 2015.
Philippe Gugler, Michael Keller and Xavier Tinguely. The role of clusters in the global innovation strategy of MNEs: Theoretical foundations and evidence from the Basel pharmaceutical cluster. Competitiveness Review, 25 (3): 324-340, 2015.
Philippe Gugler and Laura Vanoli. Technology-sourcing investment abroad as an enhancer of Chinese MNEs’ innovative capabilities. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 10 (2): 243-271, 2015.
Martin Huber and Blaise Melly. A test of the conditional independence assumption in sample selection models. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30 (7): 1144-1168, 2015.
Martin Huber, Michael Lechner and Conny Wunsch. Workplace health promotion and labour market performance of employees. Journal of Health Economics, 43, 170–189, 2015.
Martin Huber, Michael Lechner and Andreas Steinmayr. Radius matching on the propensity score with bias adjustment: finite sample behaviour, tuning parameters and software implementation. Empirical Economics, 49 (1): 1-31, 2015.
Martin Huber. Causal pitfalls in the decomposition of wage gaps. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 33 (2): 179-191, 2015.
Martin Huber and Giovanni Mellace. Testing instrument validity for LATE identification based on inequality moment constraints. Review of Economics and Statistics, 97(2): 398-411, 2015.
Martin Huber. Testing the validity of the sibling sex ratio instrument. LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 29 (1): 1-14, 2015.
Martin Huber and Giovanny Mellace. Sharp bounds on causal effects under sample selection. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 77 (1): 129-151, 2015.
Bernhard Boockmann, Stephan L. Thomsen, Thomas Walter, Christian Göbel and Martin Huber. Should Welfare Administration be Centralized or Decentralized? Evidence from a Policy Experiment. German Economic Review, 16 (1): 13-42, 2015.
Giuseppe Mastromatteo and Sergio Rossi. The economics of deflation in the euro area: a critique of fiscal austerity. Review of Keynesian Economics, 3 (3): 336-350, 2015.
Sergio Rossi. Structural reforms in payment systems to avoid another systemic crisis. Review of Keynesian Economics, 3 (2): 213-225, 2015.
Berno Buechel, Tim Hellmann and Michael M. Pichler. The dynamics of continuous cultural traits in social networks. Journal of Economic Theory, 154 (C): 274–309, 2014.
Berno Buechel. Condorcet winners on median spaces. Social Choice and Welfare, 42 (3): 735–750, 2014.
Berno Buechel, Eike Emrich and Stefanie Pohlkamp. Nobody’s innocent: the role of customers in the doping dilemma. Journal of Sports Economics, 17 (8): 767-789, 2014.
David Stadelmann, Marco Portmann and Reiner Eichenberger. Politicians and preferences of the voter majority: Does gender matter? Economics & Politics, 26 (3): 355-379, 2014.
David Stadelmann, Marco Portmann and Reiner Eichenberger. The Law of Large Districts: How District Magnitude Affects the Quality of Political Representation. European Journal of Political Economy, 35, 128-140, 2014.
David Stadelmann and Reiner Eichenberger. Public Debts Capitalize into Property Prices: Empirical Evidence for a New Perspective on Debt Incidence. International Tax and Public Finance, 21 (3): 498-529, 2014.
David Stadelmann, Marco Portmann and Reiner Eichenberger. Full transparency of politicians' actions does not increase the quality of political decisions. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 1 (1): 16-23, 2014.
David Stadelmann, Reiner Eichenberger and Marco Portmann. Voting against the separation of powers between legislature and administration. Constitutional Political Economy, 25 (2): 207-229, 2014.
Timo Boppart, Josef Falkinger and Volker Grossmann. Protestantism and Education: Reading (the Bible) and Other Skills. Economic Inquiry, 52 (2): 874-895, 2014.
Holger Herz, Daniel Schunk and Christian Zehnder. How do Judgmental Overconfidence and Overoptimism shape Innovative Activity? Games and Economic Behavior, 83, 1-23, 2014.
Thomas Åstebro, Holger Herz, Ramana Nanda and Roberto Weber. Seeking the Roots of Entrepreneurship: Insights from Behavioral Economics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 28(3): 49-70, 2014.
Björn Bartlin, Ernst Fehr and Holger Herz. The Intrinsic Value of Decision Rights. Econometrica, 82(6): 2005-2039, 2014.
Markus Frölich and Martin Huber. Treatment evaluation with multiple outcome periods under endogeneity and attrition. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109 (508): 1697-1711, 2014.
