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On the Future of a Young Discipline: Islamic-theological Studies between Systematic and Practical Research

Academic or specialist Colloquium / Congress / Forum
30.05.2022 10:15 - 31.05.2022 17:15

It has become generally recognised that Muslims living in Switzerland and Europe have a need for academic reflection on their religion. This developement also requires an Islamic self-interpretation within new contexts of religiously and culturally plural societies. Islamic theological Studies aim to take this need into account and offer a platform for the academic as well as social negotiation of these processes. For Islamic-theological Studies as a field, however, this also entails key questions about content, conceptual and institutional design: What should be the relationship between systematic and practical research? Which subjects should be prioritised, which topics put aside? What methodological approaches can Islamic theological studies draw on and how do they relate to neighbouring disciplines in cultural sciences and humanities on the one hand and theologies on the other? Finally, the question of what ultimately makes Islamic-theological Studies “Islamic” also gives rise to some discussions. Is it the actors within Islamic-theological Studies who define themselves as Muslim? Is it the subject of “Islam” that gives the young discipline legitimacy? Or is it possibly a certain way of speaking that is characterised by a will to further develop Islamic religion? Despite all these unresolved questions, it is clear that Islamic-theological Studies can only be meaningfully when grounded in exchanges with and in relation to society. They must be able to take up and scientifically utilise diverse questions and needs in reference to Islam. How this need is concretely reflected in the academic organisation and what further consequences this has for research is one of the many questions that the conference is intended to address.

When? 30.05.2022 10:15    -    31.05.2022 17:15
Where? Paulus Akademie
Pfingstweidstrasse 28, 8005 Zürich  
Contact Centre Suisse Islam et Société
Valérie Benghezal
rue du Criblet 13
1700 Fribourg

Fees including lunch and coffee breaks 60.-/30.- (Students) Evening roundtable (Free) Lectures and panels will be held in English and German with simultaneous interpretation available


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