Martin Huber and Giovanni Mellace. Testing exclusion restrictions and additive separability in sample selection models. Empirical Economics, 47 (1): 75-92, 2014.
Martin Huber. Identifying causal mechanisms (primarily) based on inverse probability weighting. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29 (6): 920-943, 2014.
Elena Denisova-Schmidt and Martin Huber. Regional Differences in Perceived Corruption among Ukrainian Firms. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 55 (1): 10-36, 2014.
Martin Huber. Sensitivity checks for the local average treatment effect. Economics Letters, 123 (2): 220-223, 2014.
Martin Huber. Treatment evaluation in the presence of sample selection. Econometric Reviews, 33 (8): 869-905, 2014.
Tjasa Bjedov, Simon Lapointe and Thierry Madiès. The impact of within-party and between-party ideological dispersion on fiscal outcomes: evidence from Swiss cantonal parliaments. Public Choice, 161 (1-2): 209-232, 2014.
Simon Lüchinger, Mark Schelker and Alois Stutzer. Governance, Bureaucratic Rents and Well-Being Differentials Across U.S. States. Oxford Economic Papers 66 (2): 443-464, 2014.
Berno Buechel and Vincent Buskens. The dynamics of closeness and betweenness. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 37 (3): 159–191, 2013.
Christelle Dumas. Market imperfections and child labor. World Development, 42: 127-142, 2013.
David Stadelmann, Marco Portmann and Reiner Eichenberger. Quantifying Parliamentary Representation of Constituents' Preferences with Quasi-Experimental Data. Journal of Comparative Economics, 41 (1): 170-180, 2013.
David Stadelmann, Marco Portmann and Reiner Eichenberger. Voters elect politicians who closely matched their preferences. Economics Bulletin, 33 (2): 1001-1009, 2013.
Marco Portmann, David Stadelmann and Reiner Eichenberger. District Magnitude and Representation of the Majority's Preferences: A reply and new perspectives. Public Choice, 154 (1-2): 149-151, 2013.
Volker Grossmann, Thomas M. Steger and Timo Trimborn. The Macroeconomics of TANSTAAFL. Journal of Macroeconomics, 38, Part A: 76-85, 2013.
Volker Grossmann and David Stadelmann. Wage Effects of High-skilled Migration: International Evidence. World Bank Economic Review, 27 (2): 297-319, 2013.
Volker Grossmann. Do Cost-Sharing and Entry Deregulation Curb Pharmaceutical Innovation? Journal of Health Economics, 32 (5): 881-894, 2013.
Volker Grossmann. Structural Change, Urban Congestion, and the End of Growth. Review of Development Economics, 17 (2): 165-181, 2013.
Volker Grossmann and Thomas M. Steger. Optimal Growth Policy: The Role of Skill Heterogeneity. Economics Letters, 119 (2): 162–164, 2013.
Josef Falkinger and Volker Grossmann. Oligarchic Land Ownership, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development. Journal of Development Economics, 101 (1): 206-215, 2013.
Timo Boppart, Josef Falkinger, Volker Grossmann, Ulrich Woitek and Gabriela Wüthrich. Under Which Conditions Does Religion Affect Educational Outcomes? Explorations in Economic History 50 (2): 242-266, 2013.
Volker Grossmann, Thomas M. Steger and Timo Trimborn. Dynamically Optimal R&D Subsidization. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 37 (1): 516-534, 2013.
Ernst Fehr, Holger Herz and Tom Wilkening. The Lure of Authority: Motivation and Incentive Effects of Power. American Economic Review, 103(4): 1325-59, 2013.
Martin Huber. A simple test for the ignorability of non-compliance in experiments. Economics Letters, 120 (3): 389-391, 2013.
Martin Huber, Michael Lechner und Conny Wunsch. The performance of estimators based on the propensity score. Journal of Econometrics, 175 (1): 1-21, 2013.
Thierry Madiès, Marie-Claire Villeval and Malgorzata Wasmer. Intergenerational Attitudes Towards Strategic Uncertainty and Competition: A Field Experiment in a Swiss Bank. European Economic Review, 61: 153-168, 2013.
Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi. Endogenous money: the evolutionary versus revolutionary views. Review of Keynesian Economics, 1 (2): 210-229, 2013.
Mark Schelker. Auditors and Corporate Governance: Evidence from the Public Sector. Kyklos 66 (2): 275-300, 2013.
Berno Buechel and Tim Hellmann. Under-connected and over-connected networks: the role of externalities in strategic network formation. Review of Economic Design, 16 (1): 71–87, 2012.
Christelle Dumas. Does work impede child learning? The case of Senegal. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 60 (4): 773-793, 2012.
Reiner Eichenberger, David Stadelmann and Marco Portmann. A Comparative Analysis of the Voting Behavior of Constituents and their Representatives for Public Debts. Constitutional Political Economy, 23 (3): 244-260, 2012.
David Stadelmann, Reiner Eichenberger and Marco Portmann. Evaluating the Median Voter Model's Explantory Power. Economics Letters, 114 (3): 312-314, 2012.
Reiner Eichenberger and David Stadelmann. Consequences of Debt Capitalization: Property Ownership and Debt vs. Tax Choice. Southern Economic Journal, 78 (3): 976-998, 2012.
Marco Portmann, David Stadelmann and Reiner Eichenberger. District Magnitude and Representation of the Majority's Preferences: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Popular and Parliamentry Votes. Public Choice, 151 (3-4): 585-610, 2012.
Volker Grossmann and David Stadelmann. Does High-Skilled Migration Affect Publicly Financed Investments? Review of International Economics, 20 (5): 944-959, 2012.
Hartmut Egger, Josef Falkinger and Volker Grossmann. Brain Drain, Fiscal Competition, and Public Education Expenditure. Review of International Economics, 20 (1): 81-94, 2012.
Martin Huber. Identification of average treatment effects in social experiments under alternative forms of attrition. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 37 (3): 443-474, 2012.
Bernard Dafflon and Sergio Rossi. Repairing the original sin of the European Monetary Union. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 5 (2): 102-123, 2012.
Nadia F. Piffaretti and Sergio Rossi. An institutional approach to balancing international monetary relations: the case for a US-China settlement facility. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2 (17): 1-11, 2012.
Mark Schelker. Auditor Expertise: Evidence from the Public Sector. Economics Letters, 116 (3): 432-435, 2012.
Mark Schelker. The Influence of Auditor Term Length and Term Limits on US State General Obligation Bond Ratings. Public Choice, 150 (1): 27-49, 2012.
Christelle Dumas and Sylvie Lambert. Educational achievement and socioeconomic background: causality and mechanisms in Senegal. Journal of African Economies, 20 (1): 1-26, 2011.
Volker Grossmann and David Stadelmann. Does International Mobility of High-Skilled Workers Aggravate Between-Country Inequality? Journal of Development Economics, 95 (1): 88-94, 2011.
Martin Huber, Michael Lechner and Conny Wunsch. Does Leaving Welfare Improve Health? Evidence for Germany. Health Economics, 20 (4): 484-504, 2011.
Martin Huber, Michael Lechner, Conny Wunsch and Thomas Walter. Do German Welfare-to-Work Programmes Reduce Welfare Dependency and Increase Employment? German Economic Review, 12 (2): 182-204, 2011.
Martin Huber. Testing for covariate balance using nonparametric quantile regression and resampling methods. Journal of Applied Statistics, 38 (12): 2881-2899, 2011.
Jean-Jacques Dethier and Thierry Madiès. Fiscal competition and decentralization in developing countries. World Bank Public Policy Research, Working Papers no. 5311, 2010. Also published in: Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy, 2011.
Fabio Panzera and Sergio Rossi. «Too-big-to-fail» financial institutions: risks and remedies. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 4 (3): 311-327, 2011.
Sergio Rossi. Can it happen again? Structural policies to avert further systemic crises. International Journal of Political Economy, 40 (2): 61-78, 2011.
Gebhard Kirchgässner and Mark Schelker. Federalism and Exit Costs. Constitutional Political Economy, 22: 191-197, 2011.
Christelle Dumas. Chocs et dynamiques des choix d'allocation du temps des enfants au Sénégal. Cahiers du Cedimes, April 2010.
Mark Schelker and Reiner Eichenberger. Auditors and Fiscal Policy: Empirical Evidence on a Little Big Institution. Journal of Comparative Economics, 38: 357-380, 2010.
Reiner Eichenberger and David Stadelmann. How Federalism Protects Future Generations from Today's Public Debts. Review of Law&Economics (BEP), 6 (3) article 5, 2010.
Hartmut Egger, Peter Egger, Josef Falkinger and Volker Grossmann. The Impact of Capital Market Integration on Educational Choice and the Consequences for Economic Growth. The World Economy, 33 (10): 1241-1268, 2010.
Tomer Blumkin and Volker Grossmann. May Increased Partisanship Lead to Convergence of Parties' Policy Platforms? Public Choice, 145 (3): 547-569, 2010.
Volker Grossmann and Holger Strulik. Should Continued Family Firms Face Lower Taxes Than Other Estates? Journal of Public Economics, 94 (1-2): 87–101, 2010.
Marie-Laure Breuillé, Thierry Madiès and Emmanuelle Taugourdeau. Gross versus net equalization scheme in a federation with decentralized leadership. Journal of Urban Economics, 68: 205-214, 2010.
Pierre-André Cordey and Sergio Rossi. Financial stability needs global time. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 3 (2): 217-229, 2010.
Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi. The 2007-2009 economic and financial crisis: an analysis in terms of monetary circuits. European Journal of Economic and Social Systems, 23 (1): 7-23, 2010.
Sergio Rossi. Financial stability requires macroeconomic foundations of macroeconomics. Journal of Philosophical Economics, 3 (2): 58-73, 2010.
Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi. Has «it» happened again? International Journal of Political Economy, 39 (2): 5-9 2010.
Bruno S. Frey, Reiner Eichenberger and René L. Frey. Editorial Ruminations: Publishing Kyklos. Kyklos 62 (2): 151-160, 2009.
Volker Grossmann. Entrepreneurial Innovation and Economic Growth. Journal of Macroeconomics, 31 (4): 602–613, 2009.
Volker Grossmann and Panu Poutvaara. Pareto-Improving Bequest Taxation. International Tax and Public Finance, 16 (5): 647-669, 2009.
Nelly Exbrayat, Stéphanie Riou and Thierry Madiès. International tax competition: do public good spillovers matter? International Tax and Public Finance, 2009.
Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Reiner Eichenberger. Fairness in Extended Dictator Game Experiments. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analyses & Policy, 8 (1): article 16, 2008.
Volker Grossmann and Thomas Steger. Anti-Competitive Conduct, In-House R&D, and Growth. European Economic Review, 52 (6): 987-1008, 2008.
Volker Grossmann. Risky Human Capital Investment, Income Distribution, and Macroeconomic Dynamics. Journal of Macroeconomics, 30 (1): 19-42, 2008.
Volker Grossmann. Advertising, In-House R&D, and Growth. Oxford Economic Papers, 60 (1): 168-191, 2008.
Thierry Madiès. Do vertical externalities lead to tax rates being too high? A note. Annals of Regional Science, 42 (1): 225-233, 2008.
Martial Foucault, Thierry Madiès and Sonia Paty. Public spending interactions and local politics. Empirical evidence from French municipalities. Public Choice, 137: 57-80, 2008.
Sergio Rossi. Money and technology: the role of banks in the (over-)accumulation of capital. European Journal of Economic and Social Systems, 21 (2): 213-231, 2008.
Christelle Dumas. Why do parents make their children work? A test of the poverty hypothesis in rural areas of Burkina Faso. Oxford Economic Papers, 59 (2): 301-329, 2007.
Reiner Eichenberger and Mark Schelker. Controlling Government by Independent and Competing Political Agencies. Public Choice, 130, 79-98, 2007.
Reiner Eichenberger and Mark Schelker. Independent and Competing Agencies: An Effective Way to Control Government. Public Choice 130, 79-98, 2007.
Volker Grossmann. How to Promote R&D-based Growth? Public Education Expenditure on Scientists and Engineers versus R&D-Subsidies. Journal of Macroeconomics, 29 (4): 891-911, 2007.
Volker Grossmann. Firm Size, Productivity, and Manager Wages: A Job Assignment Approach. B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 7 (Advances), Article 8, 2007.
Volker Grossmann. Firm Size and Diversification: Multiproduct Firms in Asymmetric Oligopoly. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 25 (1): 51-67, 2007.
Mathieu Leprince, Thierry Madiès and Sonia Paty. Business tax interactions among local governments: An empirical analysis of the French case. Journal of Regional Science, 47 (3): 603-621, 2007.
Sergio Rossi. International capital flows within the European Monetary Union: increasing economic divergence between the centre and the periphery. Intervention Journal of Economics, 4 (2): 309-329, 2007.
Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi. Central banking and post-Keynesian economics. Review of Political Economy, 19 (4): 539-554, 2007.